Great Plains
| 195-440M | 2019-05-03
Disk Blade Adjustments
Opener disc angle and stagger is not adjustable, but
disc-to-disc spacing is, and may need attention as discs
experience normal wear. Spacers will need to be reset
when blades are replaced.
The ideal spacing causes the blades to be in contact for
about one inch. If you insert two pieces of paper between
the blades, the gap between them should be 0 to 1.75in
If the contact region is significantly larger or smaller (or
there is no contact at all), it needs to be adjusted by
moving one or more spacer washers. If the contact
region varies with blade rotation, one or both blades is
likely bent and in need of replacement.
Adjusting Disc Contact
Sharp Object Hazard:
Row unit disk blades may be sharp. Use caution when making
adjustments in this area.
1. Raise the drill and lock it up by moving the
Transport/Field handle to TRANS.
2. Remove the bolt retaining the opener disc on one
side. Carefully remove the blade , noting how
many spacers are outside the flange dust cover
and inside the disk. Do not lose the hub components
and spacers.
3. To reduce the spacing between the discs (the normal
case), move one spacer washer from the inside to
the outside of the flange dust cover.
4. Re-assemble and check disc contact.
Figure 61
Checking Disk Contact
Figure 62
Adjusting Disk Spacers