Ordinary electric screen (M) manual control mode:
S cr een ma nua l c ontrol s witc h (F igure 1)
Open the screen (Fig. 2): Press the “ ” position of the control switch, the
screen will automatically drop, and the lower limit will stop automatically.
Figure 1
Opening screen
A C 220~230V
50~60H z ,10 0W
Yellow green
K 1
In order to maintain good performance of screen, please
cover the screen with cloth if it is not used for a long term
to prevent dust and dirt from screen. If there are apparent
varias or dirt on screen material, please use soft brush or
cloth to clean it.
Clean the screen material
Rub gently according to grain of velvet frame with warm
water mixed with soft detergent. (Please be noted that it
should be gently rubbed instead of scrubbing hard).
Please prevent from hitting the frame in case of damage
of velvet. By finishing cleaning, let frames dry itself.
Please do not use any dissolvent, chemical agent or any
tool with strong friction for clean, which would cause
permanent damage to the screen.
Add: No. 43 South International Trade Avenue, Hualong
Town, Panyu, Guangzhou, GuangDong, China
Tel: +86-20-84899499
L E - M
L E - MI
L E - MF
Legacy Tab Tension Series Product Manual
Applicable Model:
W ire- controlled electric sc reen
Intelligent electric sc reen
Retract the screen (Fig. 3): Press the “ ” position of the control switch, the
screen will be automatically recycled, and the upper limit will stop automatically.
Stop the screen operation: To stop the screen operation, place the control
switch at the center point “ ” and the screen stops.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Retract screen
Screen retracted
(black wire)
(blue wire)
(brown wire)
A djus tment method for scr een rec overy height (upper limit pos ition) a nd
unfolding height (lower limit pos ition):
If it is ne c es s a ry to a djus t the limit height due to the ins ta lla tion environme nt or the
limita tions of the s ite.
T he upper and lower limits can be adjus ted by adjusting the motor pos itioner inside
the lower left of the sc reen by the motor pos itioning adjustment tool. As sh own below:
No te: W hen the scr een rec overy height is a djus ted beyond the upper limit, the scr een
will a utoma tic a lly drop. In this c a s e, plea s e pres s s top (c a n be c ontrolled by ma nua l /
tra ns mitter), a nd the green knob c a n be rota ted c lock wis e to fine tune.
Screen upper
and lower limit
Screen upper limit switch
Green knob
Recovery height (upper limit)
Clockwise adjustment:
move down
Counterclockwise adjustment:
move up
Yellow knob
Expand height (lower limit)
Clockwise adjustment:
move down
Counterclockwise adjustment:
move up
P lea s e be careful. W hen adjusting the recovery height, prevent the sc reen from being
caught too much and caus e the motor and s creen to be damaged. W hen adjusting the
unfolding height, the height of the black edge on the s creen can only be increas ed
within 10cm, otherwis e the sc reen will fall off ea si ly;
E lectrical Sc reen parameters :
voltage AC2 20- 230V /50-6 0Hz, cur rent 0.5A, power 10 0W .
RF remote (F): Voltage 3V, use CR2032*2 battery;
Radio Freqency: 868MHz
IR remote
: Voltage 3V, use CR2032 battery