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GWN7000 User Manual
Native IPv6
Used to enable assigning IPv6 address to GWN7000. Once checked users will be
able to configure following fields: “IPv6 Address Assignment”, “Preferred IPv6
DNS”, “Alternate IPv6 DNS” and “IPv6 Relay to LAN”.
IPv6 Address
This option is appearing when enabling “Native IPv6” option.
Select "Auto" to get an IPv6 address from DHCP server or "Static" to configure
manually an IPv6 address. If set to Static, the following fields should be configured:
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
Used to set an IPv6 address/Prefix length when using Static IPv6 option
IPv6 Gateway
Used to define the Gateway’s IPv6 address.
IPv6 Prefix/IPv6 Prefix Length
Enter the IPv6 prefix and IPv6 prefix length.
Preferred IPv6 DNS
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled.
It is used to set a preferred DNS server address (IPv6 address). If Preferred DNS
is set, GWN7000 will use it in priority.
Alternate IPv6 DNS
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled.
It is used to set an Alternate DNS server address (IPv6 address). If Preferred DNS
is set, GWN7000 will use it in when the Preferred DNS fails.
IPv6 Relay to LAN
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled.
When enabled the GWN7000 will relay IPv6 address to LAN clients
VLAN Tagging
Used to enable VLAN tagging. If set to “0” the VLAN tagging will be disabled,
otherwise set a VLAN value between 2 and 4093. Default is 0.
Additional WAN Port
Users have the ability to create virtual wan interfaces that would be mapped with a specific physical wan
port (either WAN1 or 2 or NET port when configured as WAN port) and use VLAN tags for each additional
wan port.
There is a limit of 15 wan ports to be supported including physical and logical wan ports.
Go under “
” to add a logical wan port and the attach it to a physical
As for the configuration parameters please refer to