Assemble the Displacement
If it was necessary to remove the piston ball
housing (10) from the displacement rod (1)
a. Clean the threads of the rod and the ball
housing apply anti-seize (20*).
b. Screw the ball housing onto the rod, hand tight.
c. Place the flats of the piston ball housing in a
vise and torque the rod to 386–407 N
m (285–
For standard displacement pump 237514
, place
the piston packings on the piston seat housing (16)
in the following order, with the lips of the v-packings
facing up (see the Piston Packing Stack Detail in
the female gland (15*)
one PTFE v-packing (14*)
four leather v-packings (12*)
the male gland (13*)
If your pump uses an optional packing
configuration, or you want to convert the pump to a
different packing material, see
3. Place the flats of the piston seat housing (16) in a
4. Place the ball (11*) on the housing and apply
anti-seize (20*) to threads. Screw the piston ball
housing (10) onto the piston seat housing hand
tight, then torque to 386–407 N
m (285–300 ft-lb).
For standard displacement pump 237514,
lubricate the throat packings and place them in the
outlet housing (7) in the following order with the lips
of the v-packings facing down (see the Throat
Packing Stack Detail in F
the male gland (6*)
four leather v-packings (3*)
one PTFE v-packing (5*)
the female gland (4*)
If your pump uses an optional packing
configuration, or you want to convert the pump to a
different packing material, see
6. Apply anti-seize (20*) and install the packing nut (2)
loosely into the outlet housing (7).
7. Lubricate the piston packings. Slide the
displacement rod (1) and piston assembly down into
the cylinder (9).
The cylinder is symmetrical, so either end may
face up.
8. Use a rubber mallet to drive the rod into the cylinder,
until the piston seat housing (16) is near the bottom
of the cylinder.
9. Install the seal (8*) on the top of the cylinder (9).
Lubricate the seal and apply anti seize (20*) to
threads of the cylinder.
10. Place the outlet housing (7) in a vise, as shown in
11. Slide the displacement rod (1) up into the outlet
housing, then screw the cylinder (9) into the outlet
housing hand tight.
The threads will engage easily until the seal (8*)
contacts the sealing surface of the outlet housing. The
top of the rod will protrude from the packing nut (2).
12. Install the seal (8*) on the bottom of the cylinder (9).
Lubricate the seal and apply anti seize (20*) to
threads of the cylinder.
13. With the beveled ball stop surfaces (SS) facing
. 5, page 18), screw the intake
housing (18) onto the cylinder hand tight.
The threads will engage easily until the seal
contacts the sealing surface of the intake housing.
14. Install the seal (8*) on the intake valve (19).
Lubricate the seal and apply anti seize (20*) to
threads of the intake valve.
15. Place the intake ball (17*) in the intake housing (18),
then screw the intake valve into the intake housing
hand tight.
The threads will engage easily until the seal
contacts the sealing surface of the intake housing.
All rebuild kits are supplied with anti-seize. Failure to
apply anti-seize during the reassembly process
greatly increases the chances of galling.