Care and Use
Quilting Tips:
- Be Careful not to sew too close to the edge, to prevent hitting the Bungee Clamps, or running off the
edge of the quilt. Also, if you are using side leaders, avoid accidentally stitching the leader to your quilt.
- If your quilt will fit onto your frame length-wise attach your quilt’s fabric to the rails along it’s length.
You will have to roll the quilt less often, since your work surface will be as large as possible. Also, the
quilt will not be as large under the arm of the machine when you get to the end.
- Make sure to turn off your sewing machine any time you leave your quilting room.
- Keeping the fabric on the Take-Up Rail, just slightly above the bed of the sewing machine, yields the
best results. If the fabric is too high off the bed, thread and needle breakage may occur. If it is pressing
down on the bed of the machine it will be difficult to roll the sewing machine on the frame.
- When rolling the quilt, pull the batting a little to each side to make sure that it is not bunching. After
rolling and tightening all the rails, check under the quilt to see that the back is smooth.
Stitch Regulating:
- If the machine only appears to be stitch regulating in one direction, make sure the encoder cords are
plugged in tightly on both ends. Make sure the encoder O-rings are contacting the track and rolling
when the machine is moving on the carriage.
Bungee Clamps:
- If it is necessary to use the bungee clamps over the batting on your quilt, turn the bungee clamps
upside down so the rubber grip in the clamp is gripping against the bottom fabric instead of the batting.
Having the rubber grip clamp against the batting is less effective than having it clamp against the fabric.
Fabric Issues:
- Do not over tighten the fabric on the quilting frame. Stretching the fabric will result in a quilt that does
not lay flat when it is finished.
Frame Cleaning:
- Regularly clean the wheels and track of your carriage and frame. Lint from the batting will build up
quickly causing the carriage not to roll as smoothly and eventually damage the track.
Rolling Issues:
- Check the alignment on the carriage and the track so the carriages both roll smoothly. It is not
necessary to make all the wheels touch as long as the carriage rolls smoothly. To readjust the carriage
or track follow steps described in step 6.