m908 User Manual, Rev. G
MONO, MUTE, DIM, and L-R processing. However, there will be 4ms of latency from
Cue in to headphones out.
If a Cue input is assigned to a digital input connector the input signal must be at the same
sample rate and synchronous with the System Clock Source. If any Cue input is at a different
sample rate from the System Clock Source it's
signal will be muted. However,
TALKBACK and MON/CUE will remain active. When any of the Cue paths are muted due to
sample rate mismatch "cue ip mute" will illuminate in the Speaker Layout area of the RCU
To avoid muting Cue inputs on sample rate mismatches it is recommended to assign Cue
inputs to ADC input channels.
The m908 has a flexible talkback system that can be adapted to a wide range of applications.
There is a microphone built in to the RCU and a talkback mic amp built in to the ACU. The
talkback microphones can be controlled from multiple trigger sources and routed to multiple
CUE paths. Trigger sources include the RCU TALKBACK switch, an external talkback switch
jack on the ACU, A B and C User switches, and GPIO input pins. As well, GPIO pins can be
programmed to output a logic level tally when talkback is active. Multiple routing configurations
allow different talkback triggers to route talkback audio to various CUE sends. For instance, you
can have the main TALKBACK switch on the RCU send talkback audio to all cue sends while
USER A switch can send talkback audio to only a specific CUE output.
The analog XLR Talkback Output jack on the ACU outputs the talkback signal from the
currently active talkback mic. This allows the Talkback signal to be sent to other headphone
systems or studio playback speakers.
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Illustration 23: Cue Input Mute Indication