English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
This menu enables setting the various CAN Bus parameters. In order to be able to use
the CAN bus interface it is necessary to activate it by pressing
Figure 18
Menu: C(A)N-Parameters
The functions
refer to a special function that is not part
of the scope of the current documentation.
enables the generation of telegrams either as standard frames according
to CAN2.0A or as extended frames according to CAN2.0B. Correspondingly it is pos-
sible to either set the Identifier
(CAN address) as 11 bit value (0-2047) or as 29 bit
value (0-536870911).
The identifier selectable under
corresponds to the transmitted frames for the Mes-
sage Object 1 (Table 7 on page 24). The identifier selectable under
refers to the
Message Object 2 (Table 8 on page 24),
refers to the Message Object 3 (Table 9
on page 25). Input of 0 deactivates the corresponding Message Object.
audrate: You can either select a predefined data rate or configure the bit timing
. The resulting baudrate and sample point are displayed immediately.
Usually the predefined baud rates should work for most applica-
tions. Only change the bit timings if you really know what you do!
switches between a permanent output according to the
Clock for Sampling
with (
) and only generating the output whenever a Transponder is decoded within
the field (
S:0007 D:-007 D_Y:+32767 Code: 0000affe Read: 7: N: 0
Frx[/Hz]:66760 Ftx[/Hz]:127980
U[/mV]:24000 I[/mA]: 270 T[Grd.C]:+33 E: 0802 Noise 0
SR = 08: NO ERROR / TXOK / / /
(!)Antenna-ID: front (01)
(C)AN active YES
(I)dentifier: TX [0..2047]: 0
(A)-Identifier: TX [0..2047]: 0
(D)-Identifier: TX [0..2047]: 0
(S)-Identifier: TX [0..2047]: 10
CAN-(B)aud [20,50,125,250,500,1000 kB]: 500.0
B(R)P Baudrate Prescaler [0..63]: 0
S(J)W Sync Jump Width [0..3]: 0
Tseg(1) [2..15]: 15
Tseg(2) [1..7]: 2 sp: 80 %
(P)eriod [4.500mS]: 8
Co(n)tinous Telegrams 1
CAN on Re(m)ote Request 0
(F)reeze Values for n Telegrams [0..20]: 0
(O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 1
(Q)uit Menue