English, Revision 06, Date: 14.12.2016
Figure 19
Output „(D)isplay Telegram Content“
The parameter „(
)har Delaytime“ is the so-called character delay for the procedure
3964R (refer to appendix, section B „Procedure 3964R“ on page 47) and the timeout
period for incoming characters for the transparent procedure (refer to appendix, sec-
tion C „Procedure „transparent““ on page 49).
either activates the permanent output, according to the
Clock for Sampling
Menu Time&Code, refer to section on page 35), or generates the output solely
when a transponder is decoded within the reading range of the antenna (0).
S:0021 X:+0006 Code: 00000000 Read: 0:
Frx[/Hz]:66880 Ftx[/Hz]:127960
U[/mV]:24200 I[/mA]: 240 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0800 N: 0
STX 1 Bytes from Position: 1
Dummy 2 Bytes from Position: 2
CODE_H(L) 2 Bytes from Position: 4
CODE_L(H) 2 Bytes from Position: 6
SUM_1 2 Bytes from Position: 8
DIF_X 2 Bytes from Position: 10
Vcc 1 Bytes from Position: 12
Current 1 Bytes from Position: 13
Temp. 1 Bytes from Position: 14
CodesRd 1 Bytes from Position: 15
Rx-Freq. 2 Bytes from Position: 16
Tx-Freq. 2 Bytes from Position: 18
STATUS 2 Bytes from Position: 20