Device Description HG G-84300ZD | English, Revision 10 | Date: 01.06.2022
Chapter 5 – Configuration via USB
5.4 Logging (CSV)
With the command
Log data
in the monitor program (see above) the Gyro out
puts structured data every 100
ms. Each line consists of several sections (columns)
that are divided by commas. Using the terminal program those values can be written
into a file (recorded). The structure of the file conforms to the CSV format (Comma
Separated Values), which can be imported into and analyzed in spreadsheet applica
tions like Microsoft® Excel®.
The data is output as ASCII characters. The lines are closed with <CR LF>. Each line
consecutively includes the following values:
Rotation rate without drift,
Raw Data Sensor,
Bias Counter,
Bias Timer,
Bias OK Counter,
Bias OK flag,
Sensor Status 1,
Sensor Status 2,
Sensor Status 3,
Sensor Status 4,
CAN Input Command,
CAN Output Angle,
CAN Output Temperature,
CAN Output Status
5.5 Firmware Update
Start the monitor program (see section 5.3 on page 15).
Put the device into the DFU Modus (Device Firmware Upgrade) with
Close the connection via the COM port in the terminal program (
For the following steps you need the firmware as a
file as well as the software
by ST
Microelectronics. You can get the firmware file upon request from Göt
ting. The software
is available from the following address:
, install the program and start it. It starts into the Demo GUI
Mode which is sufficient to carry out the firmware update.
to select the
firmware file provided by Götting KG.