76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
MC-Config Program – Chapter 4
4.4.2 View
Figure 18
MC-Config Program: View Menu
4.4.3 Configure
Figure 19
MC-Config Program: Configure Menu
Table 10
MC-Config Program: Functions of the view menu
Menu item
Select Visible
With this function you can set which columns
of the list view are visible and which are not.
Copy list
This function is used to copy the text part of the list view includ
ing the information of the WLAN clients to the clipboard. With e.g.
a text editor this information can be further processed.
Autosize col
This function sets the width of all visible columns automatically
to a certain measure so that all information is visible. This action
can also be triggered when you click on the list view and press
the keys Ctrl+V.
Table 11
MC-Config Program: Functions of the configure menu (part 1 of 3)
Menu item
IP ranges
In particular if the MC-Config program is to connect to the WLAN
clients via WLAN and the WLAN system does not forward the
broadcast UDP packets that the MCConfig program sends to
search for the WLAN clients, it is necessary to scan specific IP
address ranges. This menu item is used to define the parameters
for scanning, for further information see 4.7.1 on page 30