Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 8: USB Data Logging: Scope of the Data
8.1 Opening logged Data in Excel®
The files on the stick may be viewed and analyzed in a spreadsheet calculation like e.g. Mi-
crosoft® Excel®. Firstly ensure that in your Windows® install the decimal separator is the
Control panel –> Regions and Languages –> More –> Control of decimal separator. If
necessary switch the decimal separator and the symbol for the grouping of digits.
Start the spreadsheet application (e.g. Excel®).
Use File –> Open and navigate to the stick. Set the file types to be shown to
Text files
(*.prn; *.txt; *.csv)
. All log files should appear. Double click on one to open it.
The text conversion assistant opens. In step 1/3 choose
and click on
In step 2/3 set check mark for
, click
In step 3/3 click on
Finish assistant
In order to make all column headings fully visible mark all cells (e.g. with the symbol
left of the A in column A), then go to
Format –> Adjust column width automatically
8.2 List of logged Parameters
The following tabel lists all the parameters that the Control Unit logs to a USB memory stick.
Time stamp of the internal clock of the Control Unit. The unit millisecond has
been removed so that it‘s easier to use the values in Excel® (see next entry).
The unit belonging to the time stamp (see entry above)
Actual Direction
Actual moving direction of the vehicle zero point in [
Actual Heading
Actual heading of the vehicle in [
Actual Pos X
Actual X position of the vehicle zero point in [m]
Actual Pos Y
Actual Y position of the vehicle zero point in [m]
Actual Speed
Actual speed of the vehicle zero point in [m/s]
Actual Speed Avg.
Actual speed averaged from the last 5 measuring periods in [m/s]. Algebraic
sign is removed. Used to estimate the position with the parameter "Time For-
Actual System
Currently used sensorfusion
Actual Dist
Traveled distance since the last referencing via the currently used sensorfusion
(only applicable when the internal sensorfusion is in use)
Actual Accur.
Estimated current accuracy of the currently used sensorfusion
Target Direction
Target direction of the vehicle zero point in [
Target Heading
Target heading of the vehicle in [
Target Pos X
Target X position of the vehicle zero point in [m]
Target Pos Y
Target Y position of the vehicle zero point in [m]
Target Speed
Target speed for the segment in [m/s] (valid for the fastest wheel)
Target Speed Ramp
Target speed for the segment with the set speed ramp in [m/s] (valid for the
fastest wheel)
Error Heading
Error vehicle orientation in [
Error Center
Error of the vehicle zero point vertical to the direction of movement in the seg-
ment in [m]
Table 50
List of the parameters logged on a USB memory stick (part 1 of 10)