Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Software – Chapter 6 (W)rite Transponder
Transponders can not only be programmed using the corresponding system command (see
Table 8 on page 20) but also by entering
. Therefore, enter a max. 5 digit code as hex num-
ber. Then put a RW transponder in reading distance in the antenna field and run the pro-
gramming with
(Return) or
. (S)erial Interface
Changes in this menu are only effective after a system reset (turning off and on the anten-
na). Depending on which change was proceeded, you may have to alter the baud rate /
choose another text document in order to launch the monitor (see chapter 6.2.1 on page
Figure 14
Menu: (S)erial Interface
By entering
you can switch between 9600 and 19200 baud. With
the desired proce-
dure can be chosen - 3964R, transparent or monitor only. When choosing 3964R the con-
firmation delay time can be set additionally.
you can choose whether the highest or the lowest byte is to be put out first. If the
device is connected to a Siemens PLC the parameter has to be set to 0 (
High Byte
) .
By using
the configuration of the output telegramm can be influenced. The check sum
cannot be removed at transparent protocol.
According to the in values presented in Table 6 „Data words of a telegr. w. 13 byte length
(equals 12 data bytes)“ on page 19, you can determine the components of the telegram T
by hexadecimal addition. The order of the parameter cannot be influenced. It always corre-
sponds to the order in the table!
You only want to have code, start sign and system status as output: Enter the values
(corresponding to the table) 20, 2 and 1 for STX; giving
. The length of the telegram is 4
bytes for the code, 1 byte for STX and 2 bytes for the status, this gives
S:0008 D:-0008 Code: 000f0000 Read: 10 E: 8120 N: 0 Ftx[Hz]:128000
(B)audrate: 9600
(P)rozedur Transparent
(O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 0
(T)elegram Content Mask [0..3F]: 0000003f
(D)isplay Telegram Content
(C)har-Delaytime [100..220ms]: 220
Co(n)tinous Telegrams 1
(S)erial Data Periode [1..1000ms]: 8
(Q)uit Menue