Please read carefully. Observing the following statements and warnings
reduces the likelihood of serious or fatal injury.
This play system is recommended for children (3) through (11) years of age.
Adult supervision is required for children of all ages.
Dress children appropriately. Avoid loose fitting clothes, coats, scarves,
drawstrings and other articles of clothing that may get caught in the play system.
Instruct children to use equipment sensibly.
Children should not twist rope swings or chain swings.
Children should avoid swinging empty seats.
Children should sit in the center of the seat, with their full weight on the seat.
Never allow children to stand or kneel on a swing.
Only one child per swing at a time.
Children should not get off moving equipment.
Children should not walk close to, in front of, behind, or between moving
Children should not walk or run up slide.
Children should not pick up ramps or slides as this may cause breakage.