Let's get you set up with your new Google Wifi system. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:
Google Wifi point(s)
Google Account
Google Wifi app for Android 4 and up or iOS 9 and up
Broadband connection
(Note: The Google Wifi point is
a modem. To use it, you’ll have to connect
it to a modem with an Ethernet cable. This can be a standalone modem or a
modem+router combo provided by your ISP. Don’t have a modem? Some apartment
buildings and dorms don’t require modems for broadband connections. If this is the case,
you can plug the Google Wifi point directly into your wall’s Ethernet jack.)
Ethernet cable
for the primary Wifi point (provided)
Power adapter
for each Wifi point (provided)
We strongly recommend purchasing Google Wifi from the country where you'll be using
it. Since wireless regulations vary by country, you may experience compatibility issues if you
move your Wifi device(s) to a different country and Google will be unable to offer support. If
you're setting up a mesh network, we recommend purchasing all of your Wifi points in the same
Setting up just one OnHub? See how to set that up
Step 1: Find a spot for your Wifi point
Your primary Wifi point needs to be connected to a modem. Depending on the length of the
Ethernet and power cables, this may limit where you're able to place it.