Avoid stresses such as heat and cold, moisture and direct
sunlight, vibration and mechanical pressure.
Remove batteries / rechargeable batteries when not in use.
Do not store or transport batteries / rechargeable batteries
together with jewelry and small metal parts.
Do not charge non-rechargeable batteries.
• In case of questions, defects, mechanical damage, trouble
and other problems, non-recoverable by the documen-
tation, contact your dealer or producer.
Liability notice
We reserve the right to printing errors and changes to
product, packaging or product documentation.
• See our terms of warranty. These are available in their
current form under the given contact details.
7 Disposal Instructions
7.1 Ultra HDMI™ Matrix 4 x 2
According to the European WEEE directive, electrical and elec-
tronic equipment must not be disposed with consumers waste.
Its components must be recycled or disposed apart from each
other. Otherwise contaminative and hazardous substances can
pollute our environment.
As a consumer, you are committed by law to dispose electrical
and electronic devices to the producer, the dealer, or public
collecting points at the end of the devices lifetime for free.
Partiulars are regulated in national right. The symbol on the pro-
duct, in the user`s manual, or at the packaging alludes to these
terms. With this kind of waste separation, application, and waste
disposal of used devices you achieve an important share to
environmental protection.
7.2 Batteries / Rechargeable batteries
(Rechargeable) batteries must not be disposed of with house-
hold waste. Their components have to be supplied separately
to the recycling or disposal, because toxic and dangerous
ingredients can harm the environment if not disposed of sustain-
As a consumer, you are obliged to return them at the end of
their service lives to the manufacturer, the sales outlet or estab
lished for this purpose, public collection points for free.
Details regulates the respective country's law.