Goldtouch GT2-0001 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1



Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard

User’s Guide

512.795.9994 main

925.465.4116 fax

2111 W. Braker Lane, Suite 200

Austin, TX 78758

Содержание GT2-0001

Страница 1: ...TRIBUTE TO MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURIES READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS GUIDE BEFORE USINGYOUR KEYBOARD Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard User s Guide www goldtouch com 512 795 9994 main 925 465 4116 fax 2111 W Braker Lane Suite 200 Austin TX 78758 ...

Страница 2: ...ury you should Adjust your chair height so that your forearms are horizontal and your elbows are at 90 when typing or using a mouse Place your keyboard and mouse directly in front of you Adjust your keyboard to maximize comfort Rotating the inside edges of the keyboard halves upward will reduce pronation See Figure 1 4 and adjustment instructions Rotating the bottom edges of the keyboard halves ou...

Страница 3: ...ble Keyboard in the ÁDt and linear position of a standard keyboard is most comfortable for their personal needs Most users will ÀQG their preferred keyboard position will be raised and splayed to some extent allowing more relaxed and natural repose interface Once again this is the EHQHÀt of an adjustable keyboard it allows the individual to personalize or tailor the keyboard to their unique requir...

Страница 4: ...nect the keyboard directly into an available USB SRUW RQ WKH FRPSXWHU LWVHOI WKH ÀUVW WLPH 2QFH RX KDYH IROORZHG WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV EHORZ RX FDQ FRQQHFW WKH NH ERDUG through the Docking Station for use Multiple computers via KVM switch If you are connecting two or more computers through a KVM switch be sure to install the keyboard onto each computer that will be used before connecting it to the KVM ...

Страница 5: ...oard The Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard has been developed to reduce unwanted awkward postures and to enable you to attain comfortable neutral wrist postures By adjusting the two keyboard sections both horizontally and vertically you tailor the keyboard to your individual anatomy and work environment At the same time decreasing two potentially harmful and awkward postures ulnar deviation and pronat...

Страница 6: ... plane relieving this awkward posture The aim is to allow your wrists to be straight which in turn will increase your comfort level To decrease ulnar deviation when using the Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard release the latch handle by pulling it open seperate the front edges of the two keyboard sections to the desired angle and lock it by pushing the handle back to its closed position Important Afte...

Страница 7: ...ustable Keyboard is the answer To decrease pronation when using the Goldtouch Keyboard release the latch handle by pulling it open raising the central region of the keyboard to the desired height make sure all four feet are level on the desk and then lock the keyboard in place by pushing the handle back to its closed position SLULPHQW JLYH RXUVHOI WLPH WR IDPLOLDUL H RXUVHOI ZLWK WKLV QHZ SRVWXUH ...

Страница 8: ... needs such as the Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard is on of the factors that may assist in promoting comfort and enjoyment The keyboard s adjustable features can reduce awkward postures associated with keyboard use and reduce the stresses and strains that holding these postures for prolonged periods produces The Goldotuch Adjustable Keyboard also allows you to shift posture periodically thereby redu...

Страница 9: ...rther away but still within arm s reach Place least used items at the periphery of your workspace outside arm s reach Use a document holder to ensure that the information you are using is readily accessible 3ODFH LW DW WKH VDPH KHLJKW DQG GLVWDQFH DV RXU PRQLWRU VR WKDW LW LV WKH VDPH YLVXDO ÀHOG The Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard also helps in this respect It has a small footprint and an embedded ...

Страница 10: ...raight and not resting on the desk keyboard or wrist rests HHS RXU WKLJKV SDUDOOHO ZLWK WKH ÁRRU DQG GRQ W OHW WKH HGJH RI WKH FKDLU SUHVV LQWR WKH EDFN RI RXU NQHHV 5HVW RXU IHHW ÁDW RQ WKH ÁRRU I QHFHVVDU XVH D IRRW VXSSRUW 8VH D FKDLU WKDW ÀUPO VXSSRUWV RXU ORZHU EDFN DQG WKLJKV Adjusting the height of your chair back in order to achieve contact between the seat back and the curved part of your...

Страница 11: ...nce to use a variety of muscles Keep your hands and arms comfortably warm This will encourage blood circulation and also relax the muscles Taking Frequent Breaks It is important to have rest breaks from using your keyboard and mouse Frequent short breaks with regular longer breaks can help you stay comfortable and productive People s capabilities and susceptibility to fatigue vary greatly Assess y...

Страница 12: ... intensive computer work Some ergonomists recommend that the light level when working on a computer should be dimmer than when you work with hand written documents or are reading This means WKDW ZKHQ RX DUH XVLQJ ERWK D FRPSXWHU DV ZHOO DV UHDGLQJ IURP SDSHU LW PD EH EHQHÀFLDO WR XVH LQGLUHFW OLJKWLQJ LQ combination with task lighting to ensure that you have both a clear and easy to read computer ...

Страница 13: ...ed with the use of your computer based workstation I RX EHOLHYH RXU SRVWXUH LV QRW FRQGXFLYH WR HIÀFLHQW DQG FRPIRUWDEOH ZRUN SUDFWLFHV DQG RX H SHULHQFH DQ GLVFRPIRUW FRQVXOW D TXDOLÀHG KHDOWK VSHFLDOLVW IRU DGYLFH WUHDWPHQW DQG HUJRQRPLFV WUDLQLQJ Like all electronic equipment you need to avoid getting it wet dropping it or using undue force to depress the keys or operate the latch handle Do not...

Страница 14: ...UUDQW RU WR WKH WHUPV RI WKLV DJUHHPHQW 4 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY To the maximum extent permitted by law under no circumstances and under no legal theory including tort negligence contract or otherwise shall Key Ovation or its suppliers or resellers be liable to you or any other person for any indirect special incidental or consequential damages of any character including with out limitation damag...

Страница 15: ...greement immediately in the event of default by the other party Upon the termination of this Agreement you shall immediately discontinue the use of the Keyboard and Software and shall within 10 day return it to Key Ovation along with all related documentation If you choose to return the Keyboard or any other Key Ovation product supplied with the Software the Software license granted by this Agreem...
