NOTE: If the environment has significant street light at night, the camera can generate nice color
night vision with color mode
3. Slow Shutter
– Select “None” will erase motion blur, but low down the sensitivity.
4. Wide Dynamic
– Turn on dynamic can improve the performance with strong constrat, but
scarify the color reproduction and generate more noise in low light condition.
– select auto switch, the camera will switch to black and white and sense the infrared
basing on the visible light illumination.
NOTE: Select auto switch can make the covert camera see infrared on the sense at night.
6. DNC Threshold
– Change the threshold to switch between color and black/white.
NOTE: If the camera keep switch around between color and black/white, DNC threshold can
improve the performance.
7. Mirror & Flip
– Turn the image upside down. It can help deploy the camera from wall mount to
ceiling mount.
Installing a new Firmware
1. In the "Main"
click icon “Batch Upgrade”
2. Select the camera/NVR from the list