3003W GOBO 廣告燈 使用手冊 User Manual
Please read these operating instructions carefully to familiarize yourself with the basic operating
instructions of this unit. These instructions contain important information regarding the use and
maintenance of the unit. Please keep this manual with the unit for future reference. 在使用此設
Warning: to prevent or reduce the risk of electrical shock or fire, do not expose this unit to rain or
moisture. The unit is 110Volt and before power connection please make sure the voltage is 220V.
警告: 預防電擊和著火,避免雨淋和潮濕。 保證此裝置在 220 伏電壓下使用。
Caution: 注意事項 :
There are no user service parts inside this unit. Don't attempt any repairs yourself. Please
turn to qualified service personnel for repairs.
此設備未配有備件。 一旦出現故障, 請勿自己修理。 應請專業人員修理。
Be sure the local power outlet matches the required voltage of this unit.
Disconnect from main power before making any connection.
Always be sure to mount this unit in an area which will allow proper ventilation。
This unit is intended for indoor use only. 此設備只適合室內使用。
During long time of non-use, disconnect the main power.
長時間不用時, 請拔掉電源。
Never touch the lamps with your bare hands as the oil from your hands will shorten the lamp
life. 不要用手觸碰燈泡以免手上的油會縮短燈的壽命。
Always replace with the exact same type lamp and fuse. Disconnect the unit from the main
power and allow the unit the ample time to cool before attempting to replace the lamps and
fuse.更換前切斷電源, 並在燈具冷卻後才更換。
Use normal glass cleaner or a soft cloth to wipe down the unit casing. Always be sure to dry
all the parts completely before plugging the unit back in.
使用適合的玻璃清潔劑和軟布抹洗。 在插上電源前請確保所有零件已乾。
The maximum ambient temperature
a = 45°C must never be exceed. 室溫不能超過 45°C。
The promo requires to be positioned so that the objects hit by the beam of light are at least 1
meter from the promo. 表演須定位,燈柱照射表演至少要有一米。
When installing the device, make sure there is no highly-inflammable material (decoration
article, etc. ) within a distance of min. 0.5m. 在安裝設備時, 保證半米內沒有易燃物。
The operations for connecting to the electricity mains must be carried out by a qualified