GMC 1993 Sonoma Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 1993 Sonoma

Страница 1: ...9 9 3 L I I O N O O w n e r s M a n u a l d i THE STRENGTH OF EXPERIENCE ...

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Страница 3: ...omes to service keep in mindthatyourGMCTruckdealerknows yourvehiclebest and is interestedinyourcompletesatisfaction Your dealer invitesyou to returnforall of yourserviceneedsbothduringandafter the warrantyperiod Remember if youhaveaconcern and needhelphandlingittoyour satisfaction seetheprocedureintheGMCTruckWarrantyandOwner AssistanceInformationbooklet ThanksforchoosingaGMCTruckproduct Wevalueyou...

Страница 4: ...productafterthattimewithout furthernotice Forvehiclesfirst sold in Canada substitute the name General Motors of CanadaLimited forGMCTruckDivisionwhenever it appears in thismanual For Canadian Owners Who Prefer a French Language Manual Aux proprietaires canadiens Vous pouvezvousprocurerunexemplairede ce guideenfrancaischezvotreconcessionaire ou auDGNMarketing ServicesLtd 1500 Bonhill Rd Mississauga...

Страница 5: ...Model Reference This manual covers fhese models TYPE MODEL REGULAR CAB CLUBCOUPElEXTENDED CAB iii ...

Страница 6: ...TABLE OF CONTEIVTS I L I I TO212 iv ...

Страница 7: ...nd how to drive under differentconditions Thissectiontells you what to do if you have a problemwhile driving such as a flattire or engine overheating Here the manual tellsyou how to keep your vehicle running properly and looking good This section tellsyou when to performvehiclemaintenanceand what fluids and lubricants to use Thissectiontellsyou how to contactyour GM divisionfor assistance and how ...

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Страница 9: ... SECTIONS 1 6 Each section of thismanualbeginswithabrieflist of its contents so youcanoften find ataglance if asectioncontainsthe informationyouwant SECTION 7 Thissection of themanualcoversthemaintenancerequiredfor yourvehicle SECTION 8 CUSTOMERASSISTANCE Thissectionincludesimportant informationaboutReportingSafetyDefectsandgivesyoudetailsaboutthe RoadsideAssistance program You willalsofindcustome...

Страница 10: ...g I CAUTION I L Thesemean there issomething that could hurt you or otherpeople In the yellow caution area we tell youwhat the hazard is Then we tell you what to do to help avoid orreduce the hazard Pleasereadthese cautions If youdon t you or others could be hurt You will also find a red circle with aslash through it in this book This safety symbolmeans Don t Don t dothis or Don t let this happen A...

Страница 11: ...e Manytimes thisdamagewouldnotbecoveredbyyourwarranty and itcould be costly Butthenoticewill tell youwhat to dotohelpavoidthe damage Whenyoureadothermanuals youmightseeCAUTIONandNOTICE warningsindifferentcolorsor in differentwords In thismanual we veused thefamiliarwords and colorsthatGeneralMotorshasusedforyears You ll alsoseewarninglabelsonyourvehicle Theyusethesamecolors andthewordsCAUTIONorNOT...

Страница 12: ...ed on an original battery A Caution PossibleInjury L Avoid Sparks or Flames Protect Eyes by Shielding Caustic Battery Acid Could CauseBurns Spark or FlameCould ExplodeBattery I hese symbols are important for you and your passengers whenever your vehicle is driven fasten Safety Door Lock Unlock Belts PO335 0 4 ...

Страница 13: ...rn Signal Direction Parking Lights Daytime Running Lights A 1 J Hazard Warning Flasher u Fog Lights Heaulight High Beam These symbolsare on some of yourcontrols w Windshield Windshield Washer Defroster 0 I I L Ventilating Fan Off Windshield Hood Release Wiper 0 5 PO342 ...

Страница 14: ...ngandindicatorlights Engine Coolant Temperature BRAKE Brake Digital Cluster 1 Battery Charging System I BRAKE I I Fuel SHIFT Brake Standard Cluster Shift Light Engine Oil Pressure Here aresomeothersymbolsyoumay see Fuse Lighter Horn Speaker PO343 0 6 ...

Страница 15: ... 1 9 QuestionsManyPeople AskAboutSafety Belts 1 12 How To WearSafety Belts Properly 1 14 Adults 1 14 Driver Position 1 14 Lap Shoulder Belt 1 15 Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy 1 20 Right Front Passenger Position 1 21 Center Passenger Position 1 21 Lap Belt 1 22 RearSeatPassengerPosition 1 23 Children 1 24 Smaller Children and Babies 1 24 Child Restraints 1 26 Larger Children 1 32 Safety Belt Ext...

Страница 16: ... driver sseatwhilethevehicleismoving The suddenmovement ould startleandconfuseyou ormakeyoupushapedalwhenyou don twantto Adjustthedriver sseatonlywhenthevehicle is not moving I 1 Manual Front Seat I I KO302 Move the leverunderthefront of theseattowardyourdoortounlock it Slidetheseattowhereyouwantit Thenreleasetheleverandtry to move theseatwithyourbody tomakesuretheseatislockedintoplace 1 2 ...

Страница 17: ...tioncanbe dangerous Even if youbuckle up yoursafetybeltscan tdotheirjob whenyou rereclinedlikethis Theshoulderbeltcan tdoitsjobbecause it won tbeagainstyour body Instead itwill be infront of you In a crashyoucould go i it receiving neckorotherinjuries Thelap belt can t doits job either In a crashthebeltcouldgo up overyourabdomen Thebeltforceswouldbethere n at vmIr slvic bone This could causeseriou...

Страница 18: ...ndpassengerbucketseats Turn the knob counter clockwise to increase lumbarsupportandclockwise to decreaselumbarsupport Front Seatback Latches The front seatback folds forward to let people get into the backseator reach the storage area behind theseat Your seatbackwillmovebackand forth freely unlessyoucome to asuddenstop Then it will lockinplace 1 4 ...

Страница 19: ...rlysteephill To foldafrontseatbackforward push theseatbacktoward the rearas you liftthislatch Then theseatbackwillfoldforward The latchmustbedownfor theseat to workproperly Easy Entry Seat Extended Cab KO304 The right front bucketorsplit benchseat of yourvehiclemakes it easytoget in andoutof the rearvehiclearea 1 5 ...

Страница 20: ...por crash the person sittingthere could beinjured A I K ou ve used it be sure to push rearwart y entry seat tr uesureitis locked I To getout again tilt the seatbackfullyforward Jump Seat Extended Cab Models KO808 Your extendedcab pickup mayhavejumpseats in the reararea To fold the jump seat down pull downon the handleonthebottom of the seat until the seat is in place To store the seat push it up u...

Страница 21: ...esafety belts properly Italsotells yousomethingsyoushouldnotdowithsafetybelts I CAUTION I Don tletanyoneridewheretheycan twear a safetybeltproperly If youarein a crashandyou renotwearing a safetybelt yourinjurie canbe much worse You canhitthingsinsidethevehicle or be ejectedfrom it You canbeseriouslyinjuredorkilled In the same crash youmight not be ifyouarebuckled up Alwaysfastenyour safetybeltand...

Страница 22: ...ts Here swhy They work You neverknow if you ll be in acrash If you do haveacrash youdon t knowif it willbea bad one Afewcrashesareverymild In them youwon tgethurteven if you renot buckled up Andsomecrashescanbe so serious like being hitbyatrain that evenbuckled up apersonwouldn tsurvive Butmostcrashesare in between In many of them peoplewhobuckleupcansurvive and sometimes walkaway Without belts th...

Страница 23: ...crashes bucklingup does matter a lot I AN110023 Why Safety Belts Work I _ AM115001 AM115002 Whenyouride in oronanything you goasfast as it goes Forexample if thebike is going 10 mph 16 kmlh so is the child Whenthebikehitsthe block it stops But thechildkeepsgoing 1 9 ...

Страница 24: ...Seats Safety Belts 2 P AM115003 AM115004 Take the simplest vehicle Supposeit sjustaseat on wheels Put someone on it AM1 15005 Get it up to speed Then stop the vehicle The rider doesn t stop 1 1 0 ...

Страница 25: ...d I Lr AM115006 The personkeepsgoinguntilstopped by something In a realvehicle it could bethewindshield or theinstrumentpanel 1 1 1 ...

Страница 26: ...f you reupsidedown Andyourchance of being conscious during andafteranaccident so you can unbuckleandget out is much greater ifyouarebelted Q Why don ttheyjustput in airbags so people won t have towear safety belts A Air bags or Supplemental Inflatable Restraintsystems areinsome vehiclestodayandwill be inmore of them in thefuture Butthey are supplementalsystemsonly so theywork with safetybelts not ...

Страница 27: ...t you fromthingsbeyondyourcontrol suchasbad drivers Mostaccidentsoccurwithin 25 miles 40 km ofhome Andthegreatest number of seriousinjuriesanddeathsoccuratspeeds of lessthan 40 mph 65 km h Safetybeltsareforeveryone Safety Belt Reminder Light KO286 Whenthekeyis turned to RUN or START alightwill come on forabout eightseconds to remindpeople to fastentheirsafetybelts Unlessthedriver s safetybeltisbuc...

Страница 28: ...dchildren And L therearedifferent rules forbabies and smallerchildren If a child will beridinginyourvehicle seethepartafterthisone called Children Followtheserulesforeveryone sprotection First you llwanttoknowwhichrestraintsystemsyourvehiclehas We llstart withthedriverposition Driver Position Thispartdescribesthedriver srestraintsystem KO824 1 14 ...

Страница 29: ...t Here show to wear it properly 1 Close and lockthedoor 2 Adjusttheseat toseehow see Seats in theIndex so youcansit upstraight AM120077 3 Pickupthelatchplateandpull the beltacrossyou Don tlet it get twisted 4 Pushthelatch plate into thebuckleuntil it clicks 1 15 ...

Страница 30: ...elt shouldbe low and snugonthehips just touching the thighs In a crash thisappliesforcetothestrongpelvicbones And you d belesslikely to slide underthe lap belt If youslidunderit thebelt wouldapplyforce at yourabdomen This could causeserious or evenfatal injuries Theshoulder belt should go overtheshoulderandacrossthechest Theseparts of thebodyarebestabletotake belt restrainingforces Thesafety belt ...

Страница 31: ...tgivenearlyasmuch protection this way I You can be seriouslyhurt if yourshoulderbeltis too loose In a crashyouwouldmoveforward too much which could increaseinjury Theshoulderbeltshould fit againstyourbody Q What swrong with this AM120016 A The belt isbuckled in the wrong place 1 1 7 ...

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Страница 33: ...i Q What swrongwiththis AM125002 A The belt is twistedacrossthebody back out of the way r AM1 20060 1 19 ...

Страница 34: ...kealloccupants theyaremorelikelytobeseriouslyinjured iftheydon twearsafetybelts A pregnantwomanshouldwearalap shoulderbeltandthelapportionshould beworn as lowaspossiblethroughoutthepregnancy The best waytoprotectthefetus is to protectthemother Whenasafety belt is wornproperly it smorelikelythatthefetuswon tbehurt in acrash Forpregnantwomen as foranyone thekey to makingsafetybeltseffective is weari...

Страница 35: ... driver s safetybelt See DriverPosition earlier in thispart When the lap portion of the belt is pulled out all the way it willlock If it does let it go back all the way and startagain Center Passenger Position Bench Seat KO891 If yourvehiclehas a bench seat someone can sit in the centerposition 1 21 ...

Страница 36: ...plate and pull it along the belt To make the beltshorter pullits freeendasshown until thebeltissnug Buckle positionandreleaseitthesame wayas the lappart of a lap shoulderbelt If thebeltisn tlongenough see SafetyBelt Extender at the end of this section Makesuretherelease button on the bucklefacesupward or outward so you would be abletounbuckleitquickly if you ever had to 1 22 ...

Страница 37: ...isticsshowthat unbeltedpeople in therearseatarehurtmoreoften in crashesthanthose whoarewearingsafetybelts Rearpassengerswho aren t safely belted canbethrownout of thevehiclein a crash Andtheycanstrikeothersinthevehiclewhoarewearingsafety belts AN147141 AN147142 Each jumpseathasa lap beltwithnoretractor To makethebeltlonger tilt thelatch plate a little and pull thebelt 1 23 ...

Страница 38: ...ultsize in fact thelaw in everystateandCanadianprovince sayschildrenuptosomeagemustberestrainedwhile in avehicle Smaller Children and Babies Smallerchildrenandbabiesshouldalwaysberestrained in achild or Ifant restraint Theinstructionsfortherestraintwillsaywhether it is therighttypeandsize for yourchild A veryyoungchild ship bones are so smallthataregularbeltmightnotstaylowonthehips as it should In...

Страница 39: ...ghmuch until a crash Duringacrashababywill become so heavyyoucan t hold it For example in a crash atonly 25 mph 40 km h a12 pound 5 5 kg baby will suddenlybecome a 240 pound 110 kg force on yourarms The babywould be almost impossible to hold Secure the baby in an infant restraint I b 1 25 ...

Страница 40: ...jury The instructionsthatcomewiththeinfantorchildrestraintwill show youhow to do that The child restraintmustbesecuredproperly in thecenter except60 40 benchseat orrightfrontpassengerseat If youhavea60140 split bench seat youmustusetherightfrontpassengerseat 1 Top Strap AN155001 Ifyourchildrestrainthasa top strap it shouldbeanchored If youneed to haveananchorinstalled youcanaskyour GM dealer to pu...

Страница 41: ...ild restraints in thecenter position of a 60 40split bench seat Whenyou secure a child restraint in a centerseatingposition you ll beusing the lap belt See the earlierpartaboutthetopstrap if the child restrainthas one 1 Makethe belt as long as possible by tilting the latch plate and pulling it along the belt AN163060 1 27 ...

Страница 42: ... tightenthebelt pull its freeendwhileyoupushdown on thechild restraint 7 Pushand pull thechildrestraint in differentdirectionstobesure it is secure If thechildrestraintisn tsecure turn thelatchplateover and buckle it again Thensee if it issecure If it isn t securetherestraint in adifferentplace in thevehicleandcontactthechildrestraintmakerfor theiradvice To removethechildrestraint justunbucklethev...

Страница 43: ...ts Extended Cab Don tuse child restraints in these positions The restraintswon twork properly KO597 60 40 Split Bench Seat Don tuse a child restraint inthisposition Therestraintwon tworkproperly h 8 PO352 1 29 ...

Страница 44: ...ttherestraintontheseat Follow theinstructionsforthechild 2 Securethechild in thechildrestraint as theinstructions say 3 Pulloutthevehicle ssafetybeltandrunthelappartthroughoraround thechildrestraint Thechildrestraintinstructionswillshowyou how See if theshoulderbeltwould go in front of thechild sfaceorneck If so put it behindthechildrestraint restraint AN165021 1 30 ...

Страница 45: ...ut of theretractor to setthe so you ll beable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverneedto lock L i AN165148 AN165027 6 To tightenthebelt feedthelapbeltbackintotheretractorwhileyou pushdownonthechildrestraint I AN165146 7 Push and pullthe child restraint in differentdirections to besure it is secure 1 31 ...

Страница 46: ...afetybelt and let it go back all the way The safetybeltwillmovefreelyagain and be ready to work foranadultorlargerchildpassenger Larger Chj ldren I AN1700 Children whohaveoutgrownchildrestraintsshouldwearthevehicle ssafety belts If youhavethechoice achildshouldsitnext to awindow so thechild canwear a lap shoulderbeltandgettheadditionalrestraint a shoulderbelt canprovide Children who aren tbuckled ...

Страница 47: ...peoplewhoare I CAUTION AM170052 Never do this Heretwochildrenarewearingthesame belt Thebeltcan tproperly spreadtheimpactforces In a crash the two childrencanbe crushedtogether and seriouslyinjured A beltmustbeusedbyonly I one person at a time 1 33 ...

Страница 48: ...hechild sshoulder so that in acrashthechild s upperbodywouldhavetherestraintthatbeltsprovide If thechild is so small thattheshoulderbeltstillisveryclosetothechild sface orneck youmight wanttoplacethechildinaseatthathasalapbelt if yourvehiclehasone AM170051 I CAUTION Whereverthechildsits the lap portion of thebeltshouldbewornlowand snugonthehips justtouchingthechild sthighs Thisappliesbeltforceto t...

Страница 49: ...our Restraint Systems Now andthen makesure all yourbelts buckles latchplates retractors anchorages and remindersystemsareworkingproperly Look for anyloose parts or damage If you see anythingthatmightkeep a restraintsystemfrom doingitsjob have itrepaired Replacing Safety Belts Aftera Crash If you ve hada crash do you need newbelts After a veryminorcollision nothingmay be necessary But if thebeltswe...

Страница 50: ...hecollision Q What s wrongwiththis AP125004 A The belt is torn Tornor frayedbeltsmaynotprotectyou in acrash They can rip apartunderimpactforces If abelt is torn orfrayed getanewone m fore replacinganysafetybelt seeyourdealer for thecorrectpartnumber You ll need themodelyearandmodelnumberforyourvehicle Themodel yearisonyourtitleandregistration And you canfindthemodelnumber on thecertificationhirela...

Страница 51: ...A 7 C ii K2447 Themodelnumber on thereplacementbeltmustbelisted on thesafetybelt you want to replace 1 37 ...

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Страница 53: ...rly andwhattodo if youhaveaproblem For explanation of vehiclesymbols refer to VehicleSymbols in Section 0 Keys 2 3 Your DoorsandHowTheyWork 2 5 Side Doors 2 5 Door Locks 2 6 Theft 2 8 NewVehicleBreak In 2 9 Ignition Switch 2 9 Starting Your Engine 2 11 Driving Through Deep Standing Water 2 14 Automatic Transmission 2 16 Five Speed Manual Transmission 2 19 Locking Rear Axle 2 21 Parking Brake 2 21 ...

Страница 54: ...ilt Wheel 2 34 Turn SignaVMultifunction Lever 2 35 TurnSignalandLaneChangeIndicator 2 36 Headlight High Low Beam 2 38 Windshield Wipers 2 38 Windshield Washer 2 40 Cruise Control 2 41 Lights 2 46 Mirrors 2 50 Accessory Power Outlet 2 53 Cigarette LightedAshtrays 2 54 Storage Compartments 2 55 Instrument Cluster 2 62 WarningLights GagesandIndicators 2 65 Trailer Wiring Harness 2 75 2 2 ...

Страница 55: ...the ignitionkey is dangerous for manyreasons A childorotherscouldbebadlyinjuredoreven killed Theycouldoperate power windowsorothercontrolsorevenmake the vehiclemove Don tleavethekeys in avehiclewith young chi1 m I I K5127 The ignitionkeys are fortheignitiononly 2 3 ...

Страница 56: vehicleisdelivered thedealerremovestheplugsfromthe keys and givesthem to thefirstowner Eachplughasacodeon it thattellsyourdealeroraqualifiedlocksmithhow to makeextrakeys Keep theplugs in asafeplace If youloseyourkeys you ll beable to havenewonesmadeeasilyusingtheseplugs 2 4 ...

Страница 57: ...ting intoyour vehicle if youever lock yourkeysinside Youmay evenhave to damageyour vehicle to getin I So be sure to have extra keys Your Doors And How They Work Side Doors To openthedoorfromtheoutside liftthehandleandpullthedooropen KO298 To openthedoorfromthe inside pull thelevertowardyouandpushthe dooropen 2 5 ...

Страница 58: ...yenterthroughanunlockeddoorwhenyouslow down orstopyourvehicle Thismaynotbe so obvious You increasethechance of being thrownout of thevehicle in acrash if thedoorsaren tlocked Wear safetybeltsproperly lockyourdoors and youwillbefarbetter off I whenever you drive your vehicle Ihereareseveralways to lockandunlockyourvehicle Fromtheinside To lockthedoor slidetheleveronyourinsidedoor to LOCK 2 4 t ...

Страница 59: ...Locks If yourvehiclehaspowerdoorlocks pushthepowerdoorlockswitch on eitherfront door towardthekeysymbol Thisswitchwilllockallthedoors at once To unlockthe doors pushtheswitchawayfrom the keysymbol Leaving Your Vehicle If you areleavingthevehicle takeyourkeys openyourdoor and setthe locksfromtheinside Thengetout and closethedoor 2 7 ...

Страница 60: it withyou Always do this Yoursteeringwheelwillbelocked and so willyourignition If youhave anautomatictransmission takingyourkeyoutalsolocksyourtransmission And remember to lockthedoors Parking at Night Park in alightedspot close all windowsandlockyour vehicle Remembertokeepyourvaluablesoutofsight Putthem in astorage area ortakethemwithyou ParkingLots If youpark in alotwheresomeone will bewatch...

Страница 61: ...m or so Duringthistimeyournewbrakeliningsaren tyetbrokenin Hard stops with new linings can mean prematurewear and ear replacement Followthis breaking in guidelineeverytime you get new brake linings Ignition Switch Use yourignitionkey to startyourvehicle The ignitionkeyletsyouturnthe ignitionswitchtofivedifferentpositions i3 KO404 Acc Accessory Acc lets youusethingsliketheradioandthewindshield wipe...

Страница 62: ...rtsyourengine Onmanualtransmissionvehicles turningthekey to LOCK will lock vehicle Thiscouldcauseacollision If youneed to turntheengine off whilethevehicleismoving turnthekeyonlyto Off Don t movethekeyreleaseleverwhilethevehicleismoving b thesteeringcolumnandresult in a loss of ability to steerthe NOTICE I If yourkeyseemsstuck in LOCK and youcan t turn it besure it isal the way in If it is then tu...

Страница 63: ...pull it straight out Starting Your Engine Enginesstartdifferently The 8th digit of yourVehicle Identification Number VIN shows the code letter or number for yourengine You will find the VIN at the top left of your instrument panel See Vehicle Identification Number in the Index Follow the proper steps to starttheengine To Start Your 2 5Liter VIN Code A L4 Engine 1 AutomaticTransmission Moveyourshif...

Страница 64: ...engine In some 3 Turnyourignitionkey to Start Whentheenginestarts letgo of the In very cold weather dothis 1 Withyourfoot off theacceleratorpedal turn yourignitionkey to Start untilyourenginebeginsfiring Pushdownontheacceleratorpedal slightly When the enginepicks upspeed letgoofthekey Onceyour engineisrunningsmoothly letupontheacceleratorpedal 2 If itdoesn tstartrightaway push theacceleratorpedala...

Страница 65: ...dymoving use N Neutral only NOTICE Don ttry to shift to P Park if your vehicle is moving If youdo yo1 could damaae the transmission Sh to P Pa onlv when vour vehicl s stomed ManualTransmission Shiftyourgearselectorto N Neutral and hold theclutchpedal to the floorwhilestartingtheengine Your vehiclewon tstart if theclutchpedal isnot all thewaydown that sasafetyfeature othervehiclesyoumight need todo...

Страница 66: ...seconds to letthestartermotorcooldown Thenpushyour acceleratorpedal all the way to thefloor Holditthere Then hold the key in Start for no morethantenseconds Thisclearstheextra gasolinefromtheengine If theenginestilldoesn tstart waitanother 15 secondsanddoitall again Whentheenginestarts letgo of thekeyandtheacceleratorpedal DrivingThrough Deep StandingWater NOTICE If youdrivetooquicklythroughdeeppu...

Страница 67: ...let CAUTION Pluggingthe cord intoanungroundedoutletcouldcauseanelectrical b shock Also the wrong kind of extensioncordcouldoverheatand causeafire You could be seriouslyinjured Plugthecord into a properlygroundedthree prong110 voltoutlet If the cord won treach useaheavy dutythree prongextension cord ratedfor at least 15 am ps I IC 7 b t NOTICE After you ve used the block heater be sure to store the...

Страница 68: ...everything here weask that you contact aGeneralMotors dealer in the area whereyou llbe parking yourvehicle Thedealercan give you the best advicefor that particular area Automatic 7Pansrnission Thereareseveral different positions foryourshiftlever P Park Thislocksyourrearwheels It s the best position to usewhen youstartyourenginebecauseyourvehicle can t moveeasily 2 1 6 ...

Страница 69: ...ou repullingatrailer alsosee ParkingonHills or Towinga Trailer in the Index I R Reverse Usethisgear to backup Shifting to R Reverse whileyourvehicle is movingforward could damagc yourtransmission Shift to R Reverse onlyafteryourvehicle is stopped I To rockyourvehicleback and forth to getout of snow ice orsandwithout damagingyourtransmission see If You reStuck in Sand Mud Ice orSnow in theIndex N N...

Страница 70: ...avyload drivingon steepshills or for off roaddriving 2 SecondGear Thispositiongivesyou more powerbutlowerfuel economy You canuse 2 SecondGear onhills It canhelpcontrolyour speed as yougodownsteepmountainroads butthenyouwould also want to useyourbrakes off and on If youhavea 4 3L engine Codes Z and W and if youmanuallyselect 2 thetransmissionwilldrive in secondgear Youmayuse thisfeature forreducing...

Страница 71: ... shift into 1 2 SecondGear Presstheclutchpedalasyouletuponthe acceleratorpedal and shiftinto 2 Then slowlylet up on theclutch pedalasyoupresstheacceleratorpedal 3 4 and 5 Third FourthandFifthGears Shiftinto 3 4 and 5 the sameway you do for 2 Slowlyletupontheclutchpedalasyoupress theacceleratorpedal To Stop Letupon theacceleratorpedalandpressthebrakepedal Justbeforethevehiclestops presstheclutchped...

Страница 72: ...onditionsletyou Forthebestfueleconomy accelerate slowlyandshiftwhenthelightcomeson Whileyouaccelerate it isnormalforthelighttogoonand off if youquickly change theposition of theaccelerator Ignorethe SHIFT lightwhen you downshift For Four wheel DriveVehicles Only Ifyour vehiclehasfour wheeldrive and is equippedwithamanualtransmission disregardtheshiftlightwhenthe transfercaseis in 4 LOW Shift Speed...

Страница 73: Rear Axle If youhave this feature yourrearaxlecangiveyouadditionaltractionon snow mud ice sandorgravel It workslikeastandardaxlemost of the time butoneoftherearwheels has notractionandtheotherdoes the lockingfeaturewillallow the wheelwithtraction to movethevehicle Parking Brake KO424 To set the parking brake Holdtheregularbrakepedal down withyourright foot Pushdownthe parkingbrake pedal withyou...

Страница 74: ...u areparked on a hill andthetransmissionisplaced in P Park before theparkingbrakeisset theweight ofthevehiclemay put too muchforce ontheparkingpawl in thetransmission Itmay be difficult to pulltheselector leverout of P Park Thisiscalled torquelock To preventthis theparking brakeshouldbesetBEFOREmovingtheselectorleverto P Park Whenpreparing to movethevehicle theselectorlevershouldbe moved out of P ...

Страница 75: ... usethestepsthatfollow I If youhavefour wheeldrive withamanualtransfercaseshiftlever and yourtransfercaseis in N Neutral yourvehiclewillbefreeto roll even if yourshiftleverisin P Park So besurethetransfer case is in adrive gear notin N Neutral Ifyouareparkingona hill or if you repullingatrailer alsosee ParkingOnHills or TowingaTrailer in theIndex I 1 Holdthebrakepedaldownwithyourrightfootandsetthe...

Страница 76: ...encatchfire Youor others could be injured I Don tleaveyourvehiclewiththeenginerunningunlessyouhave to If youhave to leaveyourvehiclewith the enginerunning be sureyour vehicle is in P Park andyour parking brake is firmlysetbeforeyou leave it If youhavefour wheeldrivewithamanualtransfercaseshiftlever be sure thatthetransfercase is inadrive gear not in N Neutral Afteryou ve moved the shiftlever into ...

Страница 77: ...Parking Over Things That Burn Fj CAUTION AM220007 I Thingsthatcan burn could touchhotexhaustpartsunderyour vehicle and ignite Don tparkoverpapers leaves dry grass orother thingsthat can burn 2 25 ...

Страница 78: ...g into yourvehicle m Drive it onlywith all thewindowsdown to blow outany CO Have it fixed immediately and Running Your EngineWhile You re Parked AutomaticTransmission It sbetternot to parkwiththeenginerunning Butifyoueverhaveto here aresomethingstoknow CAUTION A Idling theenginewiththeairsystemcontrol off could allow dangerousexhaustinto your vehicle See theearlier Caution under Also idling in a c...

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Страница 80: ... is normal If the pattern doesnotlightup or if thefrontaxledoes not gooutafteryoushiftout of four wheeldrive haveyourdealercheck yoursystem Turnthe dial aboveyourheadlightswitchtothe left to dimyour transfercaseindicatorlightwhenyourheadlights or parkinglightsareon 2 WHEEL This settingisfordrivinginmoststreetandhighwaysituations Your frontaxle is notengaged in two wheeldrive 4 HIGH Thissettingenga...

Страница 81: ...cleand shift yourtransmissionintoneutral 2 Pressthetransfercaseshiftbutton and shift in onecontinuousmotion Don t pause in N SET PARKING BRAKE as youshiftintooroutof 4 LOW oryourgears could clash Rememberthatdriving in 4 HIGH or 4 LOW may reducefueleconomy Also driving in four wheeldriveon dry pavement couldcauseyourtirestowear fasterandmakeyourtransfercaseharder to shift Electronic Transfer Case ...

Страница 82: ...eatanyspeed andthefrontaxlewilllock automatically To shiftfrom4HItotwo wheeldrive TWO WHEEL Press and release the 4HI switch Thiscanbedoneatanyspeed andthefrontaxlewillunlock automatically To shiftfromtwo wheel drive TWO WHEEL or 4HI to4LO Stopyour vehicle Shiftyourtransmissioninto N Neutral ordepressyourclutchpedal Pressandreleasethe 4LO switch You mustwaitfortheamber 4LO indicatorlighttostopflas...

Страница 83: ...nsmissionindicatorswitchmayrequireadjustment With yourtransmission in N Neutral press and releasethe 4HI switch Whilethe green 4HI indicatorlight is flashing shiftyourtransmission into P Park Wait until the 4HI indicator light goessolidgreenbefore shifting yourtransmission into gear Thiswillget you into 4HI but you should take yourvehicle in for service so normal operation can be restored To shift...

Страница 84: ...3 Your vehicle may haveaslidingrearwindow Pressthetop of thelatch in thecenter of thewindowandslidetheglass to open it Whenyouclose the window be sure thelatchcatches Swing Out Windows Extended Cab KO215 If yourvehiclehasrearswing outwindows justunlatchthem at theirclasps andpush out on the glass to openthem 2 32 ...

Страница 85: ...216 You canopenthetailgatebypullinguponthehandlewhilepulling the tailgate down Whenyouput the tailgatebackup besure it latchessecurely Horn KO223 Pressthe pad in thecenter of thesteeringwheel to soundthehorn 2 33 ...

Страница 86: ...before youdrive Do notadjustthesteeringwheelduringyourdriving You canalsoraiseit to thehighestlevel to giveyourlegsmoreroomwhen you enter and exitthevehicle To tiltthewheel hold thesteeringwheelandpullthelever Move the steering wheeltoacomfortablelevel thenreleasethelevertolockthewheel in place 2 34 ...

Страница 87: ...ultifunction Lever PO177 The lever on the leftside of the steering columnincludesyour TurnSignal and LaneChangeIndicator HeadlightHigh LowBeam PassingSignal Windshield Wipers Windshield Washer Cruise Control Option 2 35 ...

Страница 88: ...Left positions These positions allow you to signalaturnoralanechange PO178 To signal a turn move the leverallthe wayupordown When the turn is finished the leverwill return automatically Standard Cluster Digital Cluster PO251 A greenarrowon the instrumentpanel will flashinthedirectionof the turn orlanechange 2 36 ...

Страница 89: ...lights a differentturnsignalflasher is used Withthisflasherinstalled thesignal indicatorwillflasheven if aturnsignalbulbisburnedout Checkthefront andrearturnsignallightsregularlytomakesuretheyareworking Operation of Lights Althoughyourvehicle slightingsystem headlights parkinglights foglamps sidemarkerlightsand tail lights meetallapplicableFederallighting requirements certainstatesandprovidences m...

Страница 90: ...sfromlowbeam to high or high to low pull theturn signal leverallthewaytowardyou Thenreleaseit Whenthehighbeams are on a bluelight on theinstrumentpanelalsowill beon WindshieldWipers r I PO180 You control thewindshieldwipersbyturningthe band withthewipersymbol on it 2 38 ...

Страница 91: ...u canset the wiperspeedfor a long orshortdelaybetweenwipes This canbevery useful in light rain orsnow Turnthe band tochoosethedelay time The closer to LO the shorterthedelay CAUTION Damagedwiperbladesmaypreventyoufromseeingwellenoughto I drivesafely To avoid damage besure to clear ice and snowfrom thewiperbladesbeforeusingthem If they re frozentothe windshield carefullyloosen orthawthem Ifyourblad...

Страница 92: ...rcontrol to the off symbol If youhavetheLowSpeedDelayoption thewiperswillclearthewindow and theneitherstoporreturn to yourpre setspeed 3 CAUTION Drivingwithoutwasherfluidcanbedangerous A bad mud splashcanblockyourvision You couldhitanothervehicle or go off theroad Checkyourwasherfluidleveloften In freezingweather don tuseyourwasheruntilthewindshield is warmed Otherwise the washer fluid can form ic...

Страница 93: ...nmaintainaspeed of about 25 mph 40 km h or morewithoutkeepingyour foot on theaccelerator Thiscanreallyhelp on long trips CruiseControldoesnotwork at speedsbelowabout 25 mph 40 km h Whenyouapplyyourbrakes or pushtheclutchpedal if youhaveamanual transmission theCruiseControlshutsoff 2 41 ...

Страница 94: ... could lose control Don tuseCruise Control on slipperyroads To Set Cruise Control PO260 MovetheCruiseControlswitchtoON I CAUTION I If youleaveyourCruiseControlswitchonwhen you re not using Cruise youmighthit a buttonand go intoCruisewhenyoudon t want to You couldbestartledandeven lose control Keep thc CruiseControlswitch OFF untilyouwant to use it Get up tothespeedyouwant Push in the set button at...

Страница 95: ...nd stay there AIf you hold theswitchat WA Resume Accelerate longerthanhalf second thevehiclewillkeepgoingfasteruntilyoureleasetheswii orapplythe brake You could be startled andevenlosecontrol So unless you want to go faster don t hold the switch at R A 2 Resume Accelerate To Increase Speed While Using Cruise Control Therearetwoways to go to a higher speed Here sthefirst 1 Use the accelerator pedal...

Страница 96: ...lerate Hold it thereuntilyougetuptothespeedyouwant andthenreleasethe switch 2 To increaseyourspeed in verysmallamounts movetheswitch to RIA ResumelAccelerate forlessthanhalfasecondandthenreleaseit Eachtimeyou do this yourvehiclewillgo 1 mph 1 6 kmlh faster To Reduce Speed While Using Cruise Control E i PO264 2 44 ...

Страница 97: ...uise Control on Hills HowwellyourCruiseControlwillworkonhillsdependsuponyourspeed load andthesteepness of thehills Whengoingupsteephills youmay want to stepontheacceleratorpedal to maintain yourspeed Whengoing downhill youmayhave to brakeorshift to alowergear to keepyourspeed down Of course applyingthebraketakes you outofCruiseControl Many driversfind this to betoomuchtroubleanddon tuseCruiseContr...

Страница 98: ...ft side of yourinstrumentpanel KO239 Push the top switch to turn on Parking Lights Sidemarker Lights Taillights License Plate Lights Instrument Panel Lights TransferCaseShiftIndicator Panel Push the bottomswitch to turn on the headlights togetherwith Parking Lights Sidemarker Lights Taillights License Plate Lights Instrument Panel Lights TransferCaseShiftIndicatorPanel 2 46 ...

Страница 99: ...gonthe multifunctionlever A circuitbreakerprotectsyourheadlights If youhaveanelectricaloverload yourheadlightswillflicker on and off Haveyourheadlightwiringchecked rightaway if thishappens Fog Lamps KO940 Useyouroptional fog lampsforbettervision in foggyormistyconditions Your parkinglightsand orlow beam headlightsmustbeonoryourlamps won twork The foglampswitch is ontheinstrumentpanelundertheheadli...

Страница 100: ...ning on yourheadlights Fog lamps will go off whenever your high beamheadlightscome on When the high beamsgooff thefoglampswillcomeonagain Daytime Running Lights DRL lndicator Light Canada Only KO242 If yourvehicle was first sold when new in Canada you willhavethislight ontheinstrumentpanel It goesonwhenevertheDaytimeRunningLightsare on 2 48 ...

Страница 101: ...heexterior lightswillcome on When you turn off theheadlights theexterior lights will go out and high beams will change to thereducedbrightness of DRL again The DRLindicatorlightontheinstrumentpanelwillgoonwhenevertheDRL is on Thislight means thatonlytheDRL is on Whenyou turn on your exteriorlights this lightwill go out Of course youmaystill turn onthe headlightsanytimeyou need to To idleyourvehicl...

Страница 102: ...Features Contmls Dome Light KO187 The dome light will come on when you open the side doors You can also turn the domelight on byturningthedimmer dial to theright until itclicks Mirrors I I 1 PO154 2 50 ...

Страница 103: ...ignitionmustbeturned to RUN forthemaplights to comeon Outside Mirrors PO156 Adjustyouroutsidemirrors so youcanjustseetheside ofyourvehicle Somevehiclescomewitharemotecontrolswitchforadjustingtheoutside mirrors FindtheswitchontheinstrumentpanelbelowtheAir ConditionindHeater controls Twisttheswitch to therightorlefttochoosethe mirror then move theswitchfromside to sideorup and down as needed Convex ...

Страница 104: ...oucut too sharplyintotherightlane ould hitavehicle on yourright Checkyourinsidemirrororglance overyourshoulderbeforechanginglanes Sun VisorsNanity Mirrors KO251 To blockoutglare youcanswingdownthevisors You canalsoswingthem fromsidetoside Somevisorshavemirrorsbuilt in withandwithoutlights Justliftthemirror cover on eachvisortoturnthelightson if youhavethem 2 52 ...

Страница 105: ...on that can be pulledoutforadditionalglareprotection Your visormay have a strapforholdingsmallitems suchasmaps Accessory Power Outlet PO157 If youhavetheoptionalaccessorypoweroutlet youcanpluginauxiliary electricalequipment Just unsnap thetop of theoutletandfollowtheproper installationinstructionsthatareincludedwithanyelectricalequipmentyou install 2 53 ...

Страница 106: ...ighter press it in allthe way and letgo Whenit sready it will popbackbyitself Don t hold a cigarettelighter in withyourhandwhileit is heating If youdo it won tbeable to backawayfromtheheatingelementwhenit sready That can makeitoverload damagingthelighterandtheheatingelement To removethefrontashtray pull on thefront of it Don tputpapersandotherthingsthatburnintoyourashtray Ifyoudo cigarettesorother...

Страница 107: ...e driver s side If you have an automatic transmission your console also includes ahandy place to hold cups If you haveamanualtransmission yourconsole willhavea tray KO258 To openyourglovebox squeeze the buttons on either side of the keyhole together and pull thedooropen Two cupholders are provided foryour convenience Useyourdoorkey to lockyourglove box 2 55 ...

Страница 108: ...rinstrumentpanelmaybeusedforitemssuch as glovesorsmallbooks KO260 You willfindastoragepocketoneach of thefront doors Thedriver sdoor pocketcontains a coinholderforyour loose change You mayalsohaveastoragepocketonthebackofyour 60 40 split bench seats 2 56 ...

Страница 109: ...uickstops and starts The netisnotdesigned to retaintheseitemsduringoff roaduse The net is notforlarger heavieritems Storesuchthings on theloadfloor asfarforwardas you can Installtheconveniencenetattherear ofyourvehicle justbelowtherear window Attachtheupperloops to theretainersbelowthewindow thelabel shouldbevisible in theupperpassengersidecorner The conveniencenet has amaximumcapacity of 25 pound...

Страница 110: ... 3 PO190 2 58 ...

Страница 111: ...52 I er w I cn 0 U a n a KO262 2 59 ...

Страница 112: ...Features Contmis L KO263 2 60 ...

Страница 113: ...2 6 1 ...

Страница 114: ...u havethedigitalclusteritlooksdifferentbutwilltellyoueverythingthe standardclusterdoes Thedigitalclusteralsoincludesatachometerandwill givereadingsineitherEnglishorMetric To switchfromEnglishtoMetric justpressdownon the UM lever Speedometer and Odometer I KO265 Yourspeedometerletsyouseeyourspeedin both milesperhour mph and kilometersperhour kmlh Yourodometershowshowfaryourvehicle has beendriven in...

Страница 115: ...willread ERROR if someonetries to turn it back Standard Cluster Digital Cluster You maywonderwhat happens if yourvehicleneedsanewodometer installed If the newonecanbeset to themileage total of the old odometer then it mustbe But if it can t thenit ssetatzero andalabelmust be put on thedriver sdoor to showthe old mileagereadingwhenthenewodometer was installed KO267 2 63 ...

Страница 116: ... Standard CIusfer KO269 To set the tripodometeronthestandardcluster to zero pushthe button near the readout The trip odometer on thedigitalclusterwillappear in place of yourregular odometerwhen you pressdown on the Trip lever To resetthetripodometer on the digitalcluster pressdownonthe Reset lever To changebacktothe regularodometer pressdown on the Trip leveragain 2 64 ...

Страница 117: ...s the warninglights and gages that areonyourvehicle The pictures willhelp you locatethem Warninglights and gagescansignalthatsomethingiswrongbeforeit becomesseriousenough to cause anexpensiverepair or replacement Paying attention to yourwarning lights and gages could alsosaveyouorothersfrom injury Warning lights go on when there may be orisaproblemwithoneofyour vehicle sfunctions As you will see i...

Страница 118: ...ill work andstopyou Forgood braking though youneed both partsworkingwell Your vehiclealsohasrearwheel anti lock brakes Ifthewarninglightgoeson there could be abrakeproblem with either yourregularorrearwheel anti lock brakes or both Haveyour brake system inspected right away This light shouldcomeonasyoustart the vehicle If it doesn tcomeon then have it fixed so it will beready to warnyou if there s...

Страница 119: coolanttemperature If thegagepointermovesintotheredarea 260 F or 145 C yourengine is toohot Itmeansthatyourenginecoolanthas overheated If youhavebeenoperatingyourvehicleundernormaldriving conditions you should pull off theroad stopyourvehicleand turn off the engineas soon as possible If youhaveadigitalcluster a box aroundthetemperaturesymbolwillalso flashandachimewillsoundwhenyourengineistoo ho...

Страница 120: ...running asacheck to showyouitisworking Ifitdoesnotcome on at all have it fixedrightaway If it stayson orcomesonwhileyou are driving thecomputerisindicatingthatyouhaveaproblem You shouldtakeyour vehicleinforservicesoon If youkeepdrivingyourvehiclewiththislighton afterawhilethe emissioncontrolswon twork as well yourfueleconomywon t be as and your engine may not run as smoothly This could lead to Ist...

Страница 121: ...thelowpressurezone indicatethenormaloperatingrange A readinginthelowpressurezonemaybecausedby a dangerouslylowoil levelorotherproblemscausinglow oil pressure Onthedigitalcluster aboxaroundthe oil pressuresymbolwillbegin to flash whentheoilpressureis low ADon tkeepdriving if theoilpressure is low If you do your eng can become SO hot that it catchesfire Youor others could be burned C S serviced I I ...

Страница 122: ... buttheengine is notrunning asacheck to showyou it is working Then it should go outoncetheengineisrunning If it stayson orcomesonwhile youaredriving youmayhaveaproblemwiththeelectricalchargingsystem It could indicatethatyouhavealoosegeneratordrivebelt oranother electricalproblem Have it checkedright away Drivingwhilethislight is on could drainyourbattery If youmustdriveashortdistancewiththelighton...

Страница 123: ...ou are driving checkyourvarious gages tosee if theyare in thewarning zones Daytime Running Lights DRL Indicator Light Canada Only I KO242 ThisgreenlightwiththeDRLsymbol is on thelowerleft of theinstrument cluster The DRLindicator is onwhenevertheignitionis on andtheheadlight switchandparkingbrakeareoff For more detailsabout DRL see Lights in thissection 2 7 1 ...

Страница 124: ...T indicator light will help you getthe best fueleconomy See ShiftIndicator Light in thissection Headlight High Beam Indicator Light KO229 This lightwiththe blue high beamsymbolis on theinstrumentcluster The highbeamindicatoris on whenever you useyourhighbeamheadlights For moredetailsabouthighbeams see HeadlightHigh LowBeam Changer in this section 2 72 ...

Страница 125: ...ator Standard Cluster Digital Cluster PH PO251 This light with the green arrows is on the instrument cluster The turn signal indicator willcomeonwhenever you signal a turn orlanechange See Turn andLaneChange Signal in this section 2 73 ...

Страница 126: ...lorless Herearefourthingsthatsomeownersaskabout None of theseshowa problemwithyourfuelgage At the gasstation thegaspumpshuts off beforethegagereadsfull It takes a littlemoreorlessfuel to fill upthanthegageindicated For example thegagemayhaveindicatedthetankwashalffull but it actuallytookalittlemore or lessthanhalfthetank scapacityto fill the tank Thegagemovesalittlewhenyouturnacornerorspeedup Theg...

Страница 127: ...n to flash when the chargingsystemneedsservice You canonlydriveforashorttimewiththereading in eitherwarningzone If youmustdrive turn off allunnecessaryaccessories Readingsineitherwarningzoneindicateapossibleproblemintheelectrical system Havethevehicleservicedassoon as possible mailer Wiring Harness Your vehiclemayhaveeithera5 wireor7 wireharness The5 wireharnessisstoredalongtheleftrearframecrossme...

Страница 128: and no connector and should be wiredbya qualified serviceperson Attachthe harnesstothetrailer then tape orstrap it to yourvehicle sframerail Be sure you leave it loose enough so thewiringdoesn tbend or break but not so loosethatitdragsontheground Storetheharnessin its originalplace Wraptheharnesstogetherand tie it neatly so itwon tbedamaged 2 76 ...

Страница 129: ...of vehiclesymbols refer to Vehicle Symbols in Section 0 Comfort Controls 3 3 Flow Through Ventilation System 3 3 Heating System I I I I 3 5 HeatinglAir Conditioning System 3 6 Engine Block Heater 3 7 Audio Systems 3 7 FM Stereo 3 8 AM I I I I I 3 8 AM Stereo 3 8 How to Operate Your ETR AM Radio 3 9 How to Operate Your ETR AM FM How to Operate Your ETR AM FM Stereo Audio System 3 11 Stereo Audio Ca...

Страница 130: ...w toOperate Your ETR AM FM StereoAudioCassetteSystemWithEqualizer 3 16 Care of Your Cassette TapePlayer 3 19 How toOperate Your ETR AM FM StereoAudioCompactDisc CD System 3 20 Care of Your CompactDisc 3 25 fixed Mast Antenna 3 26 3 2 ...

Страница 131: ...e air conditioning fan isrunning VentilationTips Keepthe hood andfrontairinletfree ofice snow oranyother obstruction such as leaves Theheateranddefroster will workfar better reducingthechanceof fogging the inside ofyourwindows Whenyouenter a vehicle in cold weather turn the blowerfan to HI for a fewmoments before driving off This helps clearthe intake ducts of snow and moisture andreduces the chan...

Страница 132: ...ent panel You canmovetheventstodirectthe flow of air orclosethevents altogether Whenyoucloseavent itwillincreasetheflow of aircoming out of anyventsthatareopen If yourvehicledoes not haveairconditioning thereareairvents in eachkick panelbelowtheinstrumentpanel Eachventhasahandle to open and close it 3 4 ...

Страница 133: ... forwarmerair Move the lever downforcoolerair Function Lever Theleveron the right of the systemcan be moved to threedifferentheating functions DEFROST This setting operatesthedefroster Most of the aircomesout nearthewindshield withsomegoing to the floorvents and sidewindow defrostvents Use this when you get fog or ice on the windshield HTR Heater Most of the aircomesoutnearthefloor Therestcomesout...

Страница 134: ... on theleft of thesystemdisplayletsyouselectthetemperatureof the aircomingintoyourvehicle Movethelever up forwarmerair Move the leverdownforcooler air Functjon Lever Theleverontheright of thesystemcanbemovedtoseven different heating and airconditioningfunctions DEFROST This settingoperatesthedefroster Most of theaircomesout near thewindshield withsomegoing to thefloorventsandsidewindow defrostvent...

Страница 135: ...ngineblockheaterbeforestartingyourengine your heatingsystemwillproducewarmerairfaster to heatthepassenger compartmentincoldweather See EngineBlock Heater intheIndex Audio Systems CAUTION 1 I A Hearing damage from loud noise is almostundetectableuntil it is too late Your hearing can adapt to highervolumes of sound Sound that seemsnormal can be loud andharmful to yourhearing Take precautions by adju...

Страница 136: ...lyatnight Thelongerrange however cancausestations to interferewitheachother AM canpickupnoisefromthingslikestormsandpowerlines Tryreducing thetreble to reducethisnoise if youevergetit AM Stereo C QUAIP ThismeanstheDelco systemcanreceiveC QUAM stereobroadcasts Many AM stationsaroundthecountryuseC QUAM toproducestereo thoughsomedonot C QUAM is a re isteredtrademarkofMotorola Inc If yourDelco systemc...

Страница 137: ... controls the volume The VOL knob increases volumewhen rotated It tells you the time When the ignition is off push the RECALL knob to It allows you to RECALL the frequency when the radio is playing clockwise display the time 5 AL Balance The control behind the upper knob allows youto balance the soundbetween the rightand left speakers Lower Knob Turn the lowerknow to tune inradio stations 3 9 ...

Страница 138: ...oining buttonsatthesametime Tune in thedesiredstation Pressthe SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds pressanytwoadjoiningpushbuttonsatthe same time Thestationwillreturnwhenthesametwobuttons are pressedagain Clock To set the clock just Push the SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds pressandhold MlNS until the correctminuteappears on thedisplay Pressand hold HRS untilthecorrecthourappearsonthedisplay TREBLE Sli...

Страница 139: ... controlsthevolume The VOL knob increasesvolumewhenrotated It tellsyouthetime Whentheignitionis off pushthe RECALL knob to clockwise displaythetime BAL Balance Thecontrol behind theupperknoballowsyou to balancethesoundbetween theright and leftspeakers Lower Knob Turn thelowerknobto tune in radiostations Push it to get AM or FM FADE Thecontrol behind thelowerknobfadesthe sound betweenyourfrontand r...

Страница 140: ...tons to store the station Wheneveryoupress that button the presetstation will return NOTE Up to three additional stationsmay be presetoneachbandby pressing two adjoining buttonsat the sametime The station willreturnwhen the same two buttons arepressedagain Clock To set the clock just Push the SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds press and hold SEEK until the correct minute appears on the display Pressa...

Страница 141: ...ontrols the volume TheVOLknob increases volumewithclockwise rotation It tells you the time When the ignition is off push the RCL knob to display the time It allows you to hear the otherside of the tape Press the RCL knob while the cassette is playing BAL Balance The control behind the upperknob allows you to balance the soundbetween the right andleft speakers Lower Knob Turn the lower knob to tune...

Страница 142: ...utton SET appears in the VF display for 5 seconds Within 5 seconds push one of the fourpushbuttonstostore the station Wheneveryoupressthat button thepresetstation will return NOTE In additiontothefourstationssetasabove up to threeadditional stations may be presetoneachbandbypressing two adjoiningpushbuttons at the sametime Tunein the desiredstation Press the SET pushbutton SET appearsinthe VF disp...

Страница 143: ...apesthat are 30 to 45 minutes long on eachside Tapeslonger than that are so thin theymay not workwell in thisplayer Once the tape is playing usetheupper and lowerknobsforvolumebalance and fade just as you do fortheradio Thearrows indicate whichside of the tape is being played Forward To rapidlyadvancethetape press thearrow pointing rightandthe tape will rapidlygoforwarduntil you press the STOP EJE...

Страница 144: ...sthesethreethings It controls the volume It tellsyouthetime Whentheignition is off pushthe RCL knob to It allowsyou to heartheotherside of thetape Pressthe PROG knob displaythetime whilethecassetteisplaying BAL Balance The controlbehindtheupperknoballowsyou to balancethesoundbetween right and leftspeakers Lower Knob Turnthelowerknob to tuneradiostations Push it to get AM or FM FADE Thecontrolbehin...

Страница 145: ...above up to three additional stations maybepreset on each band by pressingtwo adjoining buttons at the same time Just Tune in thedesiredstation Pressthe SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds press any two adjoiningpushbuttonsat the sametime The station willreturnwhen the sametwobuttonsarepressedagain Clock To settheclock just Push the SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds press and hold SEEK until the correct...

Страница 146: ...ilt to workbestwithtapesthatare 30 to 45 minutes longoneachside Tapeslongerthanthatare so thintheymaynotworkwell in thisplayer Once thetapeisplaying usetheupperandlowerknobsforvolume balance andfade justas you did forradio The arrowsindicatewhichsideofthe tape is beingplayed Cr02 The CrO2 buttonletsyousetthesystemforthetype of cassette being used If you areusing chrome or metaltapes pushthe Cr02 b...

Страница 147: ... t theymaynotoperateproperly or causefailure of the tapeplayer Your tapeplayershould be cleanedregularlyeachmonth or afterevery 15 hours ofuse Ifyounotice a reduction in soundquality try a knowngood cassette to seeifthetape or thetapeplayer is atfault If thisothercassette has no improvementinsoundquality cleanthetapeplayer Cleanyourcassettetapeplayerwith a wiping action non abrasivecleaning casset...

Страница 148: displayed brieflyunless the LefVRightspeaker control Rear Front speakercontrol BASS or TREB are adjusted It controlsthemutefeature By pressing the MUTE knob all soundfrom the radio or CD player stops By pressing theknobagain orby turning the VOLknobclockwise sound will begin again LeftRight Speaker Control The control behind the upperknob allows you to balancethesoundbetween the right andleftsp...

Страница 149: ...uttons Thefivepushbuttonsletyoureturn to favoritestations Theyarealsoused whenyouplayadisc See To Play A CompactDisc To setthepushbuttonsforup to ten favoritestations 5 AM and 5 FM Tune in thedesiredstation Pushthe SET button SET is displayedbriefly Within 5 seconds push one of thefivepushbuttons to storethestation Wheneveryoupressthatbutton thepresetstationwillreturn Clock To settheclock just Pre...

Страница 150: ...e up The playerwillpull it in Waitafewsecondsandthediscshouldplay Ifthedisccomesbackout checkwhether The disc is upsidedown It is dirty scratched orwet Too muchmoisture is in the air If thereis waitaboutone again RCL Press RCL to seewhattrackisplaying Press it againwithin 5 hourandtry seconds to see how long it hasbeenplaying The tracknumberalsoappearswhenyou changethevolumeorwhenanewtrackstarts t...

Страница 151: ...Play to make the discstop and the radioplay Press ST PL again to restartthedisc at the pointwhere it stopped Press PWR or turn the ignition key off to stopthediscplayer fhe disc stays in the player and willresume playing atthepointwhere it stopped Press EJECT toeject the disc and maketheradioplay The discwillstartat tract 1 when you reinsertit Anti Theft Feature DelcoLOC ll is an Anti Theft featur...

Страница 152: ...enbatterypowerisreapplied to asecuredradio the radiowon t turn on and LOC will appearonthedisplay Enter yoursecretcodeasfollows pausenomorethan 15 secondsbetween steps appear the radio is secure 1 Turn the igny onon Radio off 2 Depressthe SET button Thedisplay will show 000 3 Enter the sixdigits of the codefollowing steps 6 9 above Thedisplay 4 Depressthe BAND knobandthe time appears indicatingtha...

Страница 153: ...bling sequencewas unsuccessful and the numbers did not matcheither of the codesand the unit will remain in the SECUREDmode Care of Your Compact Dlsc Handlediscscarefully Store them in their original cases orother protective casesandaway from direct sunlight and dust If the surface of a disc is soiled dampena clean soft cloth in a mild neutral detergent solution and clean it wiping from the center ...

Страница 154: ...tennacanwithstandmostcarwasheswithoutbeing damaged If themastshouldeverbecomeslightlybent youcanstraighten it outbyhand If themastisbadlybent as it might be byvandals you should replace it Checkeveryonce in awhiletobesurethemast is still tightened to the fender 3 26 ...

Страница 155: ...ehicle 4 12 Braking 4 12 Steering Tips 4 18 Steering in Emergencies 4 18 Passing 4 20 Loss of Control 4 22 Off Road Driving WithYour Four wheel Drive Vehicle 4 23 Driving at Night 4 34 Driving in the Rain 4 37 Driving in Fog Mist and Haze 4 39 City Driving 4 41 Freeway Driving 4 42 Driving a Long Distance 4 44 Hill and Mountain Roads 4 46 Parking on Hills 4 48 Winter Driving 4 51 Recreational Vehi...

Страница 156: ...eachancetoreadit Color of Road Signs V r ISTOPI E N T E c WAY tAM402001 RED means STOP It mayalsoindicatethatsomemovement is notallowed Examplesare DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY YELLOW indicatesageneralwarning Slowdownandbecarefulwhenyou seeayellowsign Itmaysignalarailroadcrossingahead ano passing zone or some otherpotentiallydangeroussituation Likewise a yellowsolid linepaintedontheroadmeans Don tCr...

Страница 157: ... part of theroadmaybeclosedoff ortornup And there may be workersandmaintenancevehiclesaround too WEST SMALLTC V E X I T 1 44 1 AM402004 GREEN is usedto guidethedriver Green signsmayindicateupcoming freewayexitsorshowthedirectionyoushouldturn to reachaparticular place HOSPITAL INFORMATION AM40200i BLUE signswithwhitelettersshowmotorists sewices 4 3 ...

Страница 158: ...tural interest Shape of Road Signs Theshape of the sign will tell yousomething too ST0PII AM402007 An OCTAGONAL eight sided sign means STOP It is always red withwhite letters A DIAMOND shaped sign is awarning of something ahead forexample the end ofa divided highway a curve steephill soft shoulder or anarrow bridge 4 4 ...

Страница 159: ...tion P AM40201 A TRIANGULAR sign alsoisused on two lane roads to indicate aNO PASSINGZONE This sign will be on the leftside of the roadway KEEP RIGHT L LEFT OR THROUGH RIGHTTURN ONLY AM402011 RECTANGULAR square or oblong signs show speed limits parking regulations give directions and such informationasdistances to cities 4 5 ...

Страница 160: ...OT to do NO U TURN NO PARKING NO BICYCLES AM402013 Traffic Lights I I AM402014 We re all familiarwithtrafficlightsorstoplights Often greenarrowsarebeing used in thelightsforimprovedtrafficcontrol Onsomemultilaneroads green arrowslightup indicatingthattrafficinoneormorelanescanmoveormake aturn Greenarrowsdon tmean gonomatterwhat You llstill need to proceedwithcaution yieldingtheright ofway to pedes...

Страница 161: ...sted to warndriverswhathours and days these systemsare in effect C REVERSIBLE LANE ON MULTI LANE ROADWAY I Pavement Markings NO PASSING ZONE I AM402016 Pavementmarkings add totraffic signs and signals Theygiveinformationto driverswithout taking attention from the roadway A solid yellow line on your sideof the roadorlanemeans don t cross Your Own Signals Drivers signal toothers too It s not onlymor...

Страница 162: ...eallymeans beready for anything Oncitystreets rural roads or freeways it means alwaysexpecttheunexpected Assumethatpedestrians or otherdrivers are going to becareless and make mistakes Anticipatewhattheymight do Bereadyfortheirmistakes Expectchildren to dashoutfrombehindparkedcars oftenfollowedbyother children Expectoccupantsinparkedcars to open doors intotraffic Watchfor movementinparkedcars some...

Страница 163: ...f victimseveryyear Alcoholtakesaway three thingsthatanyoneneeds to driveavehicle Judgment Muscular Coordination Vision Policerecordsshow that half of allmotorvehicle relateddeathsinvolve alcohol adriver apassengerorsomeoneelse suchasapedestrian had beendrinking In mostcases thesedeathsaretheresult of someonewho wasdrinkinganddriving Over 25 000 motorvehicle relateddeathsoccur eachyear because of a...

Страница 164: ...ofbeerinanhourwillendup withaBACofabout 0 06 percent ThepersonwouldreachthesameBAC bydrinkingthree4 ounce 120ml glasses of wineorthreemixeddrinks if each had 1 4 2 ounces 45 ml of aliquorlikewhiskey ginorvodka It s theamount of alcoholthatcounts Forexample ifthesamepersondrank three doublemartinis 3 ouncesor 90 ml of liquoreach withinanhour the person sBACwould be close to 0 12 percent Apersonwhoc...

Страница 165: ...ercent thechancesaretwenty fivetimesgreater And the bodytakesabout an hour to rid itself of the alcoholinonedrink No amount of coffeeornumber of cold showerswill speed thatup I ll becareful isn ttherightanswer What if there sanemergency a need to take sudden action aswhena child darts into thestreet A person witha higherBACmightnotbeable to reactquicklyenough to avoidthecollision There ssomethinge...

Страница 166: ...That s perception time Thenyouhaveto bring up yourfoot and do it That s reaction time Average reaction time isabout 3 4 of asecond Butthat sonlyanaverage It might be lesswithonedriver and aslongastwoorthreeseconds or morewithanother Age physicalcondition alertness coordination and eyesightallplayapart So do alcohol drugsandfrustration Buteven in 314 of asecond avehiclemovingat 60 mph 100 km h trav...

Страница 167: ... you do a lot of heavybraking Don t ride the brakes by letting your left footrest lightly on the brake pedalwhiledriving AM410001 CAUTION Riding yourbrakes can causethem to overheat to thepoint that theywon tworkwell You mightnotbeable to stopyourvehicle in time to avoidanaccident If you ride yourbrakes theywillget so hot they will require a lot of pedal force to slowyoudown Avoid riding the brake...

Страница 168: ...ssist Butyou willuse it whenyoubrake Oncethepowerassistisusedup itmay takelonger to stop andthebrakepedalwillbeharder to push Antilock Brakes ABS Your vehiclehasanadvancedelectronicbrakingsystemthatcanhelpyou keepitundercontrol b F AM415003 Here showantilockworks Let ssaytheroad is wet You redrivingsafely Suddenlyananimaljumpsoutinfront of you You slamonthebrakes Here swhathappenswith ABS A comput...

Страница 169: ...d tn stop even thnllgh E youhaveantilockbrakes I lo Use Antilock Userearwheelantilocklikeregularbrakes You mayfeelthebrakesvibrate oryoumaynoticesome noise outsideyourvehicle butthis is normal Let antilockworkforyou butremember Your frontwheelscan still stoprolling If thathappens release enough pressureon the brakes to getthewheels rollingagain so that youcan steer Withthefour wheeldriveoptionyouw...

Страница 170: ...SeetheIndexunder Brake SystemWarningLight Disc Brake Wear Indicators Yourvehiclehasfrontdiscbrakesandreardrumbrakes Discbrakepads havebuilt inwearindicatorsthatmakeahigh pitchedwarningsoundwhen thebrakepadsarewornandnewpadsareneeded Thesoundmaycome and go or be heardallthetimeyourvehicleismoving exceptwhenyouare pushingonthebrakepedalfirmly I A The brake wearwarningsoundmeans that sooneror later y...

Страница 171: ...her than normal yourrear drum brakesmayneed adjustment Adjustthembybackingupandfirmlyapplyingthebrakesafew times Braking In Emergencies At sometime nearlyeverydrivergets into asituationthatrequireshard braking You have the rearwheelantilockbrakingsystem Yourfrontwheels canstoprollingwhen you brakeveryhard Oncetheydo thevehiclecan t respond to yoursteering Momentumwillcarryit in whateverdirection i...

Страница 172: ...eplaces You canlosecontrol The samethingcan happen if you resteeringthroughasharpcurveandyousuddenlyaccelerate Those twocontrolsystems steeringandacceleration canoverwhelmthoseplaces where the tiresmeettheroadandmakeyoulosecontrol Whatshouldyoudo if thiseverhappens Letuponthebrakeoraccelerator pedal steerthevehiclethewayyouwant it togo andslowdown Speed limitsignsnearcurveswarnthatyoushouldadjusty...

Страница 173: ...cision If you are holding the steering wheelattherecommended 9 and 3 o clockpositions youcanturn it a full 180 degreesveryquicklywithoutremovingeitherhand But you have to actfast steerquickly and just asquickly straighten the wheelonceyouhave avoided theobject You mustthenbepreparedtosteer back to your original lane and then braketoa controlled stop Dependingonyourspeed this canberatherviolentfora...

Страница 174: ...vement do NOT steer more sharply With too muchsteeringangle thevehiclemayjumpbackontothe roadwith so muchsteeringinputthat it crossesoverintotheoncomingtraffic beforeyoucanbring it backundercontrol Instead ease off againonthe acceleratorandsteeringinput straddlethepavementonce more then try again Passing Thedriver of avehicleabout to passanotheronatwo lanehighwaywaits for just therightmoment accel...

Страница 175: ... backareasonabledistance When it lookslikeachance to passiscomingup start to accelerate butstay in therightlaneanddon tget too close Timeyourmove so youwillbeincreasingspeedasthetimecomes to moveintotheother lane If thewayisclear to pass youwillhavea runningstart that morethanmakesupforthedistance you wouldlosebydroppingback And if something happens to causeyou to cancelyourpass youneed onlyslowdo...

Страница 176: ...eringforce And in theaccelerationskid too muchthrottlecauses the driving wheelstospin A corneringskidand an acceleration skid arebesthandledbyeasingyour foot off theaccelerator pedal Ifyourvehiclestartstoslide aswhen you turn acorner on awet snow orice coveredroad easeyourfoot off the acceleratorpedalassoonas you feel the tiresstart to slide Quicklysteer the way you wantthevehicletogo If you start...

Страница 177: ...beslippery rough uphillordownhill Inshort you vegoneright back to nature Off road drivinginvolvessomenewskills Andthat s why it sveryimportant thatyoureadthisguide You ll find manydrivingtipsandsuggestions These willhelp make your off road drivingsaferandmoreenjoyable BeforeYou Go Off Roading Therearesomethings to dobefore you goout Forexample besure to haveallnecessarymaintenanceandserviceworkdon...

Страница 178: ......

Страница 179: ...rain You need to befamiliarwiththeterrain and its manydifferentfeatures Herearesome things to consider Surface Conditions Off roadingcantakeyouover hard packed dirt gravel rocks grass sand mud snoworice Each of thesesurfacesaffectsthesteering acceleration andbraking of yourtruck in differentways Dependinguponthe kind of surfaceyouare on you mayexperienceslipping sliding wheelspinning delayedaccele...

Страница 180: ...dgmentaboutwhatis safe and whatisn t can be affectedbyevenasmallamount of alcohol You could have Driving On Off Road Hills Off roaddrivingoftentakesyouup down oracrossahill Drivingsafelyon hills requiresgoodjudgmentandanunderstanding of whatyourvehicle can and can t do Therearesomehillsthatsimplycan tbedriven no matterhow well built thevehicle AMany hills aresimply too steepforanyvehicle If youdri...

Страница 181: ...the hill if youdon tknow It sthesmartwayto find out Is the hill simplytoorough Steephillsoftenhaveruts gullies troughs and exposed rocksbecausetheyare more susceptible to theeffects of erosion Driving Uphill Once youdecideyou can safelydrive up thehill youneed to takesome specialsteps Usealowergear and getafirmgriponthesteeringwheel Getasmoothstartupthe hill and try to maintainyourspeed Don tuse m...

Страница 182: ...heparkingbrake If yourengineis still running shiftthetransmissionintoreverse release the parkingbrake andslowlybackdownthe hill inreverse If yourenginehas stopped running you ll need torestart it Withthe brakepedaldepressed and the parking brake still applied shiftthe transmission to P Park or shiftto N Neutral ifyourvehiclehasa manualtransmission and restarttheengine Then shiftto R Reverse releas...

Страница 183: ...icle Leave it in somegear A If you have a manual transfer case shift lever shifting the transfer I case to N Neutral can causeyourvehicle to roll even if the transmission is in P Park or if youhavethemanualtransmission even if you re in gear This is because the N Neutral position on thetransfer case overridesthetransmission If you are going to leaveyourvehicle setthe parking brake and shiftthetran...

Страница 184: ... You couldrollover if youdon tdrivestraightdown Nevergodownhillwiththetransmission in N Neutral orwiththeclutch pedaldepressed in amanualshift This is called free wheeling Your brakeswillhave to doalltheworkandcouldoverheat and fade Avoidbraking so hardthatyoulockthewheelswhengoingdownhill If yourfrontwheels are locked youcan tsteeryourvehicle Ifyourwheels lockupduringdownhillbraking youmay feel t...

Страница 185: ...leslipssideways it can hitsomethingthat willtrip it arock arut etc androllover Hiddenobstaclescanmakethesteepness of theinclineevenworse If youdriveacrossarockwiththe uphill wheels or if thedownhillwheels drop into arutordepression yourvehicle can tilt evenmore For reasonslikethese youneed to decidecarefullywhether to try todrive acrossanincline Just because the trail goesacrosstheinclinedoesn tme...

Страница 186: ...san incline is dangerous If thevehiclerollsover youcouldbecrushed or killed Alwaysgetoutontheuphill high side of thevehicleand staywellclearoftherolloverpath Driving In Mud SandySnowyOr Ice Whenyoudrivein mud snoworsand yourwheelswon tget good traction You can taccelerateasquickly turning is moredifficult andyou llneed longerbrakingdistances It sbesttousealowgearwhenyou re in mud thedeeper themud ...

Страница 187: ...nospecial off road drivingproblems Butheavyraincan meanflashflooding and floodwaters demand extremecaution Findouthowdeepthewater is beforeyoudrivethroughit If it sdeep enough to coveryourwheelhubs axles orexhaustpipe don t try it you probablywon tgetthrough Also waterthatdeepcandamageyouraxle and othervehicleparts If thewaterisn t too deep thendrivethrough it slowly Atfastspeeds water splashes on...

Страница 188: ...kthefuellinesandcoolingsystemforanyleakage Your vehiclewillrequiremorefrequentservicedue to off road use Refer to theMaintenanceScheduleforadditionalinformation Driving at Night AN450005 Nightdriving is moredangerousthandaydriving Onereason is thatsome driversarelikely to beimpaired byalcoholordrugs withnightvision problems orbyfatigue Herearesometipsonnightdriving Drivedefensively Remember this i...

Страница 189: ...ns oreventrains blockingrailwaycrossings You maywanttoput on yoursunglassesafteryou have pulled intoa brightly lighted service or refreshmentarea Eyesshielded fromthatglaremayadjustmorequickly to darknessback on the road But besure to removeyoursunglassesbeforeyouleavetheservicearea You canbetemporarilyblinded by approachinglights Itcantakeasecondor two orevenseveralseconds foryoureyestoreadjust t...

Страница 190: ...en the inside of theglasscan build up afilmcausedby dust Tobaccosmoke also makes insideglasssurfacesveryfilmy and can be avisionhazard if it s left there Dirtyglassmakeslightsdazzleandflashmorethancleanglasswould makingthepupils of youreyescontractrepeatedly You mightevenwant to keepa cloth and some glass cleanerinyourvehicle if youneed to clean yourglassfrequently Remember that yourheadlights lig...

Страница 191: ...esaretuned fordrivingon dry pavement Theheaviertherain theharder it istosee Even if yourwindshieldwiper bladesare in good shape aheavyraincanmake it harder to seeroadsigns and trafficsignals pavementmarkings theedge of theroad and even peoplewalking Road spraycanoftenbeworseforvisionthanrain especially if it comesfromadirtyroad So it iswise to keepyourwipingequipment in good shapeandkeepyour winds...

Страница 192: ...that they can actuallyrideonthewater This can happen if theroad is wet enough andyou regoingfastenough Whenyourvehicle is hydroplaning it haslittleornocontactwiththeroad You mightnotbeawareofhydroplaning You coulddrivealongforsometime withoutrealizingyourtiresaren t in constantcontactwiththeroad You could find outthehardway whenyouhave to slow turn moveoutto pass or if yougethitbyagust ofwind You ...

Страница 193: ...itionsimprove Goingmoreslowly is betterthan havinganaccident Useyourdefogger if it helps Have good tireswithpropertreaddepth See Tires in theIndex Driving in Fog Mist and Haze Fogcanoccurwithhighhumidity or heavyfrost It canbe so mildthatyou can seethrough it forseveralhundredfeet meters Or it mightbe so thick thatyoucanseeonlya few feet meters ahead It may comesuddenly to an otherwise clear road ...

Страница 194: ...anbe waitingfor you asyoucomeovera hill or dipintoashallowvalley Start yourwindshieldwipersandwasher to helpclearaccumulatedroaddirt Slow downcarefully Tips on Driving in Fog If yougetcaught in fog turnyourheadlightsonlowbeam even in daytime You llsee andbeseen better Useyour foglights if yourvehiclehasthem Don tuseyourhighbeams Thelightwillbounce off thewaterdropletsthat makeupfogandreflectback a...

Страница 195: ...d to pass safely Eventhen beprepared to delayyourpass if yoususpectthefogis worseupahead If othervehiclestrytopassyou make it easyforthem City Driving 1 AN460003 One of thebiggestproblemswithcitystreets is theamount of trafficonthem You llwant to watchoutforwhat the otherdriversaredoing andpay attention to trafficsignals Here are ways to increaseyoursafety in citydriving Know the bestway to get to...

Страница 196: AN461003 Mileformile freeways alsocalledthruways parkways expressways turnpikes orsuperhighways arethesafest of allroads Buttheyhavetheir ownspecialrules Themostimportantadvice on freewaydrivingis Keepupwithtrafficand keep to theright Driveatthesamespeedmost of theotherdriversare driving Too fastortoo slowdrivingbreaksasmoothtrafficflow Treattheleft lane on afreewayasapassinglane Entering the ...

Страница 197: ...nd watchfor telltale signs turn signals flashing anincrease in speed ormoving toward the edge of the lane Be preparedtodelayyourmove Onceyouaremoving on thefreeway make certain youallowareasonable followingdistance Expect to moveslightlyslowerat night Leaving the Freeway Whenyouwantto leave the freeway move to theproperlanewell in advance Dashingacrosslanes at the lastminute is dangerous If you mi...

Страница 198: ... too manymiles thatfirstpart of thejourney Wearcomfortableclothingandshoes you can easilydrivein Is yourvehiclereadyforalongtrip If youkeep it serviced and maintained it s ready to go If it needsservice have it donebeforestartingout Of course you ll find experiencedandableserviceexpertsinyourvehicle s dealershipsallacrossNorthAmerica They llbeready and willing to help if you need it Herearesomethi...

Страница 199: ...whatever There is somethingaboutaneasystretch of roadwith the samescenery alongwiththehum of thetires on theroad thedroneoftheengine andthe rush of thewindagainst the vehiclethatcanmakeyousleepy Don tletit happen to you If itdoes yourvehiclecanleavetheroad in less thana second andyou could crashandbeinjured Whatcanyou do abouthighwayhypnosis First beawarethat it can happen Thenhere are some tips M...

Страница 200: ...uidlevelsand also the brakes tires coolingsystemandtransmission Thesepartscanwork hard on mountainroads Knowhow to godownhills Themostimportantthing to knowisthis let yourengine do some of theslowingdown Don tmakeyourbrakes do it all Shifttoalowergearwhenyougodownasteeporlonghill That way youwillslowdownwithoutexcessiveuseofyourbrakes If youdon tshiftdown yourbrakescouldget so hotthatthey wouldn t...

Страница 201: ...oftheroad Drive atspeedsthat let youstayinyourownlane Thatway youwon tbe surprised bya vehicle coming toward youin the samelane It takes longer to passanother vehicle when you re going uphill You ll want to leave extra room to pass Ifa vehicle is passing youand doesn thaveenoughroom slowdown to makeiteasier for the other vehicle to getby Asyougoover the top ofa hill be alert There could besomethin...

Страница 202: ...ookfor pull offs orparkingareasprovidedforscenicviewing AM470005 Anotherpart of thismanualtellshow to useyourparkingbrake see Parking Brake in the Index Butonamountain or steephill you can do one more thing You canturnyourfrontwheels to keepyourvehiclefromrolling down hill or outintotraffic Here s how Parking Downhill I AM470010 Turn your wheels to theright 4 48 ...

Страница 203: ...tle contact is all youneed Parking Uphill AM470015 If there is a curb turn yourwheels to the left if thecurb is attherightside ofyourvehicle AM470020 If you regoing uphill on a one way street and you reParking on the left side yourwheelsshould point to the right 4 49 ...

Страница 204: ...ehiclemayputtoomuchforceonthe parkingpawl in thetransmission You may find it difficult to pulltheshiftlever out of P Park Thisiscalledtorquelock To preventtorquelock always be sure to shiftinto P Park beforeyouleavethedriver sseat To findout how see Shifting Into P Park in theIndex When you areready to drive movetheshiftleverout of P Park BEFORE youreleasetheparkingbrake If torque lock does occur ...

Страница 205: asmallbrushorbroom asupplyofwindshield washerfluid arag some winterouterclothing asmallshovel aflashlight a redcloth and acouple of reflectivewarningtriangles And if youwillbe drivingundersevereconditions includeasmallbag of sand apiece of old carpet or acouple of burlap bags tohelpprovidetraction Be sureyou properlysecuretheseitems in yourvehicle Driving on Snow or Ice Mostofthetime thoseplace...

Страница 206: ...lishthesurfaceunder thetiresevenmore Your antilockbrakesimproveyourabilitytomakeahardstoponaslippery road Eventhoughyouhavetheantilockbrakingsystem you llwant to begin stoppingsoonerthanyouwouldondrypavement See Antilock in the Index Allowgreaterfollowingdistanceonanyslipperyroad Watchforslipperyspots The roadmightbefineuntilyouhitaspot that scoveredwithice Onan otherwiseclearroad icepatchesmay ap...

Страница 207: ...lothing makebodyinsulatorsfrom newspapers burlapbags rags floor mats anythingyoucanwraparound yourselfortuckunderyourclothing to keepwarm You canruntheengine to keepwarm butbecareful LAU I IVN A Snow can trap exhaust gases under your vehicle This can cause I A deadly CO carbonmonoxide gastogetinside CO couldovercome you and kill you You can tsee it or smellit so youmightnotknow it is inyourvehicle...

Страница 208: ...ewindowalmostallthe way to preservetheheat Starttheengineagainandrepeatthisonlywhen youfeelreallyuncomfortablefromthecold But do itaslittleaspossible Preservethefuelaslongasyoucan To helpkeepwarm you can get out of thevehicleanddosomefairlyvigorousexerciseseveryhalfhouror so untilhelpcomes lf You re Stuck in Deep Snow Thismanualexplainshow to getthevehicleout of deepsnowwithout damagingit See Rock...

Страница 209: ...ransfercaseto N Neutral cancauseyourvehicleto roll even if thetransmissionis in P Park foranautomatic transmission or if yourvehicleis in gear foramanualtrans This is becausethetransfercaseoverridesthetransmissil NOTICE I Removalofeitherpropellershaft is unnecessary 5 Releasetheparkingbrakeonlyafterthevehiclebeingtowedisfirmly attached to thetowvehicle E K GI ICE Customers should exercise extra ca...

Страница 210: ...hissection In it are manytime tested important traileringtipsandsafetyrules Many of theseareimportant for yoursafety and that of yourpassengers So pleasereadthissectioncarefully before you pull a trailer IfYouDo Decide To Pull A Trailer If youdo herearesomeimportantpoints There are manydifferentlawshaving to do withtrailering Makesure your rig will be legal notonlywhereyoulivebutalsowhereyou ll be...

Страница 211: ...nada Limited Customer AssistanceCenter 1908 ColonelSamDrive Oshawa Ontario L1H 8P7 Weight of theTrailerTongue The tongueload A of anytrailerisanimportantweightto measure because it affectsthe total orgrossweight of yourvehicle The grossvehicleweight GVW includesthecurbweight of the vehicle anycargoyoumaycarry in it and thepeoplewhowillberiding in thevehicle And if you towatrailer you must add thet...

Страница 212: ...rvehicle Hitches It simportanttohavethecorrecthitchequipment Crosswinds largetrucks goingby androughroadsareafewreasonswhyyou llneedtherighthitch Herearesomerules to follow If you llbepullingatrailerthat whenloaded willweighmorethan 2 000 pounds 900 kg besure to useaproperly mounted weight distributing hitchandswaycontrolofthepropersize Thisequipment is very importantforpropervehicleloadingand goo...

Страница 213: ... the trailerbrake parts take 3 000 psi 20 650kPa of pressure If not the trailerbrakesystemmustnotbeusedwithyour vehicle If everything checksout this far then make the brake fluid tap at the porton the master cylinder that sends fluid to the rear brakes Butdon t usecopper tubing for this If you do it will bendandfinallybreak off Usesteel brake tubing Driving with a Trailer Towinga trailer requiresa...

Страница 214: ...ignal flasher and extrawiring Thegreenarrowsonyourinstrumentpanelwillflash wheneveryousignalaturnorlanechange Properly hooked up thetrailer lightswillalsoflash tellingotherdriversyou reabout to turn changelanes orstop Whentowingatrailer thegreenarrowsonyourinstrumentpanelwillflashfor turnseven if thebulbsonthetrailer are burnedout Thus you may think driversbehindyouareseeingyoursignalwhentheyareno...

Страница 215: ...caseis in adrive gear not in N Neutral 6 Releasetheregularbrakes A It can be dangerous to getoutofyourvehicle if theshiftlever is not L fully in P Park with the parking brakefirmlyset Your vehicle can roll If youhavelefttheenginerunning thevehiclecanmovesuddenly You orothers could beinjured To be sure yourvehicle won tmove evenwhenyou re on fairlylevelground use thestepsthatfollow If youhavefour w...

Страница 216: ...coveredinthismanual andtheIndexwillhelpyou find them quickly Ifyou retrailering it sagoodidea to reviewthesesectionsbefore youstartyourtrip Checkperiodically to seethatallhitchnutsandboltsaretight Trailer Light Wiring See TrailerWiringHarness in theIndex Power Winches If you wish to useapowerwinchonyourvehicle onlyuse it whenyour vehicleisstationaryoranchored en operatingapowerwinchonyourvehicleal...

Страница 217: ...emsthatcanoccur on the road Hazard Warning Flashers 5 2 Other Warning Devices 5 3 Jump Starting 5 3 Towing Your Vehicle 5 7 Engine Overheating 5 9 If a Tire Goes Flat 5 15 Changing a Flat Tire 5 16 Compact Spare Tire 5 28 If You re Stuck In Sand Mud Ice or Snow 5 30 5 1 4 ...

Страница 218: ...oletpoliceknow youhaveaproblem Your frontandrearturnsignallightswillflash on and off Buttheywon tflashifyou rebraking Pressthebuttonintomakeyourfrontandrearturnsignallightsflashon and off Your hazardwarningflasherswork no matterwhatposition your key is in andeven if thekeyisn tin 5 2 ...

Страница 219: ...n you They contain gas that can explode or ignite 0 They contain enough electricity to bum you If you don t follow these steps exactly some or all of these things can hurt you I I I NOTICE I oring these steps could result in costly damage to your vehicle that wouldn t be covered byyourwarranty Trying to startyour vehicle by pushing or pulling itcould damageyourvehicle even if you have a manualtran...

Страница 220: a radioon itcouldbebadlydamaged Therepairswouldn t becoveredbyyourwarrant 4 Openthehoodsandlocatethebatteries Findthepositive t and E negative terminalsoneachbattery CAUTION AUsing a matchnear a battery cancausebatterygas to explode Peoplehave been hurt doing this and somehave been blinded Use a flashlight if you need morelight I I 1 You don t need to add water to the Deleo Freedom battery inst...

Страница 221: ...the vehicle hasone Dead Battery t Good Battery 1 II 6 PO268 7 Don tlettheother end touch metal Connect it tothepositive t terminal of the goodbattery Usearemotepositive t terminal if the vehiclehasone 8 Nowconnect the black negative cable to thegoodbattery snegative terminal Don tlet the other end touch anything untilthenextstep Theotherend of the negative cable doesn t go to the dead battery Itgo...

Страница 222: ...enginefor awhile 11 Try to startthevehiclewiththe dead battery If it won tstartafterafewtries itprobablyneedsservice GOOD BATTERY QEAO BATTERY REMOVE CABLES IN THIS ORDER K1508 12 Removethecablesinreverseorder to preventelectricalshorting Take carethattheydon ttoucheachother or anyothermetal 5 6 ...

Страница 223: ...ingservice Thatyourvehiclehasrear wheeldrive or thatithasthefour wheeldrive Themake model and yearofyourvehicle Whether you can movethe shift leverforthetransmission and shiftthe If therewas an accident whatwasdamaged option transfercase if youhaveone I CAUTION To help avoid injuryto you or others Neverletpassengersride in avehiclethat is beingtowed Nevertowfasterthansafe or postedspeeds Nevertoww...

Страница 224: ...manualshiftorelectronicshift if youhaveone shouldbe in 2 WHEEL two wheeldrive Theparkingbrake shouldbereleased Don thaveyourvehicletowedontherear drive wheels unlessyouhaveto Ifthevehiclemustbe towed ontherearwheels don tgomorethan 35 mph 56 km h orfartherthan 50 miles 80 km oryourtransmissionwillbe damaged If theselimitsmust be exceeded thenthereardrivewheelshave tobe supported on a dolly If your...

Страница 225: ...d Stay away from the engine if you see or hear I steam coming fromit Just turnit off and geteveryoneawayfrom thevehicle until it coolsdown Wait llntil therP ic nn cign of steam coolant before o ning the hood If you keep drivi when your engine is overheated th iquids in it can catch fire You or others could be badlyburned Stopyour engine if it overheats and getout of thevehicleuntiltheengineis cool...

Страница 226: ... you re in atrafficjam shift to N Neutral window as necessary If you nolongerhave the overheatwarning youcandrive Just to be safe driveslowerforabout ten minutes If thewarningdoesn tcomebackon you can drivenormally If thewarningcontinues pull over stop andparkyourvehiclerightaway Ifthere sstillnosignofsteam pushtheacceleratoruntiltheengine speed is about twice asfastasnormalidlespeed Bringtheengin...

Страница 227: ...reelse in thecoolingsystem CAI ITION I Heaterandradiatorhoses andotherengineparts canbevery hot Don t touch them If youdc YOU canbeburned Don truntheengine if ther s aleak If youruntheengine it coul loose allcoolant That COUL iause anenginefire andyoucouldbe burned Get any leak fixed before you drive the vehicle I I NOTICE Enginedamagefromrunningyourenginewithoutcoolantisn tcoveredby yourwarranty ...

Страница 228: ...perantifreeze I NOTICE g cold weather water can freeze and crack the engineradiator heate ore and otherparts Use the recommended coolar I You can be burned ifyou spill coolant on hotengineparts Coolant enough Don tspillcoolant on a hot engine Lcontains ethylene glycol and it will burn if theenginepartsare hot When the coolant in thecoolantrecoverytankisat or abovethe ADD mark startyourvehicle If t...

Страница 229: ... capandupperradiatorhose is nolonger hot Turn the pressure cap slowly to the left until itfirststops Don t press downwhile turning the pressure cap Ifyouhear a hiss waitfor that to stop A hiss means there is still some pressure left n 7 KO718 2 Thenkeep turning the pressure cap but nowpushdown as you turn it Remove the pressure cap 5 1 3 ...

Страница 230: ...ecoverytank butleave the radiator pressurecapoff KO720 6 Starttheengineandlet it run until youcanfeeltheupperradiatorhose getting hot Watchoutfortheenginefan 7 By thistime the coolant level inside the radiatorfillerneckmay be lower If the level is lower addmoreofthepropermixthroughthefiller neck until the level reaches the base of thefillerneck 5 1 4 ...

Страница 231: ...ormakingextrashifts It ismerelythe coolingsystemfunctioningproperly The fanwillslowdownwhenadditional cooling is notrequiredandtheclutchdisengages You mayalsohearthisfan noise whenyoustarttheengine Itwillgoaway as thefanclutchdisengages If a Tire Goes Flat It sunusualforatire to blowout whileyou redriving especially if you maintainyourtiresproperly If airgoesoutofatire it smuchmorelikely to leakou...

Страница 232: ...ydrivingslowly to a levelplace Turnonyourhazardwarningflashers 1 CAUTION 4 A Changing a tire can causeaninjury The vehicle can slip off the jack I and rollover you orotherpeople You andthey couldbebadly red Findalevel place tochangey tick frommoving et theparking brake firmly theshift lever in P Park Shift a manual transmission to 1 First or R R erse rg 3 Ifyouhaveafour wheel driv case shift lever...

Страница 233: ...ehindtheseat Your sparetire is stowedunder thetruck KO748 Jack Storage Yourjack wheelwrenchandwheelblocksarestoredbehindthefrontseats eitheronthecenterwall or along the rightwall To removeyourjackcover if youhaveone turn the plasticwingnuttothe leftuntilyoucan pull it out Remove the jackcover 5 1 7 ...


Страница 235: ...d personal injury and propertydamage neverremoveor restowa tire fromlto astowage position underthevehiclewhile the vehicle is supportedbyajack Alwaystightenthe tire fully against e underside of thevehiclewhenrestowing UNDERBODYSPARE MOUNTING HOIST REAR BUMPER RETAINER SPARE TIRE VALVE STEM POINTED 5 _ L DOWN KO763 5 1 9 ...

Страница 236: ...f thewheelwrenchconnectsinto the hoistshaft 1 J KO747 Turn the wheelwrench to thelefttolowerthesparetire Keepturning the wheelwrenchuntil the sparetirecanbepulledoutfromunderthevehicle Whenthetirehasbeencompletelylowered tilttheretaineratthe end of the cableandpullitthrough the wheelopening Pullthetireoutfromunderthe vehicle 5 20 ...

Страница 237: ...dwheelblocks I KO730 Rotate the jackhandle clockwise to the right Thatwill raise the jacklifthead a little KO503 Beforeyoustart block the front andrear of the tirefarthestawayfrom the one being changed Then put your spare tire near the flat tire 1 5 21 ...

Страница 238: ...nut caps Your wheel nut capsmay attach yourhubcap to thewheel Remove these wheel nut capsbeforeyou take off the hubcap If youhave just analuminumorplasticmoldedhubcap pry it off with the chisel end of your wheelwrench Some of the moldedplastichubcapshave imitation wheelnutsmolded into them Thewheelwrenchwon t fit these imitation nuts so don t try to removethemwiththesocketend of the wheel wrench 1...

Страница 239: ...he jack Fitthejackintothe holenearesttheflattire CAUTION A Gettingunderavehiclewhen it isjackedup is dangerous If the b vehicleslips off thejack you couldbebadlyinjuredorkilled Never getunderavehicle when it is supportedonly by ajack NOTICE Raisingyourvehiclewiththe jack improperlypositionedwilldamage vehicleormayallowthevehicle to fall off thejack Be sure to fitelac lift head into theproper locat...

Страница 240: ... on the Road I KO751 Raisethevehicle by rotatingthejackhandleclockwise Raisethevehiclefar enough off theground so thereisenough room forthesparetire to fit Remove all the wheelnutsandtake off theflat tire 5 24 ...

Страница 241: a wheel removeanyrustordirtfromthe places wherethewheelattaches to thevehicle In anemergency youcanuse a cloth or a papertowel L canmakethewheelnutsbecomeloose after a time Thewheel J KO754 Removeanyrustor dirt from the wheel bolts mountingsurfaces or spare wheel Placethespareonthewheel mounting surface 5 25 ...

Страница 242: ... thesparetire KO755 Replacethewheelnutswiththeroundedend of thenutstowardthewheel Tighteneachnutby hand untilthewheelis held againstthehub KO757 Lowerthevehiclebyrotatingthejackhandlecounterclockwise Lowerthejack completely 5 26 ...

Страница 243: ...heel covers won t fit on yourcompactspare If you try to put a whee mer on your compactspare you could damage the cover or the spar Storing The Jack and Spare Tire StoringThe Tire in The UnderbodyCarrier Putthetireontheground at therear of thevehicle withthevalvestem pointed down and to the rear Pullthe retaining bar through the wheel Put the chisel end of thewheel wrench on an angle through thehol...

Страница 244: ...compactsparewasfullyinflatedwhenthevehiclewasnew it canloseairovertime Checkitsinflationpressureregularly It should be 60 psi 420 kPa Thecompactspare is made to go up to 3 000 miles 5000 km so youcanfinishyourtripandgetanewtirewhereyouwant Ofcourse it sbest to replaceyoursparewithafull sizetireassoon as you can Your sparewilllastlongerand be ingoodshapeincaseyoueverneed itagain 5 28 ...

Страница 245: ...wheelsortires Theywon t fit Keepyour spareanditswheeltogether I Tirechains won t fit your compact spare Using them will damageyour ray le ins o In e tire chail mP on ur Storing a jack a tire or otherequipment in thepassenget compartment of thevehiclecouldcauseinjury Inasuddel top 0 collision looseequipmentcouldstrikesomeone Storeallthese in R the proper place igz3g g NOTICE Don tusetheexistinghois...

Страница 246: ...nning yourwheels can destroy parts of yourvehicle as wellas the 3s If youspinthewheels too fastwhileshiftingyourtransmissior and forth youcandestroyyourtransmission Rocking Your Vehicle To Get It Out First turnyoursteeringwheelleftandright That willcleartheareaaround yourfrontwheels Thenshiftbackandforthbetween R Reverse and a forwardgear orwithamanualtransmission between 1 First or 2 Second gear ...

Страница 247: ...of yourvehicle You may need to usethem if you restuckoff road and need to be pulled to some place where you cancontinuedriving CAUTION ATherecoveryhooks whenused areunder a lot of force Alwayspul thevehiclestraightout Never pull on thehooks at asideways angle Thehooks could break off andyouorothers could be injured fromthe chain or cablesnapping back 5 31 ...

Страница 248: ...w A s K3589 NOTICE deveruse therecovery hooks totow the vehicle Ynlll jamaged and it would not be covered by warranty 5 32 ...

Страница 249: ...linformationaboutyour vehicle and a sectiondevoted to itsappearance care Service 6 3 Fuel 6 4 CheckingThingsUndertheHood 6 7 Engine Oil 6 9 Air Cleaner 6 14 Automatic Transmission Fluid 6 16 Manual Transmission Fluid 6 19 Hydraulic Clutch 6 20 Rear Axle 6 21 Transfer Case 6 21 Front Axle 6 22 Engine Coolant 6 23 Power Steering Fluid 6 27 Windshield Washer Fluid 6 28 Brake Master Cylinder 6 29 Repl...

Страница 250: ...ulb Replacement 6 31 Other Maintenance Items 6 34 Loading Your Vehicle 6 38 Tires 6 43 Appearance Care 6 50 Vehicle Identification Number VIN 6 57 ServicePartsIdentificationLabel 6 59 Fuses and Circuit Breakers 6 59 Capacities and Specification Charts 6 61 6 2 ...

Страница 251: ... to serviceyourvehiclethanthismanualcan To order the properservice manual see ServicePublications in theIndex YOU shouldkeeparecordwithallpartsreceiptsand list themileageand date of anyserviceworkyouperform See MaintenanceRecord inthe Index A You can be injured if you try to do servicework on avehiclewithout A knowingenoughabout it Besureyouhavesufficientknowledge experience andthe properreplaceme...

Страница 252: ...hahigh payload requirement Butwhenoperatingwithalightloadasanormal condition youmayusemiddlegrade or regularunleadedgasolines The gasoline you useshouldmeetspecifications ASTM D4814 in the U S andCGSB3 5 92inCanada Thesefuelsshouldhavetheproperadditives so you should not havetoaddanything to the fuel In the U S and Canada it seasyto be sureyougettherightkindof gasoline unleaded You ll see UNLEADED...

Страница 253: ...ositsfrom forminginyourengine and fuel system Thathelpskeepyourengine in tune andyouremissioncontrolsystemworkingproperly It s good for yourvehicle and you llbedoingyourpartforcleaner air Manygasolinesarenow blended withmaterialscalledoxygenates General Motorsrecommendsthatyouusegasolineswiththeseblendingmaterials suchasMTBE and ethanol Bydoing so you can helpcleanthe air especially in thoseparts ...

Страница 254: ...costly repairsthatwouldn tbecovered byyourwarranty To checkonfuelavailability askanautoclub or contactamajoroil companythatdoesbusiness in the countrywhereyou llbedriving You canalsowrite us atthefollowingaddressforadvice Justtelluswhere you regoingandgiveyourVehicleIdentificationNumber VIN GeneralMotors of CanadaLimited InternationalExportSales P O Box 828 Oshawa Ontario LIH 7N1 Canada FillingYou...

Страница 255: ...nites it you could bebadlyburned Gasolinecansprayoutonyou if you open the fl filler cap too quickly Thisspraycanhappen if yourtankisnearly full and ismorelikely in hotweather Open the fuel fillercapslowly and waitforany hiss noise to stop Then ut rew tt I1 the IV I en you I 2 cap on turn to the ght ur you hear a clicking noise Checking Things Under the Hood I KO605 6 7 ...

Страница 256: ...hehood KO606 hingsthatburncangetonhotengine parts andstart a fire Thest lclude liquids like gasoline oil coolant brakefluid windshield washer and otherfluids andplastic or rubber Yo11or others could b e burned Becarefulrlottodropor snillthinns qt will burn nntn lot engine Before closing thehood besure all thefillercapsare on properly Then lift thehood to relievepressure on thehoodprop Removethehoo...

Страница 257: ...eoilleveleverytime you getfuel In order to getanaccuratereading the oilmustbewarmand the vehiclemust beon levelground Turn off theengineandgivetheoil a fewminutes to drainbackintotheoil pan If youdon t theoildipstickmightnotshowtheactuallevel 6 9 ...

Страница 258: ...d someoil Butyoumustusetherightkind Thissectionexplainswhat kind of oiltouse Forcrankcasecapacity see CapacitiesandSpecifications intheIndex I IN HC t I 3on t add toomuchoil If yourengine has so much oil thatthe oil level jets above thecross hatched area thatshows the properoperatingrange I lour engine could be damaged Just fill it enoughtoputthelevelsomewhereintheproperoperatingrange Pushthedipst...

Страница 259: Use Look for three things SG SG mustbeon the oil container eitherbyitselforcombinedwith other quality designations such as SGICC SGICD SF SG CC etc These letters showAmericanPetroleum Institute API levels of quality 6 1 1 ...

Страница 260: ...TURES ABOVE 40 DEGREES F 4 DEGREES C AWY OTHER GRADE OIL NOT RECOMMENDED DO NOTUSE SAE 1OW 40 SAE 2OW 50 OR PO344 SAE 5W 30 As shownin this chart SAE 5W 30 is best for your vehicle However youcanuse SAE 1OW 30 if it sgoing to be 0 F 18 C orabove Thesenumbersonan oil container show its viscosity or thickness Do not useotherviscosity oils suchas SAE 1OW 40 or SAE 2OW 50 6 1 2 ...

Страница 261: low speed mostofthetime asindoor to doordelivery 16 km or in stop and gotraffic You towatraileroften Mosttripsarethroughdustyplaces Thevehicleisfrequentlyoperatedoff road If any one of these is trueforyourvehicle you need tochangeyour oil and filter every 3 000 miles 5000 km or 3 months whichevercomesfirst If noneof them aretrue changetheoilevery 7 500 miles 12 500 km or 12 months whichevercome...

Страница 262: in thetrash pouring it ontheground into sewers or into streams or bodies of water Instead recycle it bytaking it toa place that collects used oil If you haveaproblemdisposing of your used oil ask yourdealer aservice station oralocalrecyclingcenterforhelp Air Cleaner KO618 To removetheroundaircleanerfilterforthe 2 5L VIN A 2 8L VIN R and 4 3L VIN 2 engines turn thewingnutcounterclockwise Removet...

Страница 263: ... the PCV airtubeis properlyseated in thelefthandvalvecover RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinewhentoreplacetheair cleanerfilter See ScheduledMaintenanceServices in theIndex Operatingtheenginewiththeaircleaner off cancauseyouorothers to beburned The aircleanernotonlycleanstheair it stopsflame if theenginebackfires If it isn tthere andtheenginebackfires you couldbeburned Don tdrivewith it off...

Страница 264: ... high speedforquite a while In heavytraffic especially in hot weather While pulling a trailer To get the rightreading the fluid mustbeatnormaloperatingtemperature which is180 F to 200 F 82 C to 93 C To checktransmissionfluidhot Getthevehiclewarmedup by driving about 15 miles 24 km whenoutsidetemperaturesareabove 50 F 10 C If it scolderthen 50 F IOOC drive the vehicle in D 3rdgear until the tempera...

Страница 265: ...hyour foot on the brakepedal movetheshiftleverthrougheach gearrange pausingforabout three seconds in eachrange Then positionthe shift leverin P Park Lettheenginerunatidlefor three minutesormore Then withoutshutting off theengine follow thesesteps 1 Pulloutthedipstickandwipeitwith a clean rag orpapertowel NO031 PO164 6 1 7 ...

Страница 266: lock it in place How To Add Fluid Refer to theMaintenanceScheduletodeterminewhatkind of transmission fluidto use See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants in theIndex Ifthefluidlevelis low addonlyenoughoftheproperfluidtobringthelevel up to the COLD areafora cold checkor the HOTareaforahotcheck It doesn ttakemuchfluid generallylessthanapint Don toverfill We recommendyouuseonlyfluidlabeledDEXRON IIE b...

Страница 267: ...uid can damage yourtransmission Too much can meanthat some of the fluid could come out and fall on hot exhaustparts startingafire Be sure to get an accuratereadingifyoucheckyour Checkthefluidlevelonlywhenyourengine is off thevehicleisparkedona levelplace and thetransmission is cool enough foryou to restyourfingers onthetransmissioncase Then follow thesesteps PO336 1 Removethefillerplug 2 Checkthat...

Страница 268: ...yseated Hydraulic Clutch The hydraulicclutch in yourvehicleisself adjusting A slightamountofplay I14 6 mm 1 2 inch 13 mm inthepedal is normal When to Check and What to Use PO257 RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinehowoften you shouldcheck the fluid level in your clutch mastercylinderreservoirandwhat to add See OwnerChecks and Services and RecommendedFluidsand Lubricants in the Index How to C...

Страница 269: ...icant to raise the levelto the bottom of the filler plug hole What to Use RefertotheMaintenanceScheduleto determine whatkind of lubricant to use See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants in theIndex Four Wheel Drive Mostlubricant checks in this section also applytofour wheeldrivevehicles However theyhave two additional systems that need lubrication Transfer Case When to Check Lubricant Refer to the Mai...

Страница 270: ...e the level tothebottom of the filler plug hole What to Use RefertotheMaintenanceScheduletodeterminewhat kind of lubricantto use See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants intheIndex Front Axle When to Check and Change Lubricant Referto the MaintenanceScheduletodetermine how oftentocheckthe lubricant and when to changeit See ScheduledMaintenanceServices in the Index 6 22 ...

Страница 271: ...nceSchedule to determinewhat kind of lubricant to use See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants in theIndex Engine Coolant Thefollowingexplainsyourcoolingsystemand how to add coolantwhenitis low If youhaveaproblemwithengineoverheating see Engine Overheating in theIndex Thepropercoolantforyourvehiclewill Givefreezingprotectiondown to 20 F 29 C or 34 F 37 C for Give boiling protectionup to 258 F 125 C Pr...

Страница 272: ...ystemisset forthepropercoolantmix Withplainwaterorthewrongmix your enginecouldget too hotbutyouwouldn tgettheoverheatwarning Your engine could catch fire andyouorotherscouldbeburned Use a 50 50 mixof cleanwaterandaproperantifreeze NOTICE L If youuseanimpropercoolantmix yourenginecouldoverheatand b r Dadly damaged Ther nuch water in themix ore andotherDarts I Someconditions suchasairtrapped in thec...

Страница 273: ...recapwhentheengineandradiatorare hotcanallowsteam and scaldingliquids to blowout and burnyou badly Withthecoolantrecovery tank you will almostneverhaveto add coolant attheradiator Neverturntheradiatorpressure cap even a little whentheengine and radiatorarehot Add coolantmix at the recoverytank butbecarefulnot to spill it A You canbe burned if you spillcoolant on hotengineparts Coolant contains eth...

Страница 274: ...eupwith thc wetflow 1 e on radiator filler neck When you replaceyourradiatorpressurecap an AC capisrecommended See ServiceReplacementPartandFilterRecommendations intheIndex Thermostat Enginecoolanttemperature is controlledby a thermostatintheenginecoolant system Thethermostatstopsthe flow of coolantthroughtheradiatoruntilthe coolantreaches a presettemperature When you replaceyourthermostat an AC t...

Страница 275: ... it Thenremove the capagainandlookatthe fluid level on the dipstick When the enginecompartment is hot the level should be atthe HOT When the engine compartmentiscool the level shouldbeat the FULL mark COLD mark What to Add Refer tothe MaintenanceSchedule to determinewhatkind of fluid to use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants in the Index NOTICE 6 27 ...

Страница 276: ...t Sewice Appearance Care Windshield Washer Fluid To Add PO174 Openthecaplabeled WASHER FLUID ONLY Add washer fluid until the bottle is full 6 28 ...

Страница 277: ...eryourbrakeswon tworkwell orwon tworkatall So itisn t a good idea to top off yourbrake fluid Addingbrakefluidwon t correct a leak Ifyou add fluid whenyourliningsareworn then you llhave too much fluid when you getnewbrakelinings You should add orremove brakefluid asnecessary onlywhenworkisdoneonthebrakehydraulic system you havetoomuchbrake fluid it uuII vrlll I he engir The fluic will burn if the e...

Страница 278: ... spill brake d on your vehicle Replacing Brake Sysi m Parts The brakingsystemonamodernvehicle is complex Its manyparts have to be of topqualityandworkwelltogether if thevehicleis to havereallygood braking Vehicleswedesignandtesthave top quality GMbrakeparts in them asyourvehicledoeswhen it is new Whenyoureplace parts of your braking system forexample whenyourbrakeliningsweardown and you havetohave...

Страница 279: ...See JumpStarting in the I Index for tips on working around a battery without getting hurt Contactyourdealer to learnhow to prepareyourvehicleforlongerstorage periods For more information contactyourdealer sservicedepartment or writeto AdistraCorporation 171 HamiltonStreet Plymouth MI 48170 In Canada write to GeneralMotors ofCanada Limited CustomerServicesDepartment Oshawa Ontario LIJ 5Z6 Canada Bu...

Страница 280: ...htretainer 2 Pulltheheadlight out andremovetheretainer 3 Unplugtheheadlight 4 Plug in the new bulbandput it inplace 5 Installtheretainer to theheadlight 6 Installthescrews Front Parkingnurn Signal Lights KO993 I 1 Reachunderandbehindthe parkinghrn signallightassembly 6 32 ...

Страница 281: ...1 c L 1 Y KO635 1 Open the tailgate 2 Remove the screwsfrom the light assembly 3 Pull the assemblyawayfrom the fender 4 Turn the socket counterclockwise to removeit If the socket hasatab push the tab in while you turn the socket 5 Turn the bulb counterclockwise toremove it 6 Put the new bulb into the socket and turn the bulb clockwise 7 Put the socket into the light assemblyandturn the socket cloc...

Страница 282: ...whattype of lubricant to use Front Wheel Bearings Two Wheel Drive If yourvehicleistwo wheeldrive ithaswheelbearingsthatmust be cleaned and repacked RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinehowoftenthismust be done Single Belt Accessory Drive Your newvehicleuses a serpentinebeltthatislighter andmoredurablethan systemswithseveralbelts The beltrunsoveroraroundthepulleysontheengine A tensioner is use...

Страница 283: ...system is not workingproperly haveyourdealershipcheckitoutassoon as possible The airconditioningwillnotworkwhenthetemperatureisbelow 40 F 4 C Lubrication Accelerator Control System Refer to theMaintenanceScheduletodeterminehowoftentheaccelerator linkagepivotpointsmustbelubricatedandwhattype of lubricant to use Acceleratorcables and cruisecontrolcablesshouldnotbelubricated Any cablesthatarewornor a...

Страница 284: ...bumpersshouldbewipedcleanwith a wet cloth andlightlycoatedwith a rubberlubricant Neveruse too muchofanylubricantandbesure to wipeupanyextra lubricantwhenyouarefinished Windowregulators and controlsareinsidethedoors Theyarelubricatedwith a longlastinggrease If lubrication is requiredyourdealershouldperformthis service Referto the MaintenanceSchedule to determinehowoften to lubricatethese itemsandwh...

Страница 285: ... designed to reducethe pollutantsinyourvehicle sexhaust Useonlyunleadedfuel in yourvehicle If youuseleadedfuel you could damageyourthree waycatalyticconverter andotherenginecomponents The MalfunctionIndicator SERVICEENGINE SOON lamponyour instrument panel lets you know whenyouremissionsystemneedsservice The light willcomeonbrieflywhenyoustartyourengine to letyouknow thatthesystemisworking If it do...

Страница 286: ...lalso tells youthemaximumweightsfor the front and rearaxles calledGrossAxleWeightRating GAWR To find out the actual loads on yourfrontandrearaxles you need to gotoaweighstation and weighyourvehicle Your dealercanhelpyouwiththis Be sure to spread outyour load equally on both sides of the centerline NeverexceedtheGVWRforyourvehicle ortheGross Axle WeightRating GAWR foreitherthefrontorrearaxle And if...

Страница 287: ...llkeepgoing CAUTION Things you put insideyourvehiclecanstrike and injure people in a sudden stop or turn orin a crash I Putthingsinthe cargo area of yourvehicle Try tospreadthe weightevenly Neverstackheavierthings likesuitcases inside the vehicle so thatsomeofthemareabovethe tops of theseats Whenyoucarrysomething inside thevehicle secure it wheneveryoucan I Don t leave a seat folded down unless yo...

Страница 288: ...htRating GCWR Whenyouweighyourtrailer besuretoincludetheweight of everythingyou put in it And remember to figuretheweightofthepeopleinsideaspart of yourload Your dealercanhelpyoudetermineyourGCWR GROSSCOMBINATIONWEIGHTRATING GCWR Add on Equipment Whenyoucarryremovableitemsyou may need to put alimit on howmany peopleyoucarryinsideyourvehicle Be suretoweighyourvehiclebefore youbuyandinstallthenewequ...

Страница 289: ...e incamper to yourvehicle When YOU carrya slide in camper the total cargo load ofyourvehicleis the weight of thecamper plus everythingelseadded to thecamperafteritleftthefactory everything in the camper and all the people inside TheCargoWeightRating CWR is themaximumweight of the load your vehiclecancarry It doesn tincludetheweight of the people inside But you canfigureabout 150 pounds for each se...

Страница 290: ...ourvehicle Your dealer canhelpyouwiththis If yourslide incamper and itsloadweighlessthantheCWR thecenter of gravityzoneforyourvehiclemaybelarger Your dealer can helpyoumakeagoodvehicle campermatch He llalsohelp youdetermineyour CWR ATkryou veloadedyourvehicleandcamper driveto a weighstation and weighonthefrontandrearwheelsseparately Thiswill tell youtheloads on youraxles Theloadsonthefrontandreara...

Страница 291: ...eswith high quality tires madeby a leading tiremanufacturer Thesetiresare warranted by the tire manufacturers and their warrantiesare delivered with everynewvehicle If your spare tire is a different brand than your road tires youwillhave a tire warranty folder from each of these manufacturers I Poorly maintained and improperly used tires are dangerous lerloaaed tires Overloading your tires cancaus...

Страница 292: ...oadhazards 2 When to Check Checkyourtiresoncea month or more Don tforgetyour compact sparetire if so equipped It shouldbeat 60 psi 420 kPa How to Check Usea good qualitypocket typegagetochecktirepressure Simplylookingatthetireswillnottellyouthepressure especially if you haveradial tires which maylookproperlyinflatedeven if they re underinflated If yourtireshavevalvecaps besuretoput them backon The...

Страница 293: ... the front and rearinflationpressure asshownon the CertificationRire label Makecertainthat all wheel nuts are properly tightened See WheelNutTorque intheIndex Rustordirt on a wheel oron the parts to which it is fastened can come off and causeanaccident Whenyouchange a wheel remove anyrust or dirt fromplaceswherethewheelattaches to thevehicle In an emergency you can use a cloth or papertowel to dot...

Страница 294: ...lgeorsplit The tire hasapuncture cut orotherdamagethatcan tbe repaired because of thesizeorlocation of the damage Buying New Tires To find outwhat kind andsize of tiresyouneed look attheCertification Tire label The tires installed onyourvehiclewhen it wasnewhadaTire PerformanceCriteriaSpecification TPCSpec number on eachtire ssidewall Whenyougetnewtires getoneswiththatsameTPCSpecnumber That way yo...

Страница 295: ...enttest course Forexample a tire graded 150 wouldwearone and a half 142 timesaswell on the governmentcourse as a tire graded 100 Therelative performance of tires dependsupon the actualconditions of their use however and maydepartsignificantlyfrom the normdue to variationsin driving habits servicepractices and differences in roadcharacteristics and climate Traction A B C The traction grades fromhig...

Страница 296: ...n to thesegrades Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance Thewheelsonyourvehiclewerealignedandbalancedcarefullyat the factorytogiveyouthelongest tire life andbestoverallperformance In mostcases youwillnot need tohaveyourwheelsalignedagain However if younoticeunusualtirewearoryourvehiclepullingonewayor theother the alignmentmay need tobereset If younoticeyourvehicle vibratingwhendrivingonasmoothroad yourwh...

Страница 297: a used wheel on your vehicle is dangerous You can t know I 1how it sbeenused orhowmany milesit sbeendriven Itcouldfail suddenlyandcause an accident If youhave to replace a wheel u a new GM original equipmentwheel Tire Chains I NOTICE If yourvehiclehas P235 75R15 or LT2 chains theycan dz ige yourvehicle ou have otl slze tires use tire chams ung SHE Class S Type chains that are the proper size fo...

Страница 298: of thevehicle Somearedangerous if youbreathe their fumes in a closed space Whenyouuse anything inacontainer to clean your vehicle besure to follow the instructions Andalwaysopenyour doors orwindowswhen you re cleaning the inside r use these to clean yourvehicle 4 3arbon Tetrachlor 4 ketone 4 nt Thinner 4 Turpentine cg 4 acquer Thinner L Nail Polish Remover 6 50 ...

Страница 299: ...cleanareaoften A soft brushmaybeused if stainsarestubborn Usesolvent typecleanersin a wellventilatedareaonly Ifyouusethem If a ring formsafterspotcleaning cleantheentireareaimmediatelyor it don tsaturatethe stained area willset Using Foam Type Cleaner on Fabric Vacuumandbrushtheareatoremoveanyloosedirt Alwaysclean a wholetrimpanelorsection Masksurroundingtrimalong stitchorweltlines MixMulti Purpos...

Страница 300: ...ard the center Keepchanging to a clean section of the cloth Whenyoucleanastainfromfabric immediatelydrythe area withanair hose hairdryer or heat lamp to helppreventacleaningring See previous NOTICE Special Cleaning Problems Greasy or OilyStains Likegrease oil butter margarine shoe polish coffee withcream chewinggum cosmeticcreams vegetableoils waxcrayon tar andasphalt Carefullyscrapeoffexcessstain...

Страница 301: ...eanclothandsolvent typevinyllleathercleaner Cleaning the Top of the Instrument Panel Useonly mild soapandwatertocleanthetopsurfaces of theinstrument panel Sprayscontainingsiliconesorwaxesmaycauseannoyingreflectionsin thewindshieldandevenmakeitdifficult to seethroughthewindshieldunder certainconditions Care of Safety Belts Keep belts clean and dry A Do notbleachordyesafetybelts If you do it mayseve...

Страница 302: ...n thedirectrays of thesun Don tusestrongsoaps orchemicaldetergents Useliquidhandordishorcarwashing non detergent soaps Don tusecleaningagentsthatcontainacidor abrasives Allcleaningagentsshouldbeflushedpromptlyandnotallowedto dry onthesurface ortheycouldstain Dry thefinishwithasoft clean chamoisor 100 cottontowel to avoidsurfacescratchesandwaterspotting Highpressurecarwashesmaycausewatertoenteryour...

Страница 303: ...ts repaired or replaced to restorecorrosionprotection Foreign Material Calcium chloride and other salts icemeltingagents road oil and tar tree sap bird droppings chemicalsfromindustrialchimneys and otherforeign mattercandamageyourvehicle s finish if theyremainon painted surfaces Usecleaners that aremarkedsafefor painted surfacesforthesestains Finish Damage Anystonechips fracturesordeepscratchesint...

Страница 304: ...t SIZE IDESCRIPTION 16 oz Tar and Road 0 473L 23 02 Glass Cleaner 0 680L 6 Ibs Multi Purpose 2 72 kg Powder Cleaner Appearance Care Materials Chart PART NUMBER 1050172 1050173 1050174 105021 4 1050244 1050427 1050429 1050729 1051055 1051398 1052870 1050201 I TO077I 8 02 1Vinyl Top 0 237L Cleaner 16 oz Preservatone 0 473L 8 02 ISpotLifter 0 2371 16 02 Wash Wax 0 473L conc 16 oz Maaic Mirror 0 473L ...

Страница 305: ...can see it if you look throughthewindshieldfromoutsideyourvehicle The VIN alsoappears ontheVehicleCertification and ServicePartslabelsandthecertificates of titleandregistration Engine Identification Theeighthcharacter in yourVINistheenginecode for your 1993 GM engine Thiscodewill help youidentifyyourengine specifications and replacement parts inthissection 6 57 ...

Страница 306: ...Service Appearance Cam n 2 5 W K W m D 3 c lf n PO172 6 58 ...

Страница 307: ...orderparts Onthislabel is Your VIN Its model designation Paint information A list of allproductionoptionsandspecialequipment Besurethatthislabelisnot removed from the vehicle Add on EIectricai Equipment Don t add anything electrical to yourvehicleunless you checkwithyour dealerfirst Someelectricalequipment can damageyourvehicle and the damagewouldn t becoveredby yourwarranty Some of it can justkee...

Страница 308: etc be sure to getit fixed Power Windows and Other Power Options Circuit breakers in the fusepanel protect the powerwindowsand other power accessories When the currentload is too heavy the circuitbreakeropens and closes protecting thecircuit until the problem is fixedorgoesaway Trailer Wiring Harness The optional seven wire trailer wiringharness is protected byan in line fuse in the battery fe...

Страница 309: ...numbers listed inthissectionarebasedonthelatest informationavailableatthetime of printing and aresubject to change If a partlisted in this manual isnotthesameasthepartused in yourvehicle when it wasbuilt or if youhaveanyquestions pleasecontactyour GM truck dealer Engine Identification t ENGINEDESCRIPTION Displace 2 5L 2 8L 4 3L 4 3L ThrottleBodyInjection Central PortInjection T YPe L4 V6 V6 V6 VIN...

Страница 310: ...O266 Crankcase Capacity QUANTITY ENGINEWithFilter WithoutFilter VINCODE 2 5L 4 5 Quarts 4 3Liters 4Quarts 3 8Liters R 2 8L 3 5Quarts 3 3Liters 3Quarts 2 8 Liters A 4 3L 4 5 Quarts 4 3 Liters 4Quarts 3 8 Liters w 4 3L 4 5 Quarts 4 3Liters 4Quarts 3 8Liters Z Allquantitiesareapproximate After refill thelevelMUST be checked TO2671 Fuel Tank Capacity QUANTITY 20 Gallons 76 Liters I Available on some 2...

Страница 311: ...NOTE A PC part number indicates that the bulb and base are one assembly Models Antilock Brake Warning Indicato Utility 1 2 PC194 Models Brake System Warning Indicatoc 1 7 PC74 Brake System Warning Indicato 1 2 PC194 6 63 ...

Страница 312: ...a I Shift Indicator PRNDL I 1 I 2 I PC194 TachometerWarningBand 1 2 PC1 94 TurnSignal Indicator 2 7 PC74 Upshift Indicator 1 7 PC74 I I Upshift Indicator2 I 1 I 2 I PC194 With StandardInstrumentCluster With Digital InstrumentCluster TO384 6 64 ...

Страница 313: ...TYPE QUANTITY SYSTEM R 12 2 50 Ibs 1 134 kg C 60 All Quantities AreApproximate TO365 Air Conditioning Refrigerants Not all air conditioningrefrigerantsarethesame If theairconditioning system in yourvehicle needs refrigerant besuretheproperrefrigerantis used If you renotsure askyour GM dealer 6 65 ...

Страница 314: ...ppearance Care I Fuse Legend I 10 Amp 20 Amp Blue 15 Amp Red Clear 25 Amp Yellow I 30 Amp IGreen 1 CD PLAYER I IGC P TURN B U ECM I AUX PWR OUTLET INST PLS L P BRAKE E l HTI C 3 r Y RAI CRNK FUS PLR v PO356 6 66 ...

Страница 315: ...nconverterClutch Cruise Control FourWheelDriveIndicator Light SeatBeltTimer EngineControl Module StopLights HazardWarningLights ChimeModule LightSwitch TaiVPark Lights Digital Cluster LicenseLamp TurnSignals Backup Lights HeatingandAirConditioning Radio InsideRearviewMirrorMap Lights EngineControlModule FuelPump EngineControlModule PowerWindows WindshieldWipersandWashers Rear Wheel AntilockBrakeMo...

Страница 316: ......

Страница 317: ...eServices 7 3 Selecting The ProperMaintenanceSchedule 7 3 Maintenance Schedule I 7 5 Maintenance Schedule II 7 7 Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices 7 8 Owner Checks and Services 7 11 At LeastOnce a Month 7 11 At Least Once a Year 7 11 Periodic Maintenance Inspections 7 13 Recommended Fluids Lubricants 7 14 Maintenance Record 7 16 Service Station Checks 7 17 I Have you purchased the GhI Pr...

Страница 318: ...rtant Impropervehiclemaintenanceortheremoval of importantcomponentscansignificantlyaffectthequality of theairwebreathe Improperfluidlevels or eventhewrongtireinflationcanincreasethe level of emissionsfromyourvehicle To helpprotectourenvironment and to help keepyourvehicleingoodcondition pleasemaintainyourvehicleproperly I CAUTION Performingmaintenancework on avehiclecanbedangerous In tryingto do s...

Страница 319: ...riving and the Road With Your Four wheel DriveVehicle intheIndex use the properfuel See Fuel in theIndex Selecting The Proper Maintenance Schedule Your driving conditions and how you useyourvehiclewillhelpyoudetermine whichscheduletouse The schedulesare found later in this section MAINTENANCESCHEDULE I Is anyoneof these trueforyourvehicle Mosttripsareless than 4 miles 6 kilometers Mosttrips are le...

Страница 320: ...on Every12Months or ClutchForkBallStud Lubrication 4 3L enginesonly CoolingSystemSewice Every24 Monthsor AirCleaner Filter Replacement FrontWheelBearingRepack 2WD TransmissionService Fuel Filter Replacement SparkPlugsReplacement SparkPlugWire Inspection EngineTimingCheck Fuel Tank CapandLines Inspection EngineAccessoryDriveBelt Inspection TireandWheelRotation DriveAxleService BrakeSystemsInspectio...


Страница 322: ...orseeIndex useMaintenanceSchedule II 4 Item Miles 000 3 6 No Service Kilometers 000 5 10 1 Engine Oil Change OilFilterChange Every12Months or Every12Months or 2 Chassis Lubrication Every 12 Months or ClutchForkBallStudLubrication 4 3L enqinesonly FOOTNOTES An EmissionControlService See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices in theIndex TO287 7 6 ...


Страница 324: ...withouthydraulicclutches lubricatetheclutchcrossshaftevery 30 000 miles 50 000 km Ball joints shouldnot be lubricatedunlesstheirtemperatureis 10 F 12 C orhigher Whentheweatheriscold letthemwarmupbefore lubricatingthem or theycouldbedamaged Also besuretocheckallthevehicle fluid levelsatthistime 3 CLUTCH FORK BALL STUD LUBRICATION 4 3L ENGINESONLY Lubricatetheclutchforkballstudthroughthefittingon th...

Страница 325: ...ilterevery30 000miles 50 000 km See Automatic TransmissionFluid in the Indexformoreinformation ManualTransmission Transmissionfluiddoesnotrequireperiodic changing 8 FUELFILTERREPLACEMENT Replacethefuelfilterat the specified intervalorsooner if clogged 9 SPARKPLUGSREPLACEMENT Replacesparkplugswiththetype listed in Section 6 See SpecificationCharts intheIndex 10 SPARK PLUGWIREINSPECTION Cleanwiresan...

Страница 326: ...anges In dusty areasortrailer towing applications drain fluid atevery 15 000 miles 24135 kilometers andrefill 7 every oil change In dusty areas or trailertowingapplications drain fluid every 15 000 miles 24 135 kilometers andrefi1l t Morefrequent lubrication mayberequiredfor off road use 16 BRAKE SYSTEM INSPECTION When the engine oil is changed Standarddifferential Check fluidlevelandaddasneededat...

Страница 327: ...linders withone of the lubricants recommended in this Section Transmission neutral or clutch startswitchoperation I A When you are doing this check the vehicle could move suddenly I 1 2 3 4 it does youorothers could be injured Follow the steps below Before youstart be sure youhaveenoughroomaround the vehicle Firmly apply both the manual parking brake and the regular brake See Brakes and Parking Br...

Страница 328: ...yourfoot ontheregularbrake setthemanualparkingbrake To checktheparkingbrake Withtheenginerunningandthe transmissionin N Neutral slowlyremovefootpressurefromtheregular brakepedal Do thisuntilthevehicle is heldbytheparkingbrake only To checkthe P Park mechanism sholdingability Applytheregular brakeandshift to P Park Releasethemanualparkingbrake then slowlyreleasetheregularbrake Lapandshoulderbeltsco...

Страница 329: ...otoilany accelerator or cruise control cables Replaceany cables that have high effort or excessive wear ExhaustSystemInspection Inspect the completesystem Inspect the body near the exhaustsystem Lookfor broken damaged missing or out of position parts as well as openseams holes loose connections or other conditions which could cause a heat buildup in the floorpan or could letexhaustfumesseep into t...

Страница 330: ...rand a goodqualityethyleneglycolbase antifreezeconforming to GM 6038 M GMPart No 1052103 HydraulicClutchFluid GMPart No 12345347orequivalent DelcoSupreme 11 brakefluid GMPartNo 1052535or Chassislubricantmeetingrequirements of NLGlGrade2 CatagoryLB or GC LB GM PartNo 1052497 GMPowerSteeringFluid GMPartNo 1050017 or equivalentconforming to GMspec 9985010 GM Lubricant GMPartNo 1052182 orequivalent DE...

Страница 331: ...teHinge andLinkage Folding Seat Fuel DoorHinge KeyLockCylinders GMMulti Purposelubricant GMPart No 12345120 or a ChassisLubrication Chassislubricantmeetingrequirements of NLGlGrade 2 WindshieldWasherSolventand GM OptikleenB washersolvent GMPartNo 1051515 or Anti freeze equivalent Weatherstrip Silicone grease GMPart No 1052863 orequivalent TailgateMountedSpare Tire Multi purposelubricantmeetingrequ...

Страница 332: ...cedingScheduledMaintenanceServices is performed recordthedate odometerreading servicesperformed listitemnumbers and whoperformedtheservicesintheappropriatecolumn Inaddition retain copies ofyourreceipts It is suggestedthatreceipts be keptwithyour Owner sManual TO260 7 1 6 ...

Страница 333: ...nt to performthese under hood checksateach fuel fill Checktheengine oil level and add if necessary Check the engine coolant leveland add ifnecessary Checkthewindshieldwasher fluid level and add if necessary SeetheIndexunder these itemsfor information onhow to checkthem 7 1 7 ...

Страница 334: ...verytank See Page6 23 sesnpa lcs n F uid Automatic See Page6 16 Manual See Page6 19 4 F i i Capacity 20 US Gal 76L Use unleadedgas only 87 octane or higher See Page 6 4 Cold nm PWSSUYlP SeeTire Loading sticker on the inside of the rearedge of thedriver sdoor lock pillar See Page6 44 6 44 k FullSize See Page CompactSpare See Page6 44 7 1 8 ...

Страница 335: ...tells you how to obtain service publications andhow to reportanysafety defects Customer Satisfaction Procedure 8 2 Customer Assistance for HearinglSpeech Impaired 8 3 GM Participation in Better BusinessBureau MediatiodArbitration Program 8 3 Reporting Safety Defects 8 4 Roadside Assistance 8 5 Service Publications I 8 6 8 1 ...

Страница 336: ...1 800 462 8782 In Canada contacttheGM of Canada CustomerAssistanceCenterinOshawa by calling 1 800 263 3777 English or 1 800 263 7854 French In Mexico call 525 254 3777 In PuertoRicoor U S VirginIslands call 1 809 763 1315 In allotheroverseaslocations contactGMInternational ExportSalesinCanadabycalling1 416 644 4112 Forpromptassistance pleasehavethefollowinginformationavailable to give theCustomerA...

Страница 337: ...estherighttochangeeligibility limitationsand orto discontinue its participation in this program OurexperiencehasshownthattheCustomerSatisfactionProcedure described earlierin this section hasbeenverysuccessful in achieving customersatisfaction However if you havenot been substantiallysatisfied GMCTruckwants you tobeawareofGM svoluntaryparticipation in a no charge mediation arbitration programcalled...

Страница 338: ...rincipals of fairness and equity and arenotrequiredtoduplicate the functions of courtsbystrictlyapplyingstate or federal law If youwishtogotocourt however wedonotrequirethat you firstfileaclaimwith BBB AUTO LINE unlessstatelawprovides otherwise Whateveryourpreferencemaybe rememberthat if youare unhappywiththeresultsofBBB AUTO LINE youcan still gotocourt becauseanarbitrator sdecisionisbinding on GM...

Страница 339: ... 263 7854 French Or write General Motors of CanadaLimited CustomerAssistanceCenter 1908ColonelSam Drive Oshawa Ontario L1H 8P7 Roadside Assistance GMCTruck sRoadsideAssistanceprovides stranded ownerswith over the phoneroadsiderepairs or towingservice for disabledvehicles This service combinestheefforts of technically trained telephonerepresentatives with a network ofGMCTruck sdealerservices Just d...

Страница 340: ...eycanhelpa technician serviceyourvehiclebetter Mostbulletinsapplytoconditionsaffectingasmallnumber of trucks Your GMCTruckdealeroraqualifiedtechnicianmayhavetodetermine if a specific bulletin appliestoyourvehicle You cansubscribeto all GMCTruckbulletins Thiswayyou llgetthemas theycomeout You can waitawhile and getanindextothebulletins You can also getindividualbulletins However you ll need theinde...

Страница 341: ...ytothemostrecentGMCTruckmodelswill be listed in themostrecent publication for that modelyear This meansyoumaywant to wait until the end of the modelyear before ordering an index if youare interested in buying PSP s pertaining toacurrentmodelyeartruck SomePSP s pertaining toa particular modelyearvehiclemay be published in lateryears and these would be listed inthelater year s index When you orderan...

Страница 342: ...tfortechnicians Theyare not meantforthe do it yourselfer Technicianshavetheequipment tools safetyinstructions and know howto do a job quickly and safely GMC Truckreservestherighttochange these procedureswithoutnoticeafter November 1992 GMC Truck Service Publications You cangettheseProductServicePublicationsbyusingtheorderform at the end of thissection You canalsogetServiceManualsandOwner Publicati...

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Страница 344: ...u can also ordertheGloveBoxLiteratureinavinyl pdfolio which includes all of these publications Ask for form number 15689274 it costs 14 00 SERVICEMANUALSFORALLLIGHTDUTYTRUCKS I dudes FuelandEmissionsManualX 9336 FormNumber i x 93 x 9357 X 9332 X 9330 u t e questionsorwouldliketoorderusingyour cred it qard I x 932 dels rvicemanualsyoucanbuythatc mitrepair Call ustogetacatalogue P F J C T SE E dscri...

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Страница 347: ...izer 3 1 6 Anti Theft System 3 23 Compact Disc Care 3 25 Automatic Transmission 2 1 6 Fluid 6 16 Axle Front 6 22 Rear 6 21 Temperature Lever 3 6 5 Battery 6 31 Belts See Safety Belts BetterBusinessBureau Mediation 8 3 Blizzard 4 53 Brakes Adjustment 4 17 Antilock 4 14 Fluid 6 29 Leak Check 6 30 Master Cylinder 6 29 Parking 2 21 PedalTravel 4 17 RearDrumBrakes 4 17 Replacing Parts 6 30 System Warni...

Страница 348: ...aired 8 3 Customer Satisfaction Procedure 8 2 D Canada Only 2 48 2 49 2 71 Indicator Light 2 48 2 49 2 71 Dome Lights 2 50 Doors 2 5 Daytime Running Lights Locks 2 6 Driver Position 1 14 Driving Across an Incline 4 31 After Off Road Driving 4 34 At Night 4 34 BackingUp 4 60 Defensive 4 8 Downhill 4 29 Freeway 4 42 Highway Hypnosis 4 45 Hydroplaning 4 38 In Blizzard 4 53 In City 4 41 In Fog Mistand...

Страница 349: ...eign Countries 6 6 Gage 2 74 Coolant Temperature Gage 2 67 Fluid Gasolines forCleanerAir 6 5 Tank Capacity 6 62 Fuses and Circuit Breakers 6 59 Fuse Block 6 60 Headlights 6 60 6 64 Power Windows and Other Power Options 6 60 6 67 Trailer Wiring Harness 6 60 6 67 Windshield Wipers 6 60 6 67 G Gages 2 65 CoolantTemperatureGage 2 67 Fuel Gage 2 74 Odometer 2 62 2 63 OilPressureGage 2 69 Speedometer 2 ...

Страница 350: ...nt ParkinglTurn Signal 6 32 Service Engine Soon 6 37 Loading Your Vehicle 4 23 6 38 Body 6 36 Steering Linkage 6 34 Two Wheel Drive 6 34 HydraulicClutchGrease Fitting g4 Hood LatchesandHinge 6 36 Lock Cylinders 6 36 PropellerShaftSlip Splines Universal Joints 6 36 Rear Axle 6 21 Recommended Lubricants 7 14 Transfer Case 6 21 Maintenance Other Items 6 34 Periodic Inspections 7 13 Record 7 16 Schedu...

Страница 351: ...Why They Work 1 9 Recovery Hooks 5 31 Reporting Safety Defects 8 5 Safety Belts Lap 1 22 Replacing After a Crash 1 35 Safety Chains 4 59 Safety Warnings and Symbols 0 2 Scheduled Maintenance Services 7 3 Seats Controls 1 2 Easy EntrySeat 1 5 Jump 1 6 Latches 1 4 Manual Front 1 2 Manual LumbarAdjustment 1 4 Reclining 1 3 Do It Yourself 6 3 Parts Identification Label 6 59 Publications 8 6 8 8 Replac...

Страница 352: ...owing Transmission See Four Wheel Drive Manual ShiftSpeeds 2 20 Shift Light 2 20 Torque Lock Automatic Transmission 2 18 4 50 Trip Odometer 2 64 Turn SignallMultifunction Lever 2 35 Indicator 2 73 Turn SignalLane Change V Damage Warnings 0 3 Identification Number 6 57 Loading 4 23 6 38 Storage 6 31 Symbok 0 4 Ventilation System 3 3 Air Vents 3 4 Tips 3 3 Voltmeter 2 75 W Devices Other 5 3 Lights G...

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