You can remove the force feedback motor, sensor, or belt if they ever need repair. Always replace the belt
between the motor and the steering column if it looks cracked or worn. See the figure below.
Figure 47
– Servicing the Force-Feedback Motor
Begin by loosening the (4x) 10mm nuts with lock washers that hold the force feedback motor to the frame,
shown by the arrows in step 1 of the picture above. Next loosen the tension on the belt by unscrewing the
tension adjustment bolt with a 10mm socket wrench shown by the arrow in step 2 of the picture above. You
will need to unscrew the bolt until you can slip the belt off of the motor and steering column. Unplug the
electric connector from the motor, and with the tension removed from the belt, remove the nuts that hold the
motor to the frame. The motor is now free from the Driving Assembly. When installing a new belt tighten the
tension adjustment bolt in step 2 until the belt is fully stretched, then loosen the bolt by ½ a turn.
To replace the steering wheel sensor, or replace the belt loosen the Phillips screw and loosen the 7/64 Allan
wrench bolt shown by the arrows in step 3 of the picture above. The sensor with bracket can now be removed.
Driving Control Panel Button Service
The buttons on the cabinets are illuminated with 5-volt C555 bulbs. To replace the bulbs and micro switches,
open the Driving Control Panel assembly. Gently rock the white plastic bulb house from side to side to loosen it
from the button housing. When reconnecting the wiring to the micro switch and bulb, do not connect the
5-volt power wire to the micro switch, as this will damage the computer and other electrical hardware
connected to the wiring harness.
Figure 48
– Replacing Button Light Bulbs
Need For Speed™ GT
System Documentation
040-1201-01 Rev. C 5/28/2004