Control Troubleshooting
Problem Cause
Bad micro switch
Replace the micro switch on the button and re-test. Verify
that the wires are connected to the correct spades on the
micro switch.
Bad wiring
Turn off the cabinet. Verify that all the wires are firmly
connected to each button. Verify that no wires are frayed
or improperly shorting to ground.
Buttons do not work
Bad USB I/O Card
If the USB I/O card is bad, all buttons and controls on the
cabinet will not work. Make sure that the USB I/O card has
power plugged into it from inside the computer.
Bad immersion board Verify that the Immersion boards are getting 24 volts DC
power. Test the faulty Immersion Force Feedback boards
on a working cabinet.
Steering pulls to one
Bad force-feedback
Verify the motor in a working cabinet. Verify the Force
Feedback Power Supply is putting out 24 volts DC
Bad steering wheel
Go into the operator menu and run the steering wheel
calibration test. turn the steering wheel from left to right
and verify that you are getting a good calibration.
Loose or worn drive
Turn off the cabinet. Open the driving control panel and
verify the belt on the on the force feedback motor and
steering column. Check for loose or worn parts on the
force feedback assembly.
Sloppy or bad
Bad immersion board Verify that the immersion boards are getting 24 volts DC
power. Verify the 25amp fuse on the immersion power
board is not blown. Test the faulty immersion force
feedback boards on a working cabinet.
Force feedback
settings too low in
Go in the operator menu and verify the force feedback
settings, and adjust them as necessary.
Bad force feedback
Verify the motor in a working cabinet. Verify the force
feedback power supply is putting out 24 volts DC
Properly grounded
force feedback
motor with frame
Make sure the force feedback motor frame is properly
grounded. Static shock can stop the steering wheel from
responding during game play. Powering the cabinet Off
then ON will correct this problem.
No force feedback in
the steering wheel
Bad immersion board Verify that the immersion boards are getting 24 volts DC
power. Verify the 25amp fuse on the immersion power
board is not blown. Test the faulty immersion force
feedback boards on a working cabinet.
040-1201-01 Rev. C 5/28/2004