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Antenna outlet socket GEDU 10 / 15 / 20 

Instructions for Installation 



Antenna outlet socket GEDU 10 / 15 / 20 


Page 4 of 4 



Fig.: 7 


Loop-wired socket 

When connecting incoming and outgoing trunk lines please 
consider the direction marking arrows. 


Fig.: 8 


When used as a terminal socket (last socket in trunk line), 
the terminal resistor R 77 (Gira - Bestell-Nr.: 040 00) is to be 
connected in the place of an outgoing cable. 


Acceptance of guarantee 

We accept the guarantee in accordance with the corresponding legal provisions.


Please return the unit postage paid to our central service department giving a brief description 
of the fault: 

Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG 

Service Center 

Dahlienstrasse 12 
D-42477 Radevormwald 


The CE sign is a free trade sign addressed exclusively to the authorities and does not include
any warranty of any properties. 


Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG 
Postfach 1220 
D-42461 Radevormwald 

Telefon:  +49 / 21 95 / 602 - 0 
Telefax:  +49 / 21 95 / 602 - 339 
