Initial configuration
Gigaset T300 PRO / Gigaset T500 PRO / EN Master / A31008-M2212-R102-1y-7619 / admin_configuration.fm / 02.12.2010
rsion 2, 06.0
Step 2: Configuring the lines
General settings
In order to differentiate between internal and external numbers, a number
can be inserted that must be entered when dialling. This is important
because it is not possible to differentiate between assigned three-digit
internal numbers and three digit external numbers (e.g., the emergency call
number 110 is prefixed with 0 to change it to 0110 and thus clearly differen-
tiate it from the internal number 110). If the previous PABX inserted a prefix,
this can be retained for continuity purposes.
Defines a number via which all unassigned connections are routed,
e.g., calls for users without an active or registered phone. Specifying a
deposit prevents incoming calls from "getting lost" in the system.
These are the connection numbers to be assigned locally, with which
Gigaset T300 PRO / Gigaset T500 PRO network users communicate with
each other.