1! A % 1+
1! A 5 1+
1! A % 1+
5+" 1! A 5 1+
5+" 1! A 5 1+
5+" 1! A % 1+
5+" 1! A 5 1+
5+" 1! A % 1+
: The interface is created but remains inactive.
Current Speed / Mode
Shows the actual mode and actual speed of the admin inter-
Possible values:
1! A 5 1+
1! A 5 1+
1! A % 1+
1! A 5 1+
1! A % 1+
Flow Control
Select whether a flow control should be conducted on the cor-
responding interface.
Possible values:
(default value): No flow control is performed.
. Flow will be controlled.
: Flow will be controlled automatically.
3.2 ISDN Ports
The system's ISDN connections can be configured as either internal or external ISDN
connections. The external ISDN connections are used for connection to the network oper-
ator's ISDN network. The internal ISDN connections are provided for connecting various
ISDN terminals (system telephones, ISDN telephones, ...).
Gigaset Communications GmbH
3 Physical Interfaces
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition