You may need a password to obtain certificates for your keys.
Enter the password here.
2.8.2 CRLs
In the System Management->Certificates->CRLs menu, a list of all CRLs (Certification
Revocation List) is displayed.
If a key is no longer to be used, e.g. because it has fallen into the wrong hands or has
been lost, the corresponding certificate is declared invalid. The certification authority re-
vokes the certificate and publishes it on a certificate blacklist, so-called CRL. Certificate
users should always check against these lists to ensure that the certificate used is cur-
rently valid. This check can be automated via a browser.
The Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) supports the issue and revocation of
certificates in networks. Import
Choose the Import button to import CRLs.
The System Management->Certificates->CRLs->Import menu consists of the following
Fields in the CRL Import menu
External Filename
Enter the file path and name of the CRL to be imported, or use
Browse... to select it from the file browser.
Local Certificate De-
Enter a unique description for the CRL.
File Encoding
Select the type of encoding, so that your device can decode
the CRL.
Possible values:
(default value): Activates automatic code recognition. If
Gigaset Communications GmbH
2 System Management
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition