: A distinguished name (DN) name is entered.
: A registered identity (RID) is entered.
Fields in the Options menu
Autosave Mode
Select whether your device automatically stores the various
steps of the enrolment internally. This is an advantage if enrol-
ment cannot be concluded immediately. If the status has not
been saved, the incomplete registration cannot be completed.
As soon as the enrolment is completed and the certificate has
been downloaded from the CA server, it is automatically saved
in the device configuration.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default. Import
Choose the Import button to import certificates.
The menu System Management->Certificates->Certificate List->Import consists of the
following fields:
Fields in the Import menu
External Filename
Enter the file path and name of the certificate to be imported, or
use Browse... to select it from the file browser.
Local Certificate De-
Enter a unique description for the certificate.
File Encoding
Select the type of coding so that your device can decode the
Possible values:
(default value): Activates automatic code recognition. If
downloading the certificate in auto mode fails, try with a cer-
tain type of encoding.
2 System Management
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition