17.3 Alert Service
It was previously possible to send syslog messages from the router to any syslog host.
Depending on the configuration, e-mail alerts are sent to the administrator as soon as rel-
evant syslog messages appear.
17.3.1 Alert Recipient
A list of Syslog messages is displayed in the Alert Recipient menu. New
Select the New to create additional alert recipients.
The menu External Reporting->Alert Service->Alert Recipient->New consists of the
following fields:
Fields in the Add / Edit Alert Recipient menu
Alert Service
Displays the alert service.
Enter the recipient's e-mail address. The entry is limited to 40
Message Compression
Select whether the text in the alert E-mail is to be shortened.
The e-mail then contains the syslog message only once plus
the number of relevant events.
Enable or disable the field.
The function is enabled by default.
You can enter a subject.
Matching String
You must enter a "Matching String". This must occur in a sys-
log message as a necessary condition for triggering an alert.
The entry is limited to 55 characters. Bear in mind that without
the use of wildcards (e.g. "*"), only those strings that corres-
pond exactly to the entry fulfil the condition. The "Matching
String" entered therefore usually contains wildcards. To be in-
formed of all syslog messages of the selected level, just enter
Gigaset Communications GmbH
17 External Reporting
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition