: The initiator becomes active daily (default value).
: The initiator becomes active daily from
Monday to Friday.
$" ' 3"
: The initiator becomes active daily
from Monday to Saturday.
3" ' 3"
: The initiator becomes active on Sat-
urdays and Sundays.
Possible values for Condition Settings in Condition Type =
Start Time
Enter the time from which the initiator is to be activated. Activa-
tion is carried on the next scheduling interval. the default value
of this interval is 55 seconds.
Stop Time
Enter the time from which the initiator is to be deactivated. De-
activation is carried on the next scheduling interval. If you do
not enter a Stop Time or set a Stop Time = Start Time, the
initiator is activated, and deactivated after 10 seconds.
15.6.2 Actions
In the Local Services->Scheduling->Actions menu is displayed a list of all operations to
be initiated by events or event chains configured in Local Services->Scheduling->Trig-
ger. New
Choose the New button to configure additional operations.
The menu Local Services->Scheduling->Actions->New consists of the following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Parameters
Enter your chosen designation for the action.
15 Local Services
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition