Several entries are possible. Add additional entries with the
Add button.
In the Local Services->DHCP Server ->DHCP Configuration->Advanced Settings
menu you can edit an entry in the DHCP Options field, if Option =
@" .1
is se-
Choose the
icon to edit an existing entry. In popup menu, you configure manufacture-spe-
cific settings in the DHCP server for specific telephones.
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
Select vendor
Your device does not currently use this parameter.
Here, you can select for which manufacturer specific values
shall be transmitted for the DHCP server.
Possible values:
(default value)
Provisioning Server
(code 3)
Your device does not currently use this parameter.
Enter which manufacturer value shall be transmitted.
For the setting Select vendor =
, the default value
is displayed.
You can complete the IP address of the desired server.
15.4.3 IP/MAC Binding
The Local Services->DHCP Server->IP/MAC Binding menu displays a list of all clients
that received an IP address from your device via DHCP.
You can allocate an IP address from a defined IP address pool to specific MAC ad-
dresses. You can do this by selecting the Static Binding option in the list to convert a list
entry as a fixed binding, or you manually create a fixed IP/MAC binding by configuring this
in the New sub-menu.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
15 Local Services
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition