The default value is
Interface Mode
Select whether the IP addresses of name servers for resolving
the names of Internet addresses are to be obtained automatic-
ally or whether up to two fixed DNS server addresses are to be
entered, depending on the priority.
Possible values:
(default value)
Select the interface to which the DNS server pair is to be as-
For Interface Mode =
A global DNS server is created with the setting
For Interface Mode =
A DNS server is configured for all interfaces with the
Primary DNS Server
Only if Interface Mode =
Enter the IP address of the first name server for Internet ad-
dress name resolution.
Secondary DNS Server Only if Interface Mode =
Optionally, enter the IP address of an alternative name server.
15.1.3 Static Hosts
A list of all configured static hosts is displayed in the Local Services->DNS->Static
Hosts menu. New
Choose the New button to set up new static hosts.
The menu Local Services->DNS->Static Hosts->New consists of the following fields:
Gigaset Communications GmbH
15 Local Services
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition