2.2.5 System Licences
This chapter shows the software licenses enabled ex works.
The options for editing, new entries and restore are not usually required.
Possible values for Status
Subsystem is activated.
Not OK
Subsystem is not activated.
Not supported
You have entered a licence for a subsystem your system does
not support.
The System Licence ID is also displayed above the list. Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Choose the New button to enter more li-
The menu System Management->Global Settings->System Licences->New consists
of the following fields:
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Licence Serial Number Enter the licence serial number you received when you bought
the licence.
Licence Key
Enter the licence key you received by e-mail.
2.3 Access Codes
In your day-to-day work you have employed codes to use particular features and you wish
to use them again with your new system. However, other codes are set for these features
in the basic setting. No problem - you can change the codes for different features. So you
can use your usual codes for these features in the future.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
2 System Management
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition