for this function. Without ISDN, callback is only to be activated
in special applications.
Incoming ISDN Num-
Only if Callback is enabled.
Enter the ISDN number from which the remote device calls the
local device (calling party number).
Outgoing ISDN Num-
Only if Callback is enabled.
Enter the ISDN number with which the local device calls the re-
mote device calls (called party number).
Fields in the Dial Port Selection (only if callback = activated)
Selected Ports
Enter the ISDN port over which callback is carried out.
Possible values:
: The callback is routed over an available ISDN
31 1
: In Specific Ports You can select the re-
quired ISDN port.
Specific Ports
Only for Selected Ports =
31 1
, you can select ad-
ditional ports with Add.
13.3.2 Options
In this menu, you can make general settings of the global PPTP profile.
The VPN->PPTP->Options menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Global Options menu
GRE Window Adaption
Select whether the GRE Window Adaptation is to be enabled.
This adaptation only becomes necessary if you have installed
service pack 1 from Microsoft Windows XP. Since, in SP 1, Mi-
crosoft has changed the confirmation algorithm in the GRE pro-
tocol, the automatic window adaptation for GRE must be
turned off for bintec elmeg devices.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
13 VPN
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition