Choose the New button to create forwarding rules for new multicast groups.
The Multicast->Forwarding->Forwarding->New menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
All Multicast Groups
Select whether all multicast groups, i.e. the complete multicast
address range, are to be forwarded from the
defined Source Interface to the defined Destination
Interface. To do this, check
Disable the option if you only want to forward one defined mul-
ticast group to a particular interface.
The option is deactivated by default.
Multicast Group Ad-
Only for All Multicast Groups = not active.
Enter here the address of the multicast group you want to for-
ward from a defined Source Interface to a defined Destina-
tion Interface.
Source Interface
Select the interface on your device to which the selected mul-
ticast group is sent.
Destination Interface
Select the interface on your device to which the selected mul-
ticast group is to be forwarded.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
11 Multicast
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition