dress is to be translated, with corresponding netmask, as the
case arises.
New Source Port
Only for Type of traffic =
#3 )&
method =
, Service =
and Pro-
tocol =
Leave the source port as it appears or enter a new source port
to which the original source port is to be translated.
leaves the original source port. If you disable
, an input field appears in which you can enter a new
source port.
is active by default.
If you select
31 1
for Original Source
Port/Range, you can choose from the follwing options:
=! 3 6A>
: The range spe-
cified for Original Source Port/Range is not changed, all
port numbers are retained.
@8" 6A( "
: There is an
input field for you to specify the port number with which to
start the port range that replaces the original port rannge.
The count of ports is retained.
10.3 QoS
QoS (Quality of Service) makes it possible to distribute the available bandwidths effect-
ively and intelligently. Certain applications can be given preference and bandwidth re-
served for them. This is an advantage, especially for time-critical applications such as
The QoS configuration consists of three parts:
• Creating IP filters
• Classifying data
• Prioritising data
10.3.1 QoS Filter
In the Networking->QoS->QoS Filter menu IP filters are configured.
10 Networking
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition