NAT active
Select whether NAT is to be activated for the interface.
The function is disabled by default.
Loopback active
The NAT loopback function also enables network address
translation for connectors whereby NAT is not activated. This is
often used in order to interpret queries from the LAN as if they
were coming from the WAN. You can use this to test the server
The function is disabled by default.
Silent Deny
Select whether IP packets are to be silently denied by NAT. If
this function is deactivated, the sender of the denied IP packet
is informed by means of an appropriate ICMP or TCP RST
The function is disabled by default.
PPTP Passthrough
Select whether the setup and operation of several simultan-
eous, outgoing PPTP connections from hosts in the network
are also to be permitted if NAT is activated.
The function is disabled by default.
If PPTP Passthrough is enabled, the device itself cannot be
configured as a tunnel endpoint.
Shows the number of portforwarding rules configured in Net-
working->NAT->NAT Configuration .
10.2.2 NAT Configuration
In the Networking->NAT->NAT Configuration menu you can exclude data from NAT
simply and conveniently as well as translate addresses and ports. For outgoing data traffic
you can configure various NAT methods, i.e. you can determine how an external host es-
tablishes a connection to an internal host. New
Choose the New button to set up NAT.
10 Networking
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition