Priority Number
Enter the number which can even be dialled if all B channels
are occupied. In this case, an external B channel is released
for this connection and reassigned for the priority call. An ongo-
ing priority call is not interrupted.
7.2 Automatic Route Selection
In the Call Routing->Automatic Route Selection menu, you can set up routes for ex-
ternal calls in addition to configured line occupancy. Here, bundles released for users can
be selectively assigned to ongoing calls according to the dialled number, or new providers
entered along with their network access prefixes. You then specifically define the routing
for individually created zones for every weekday.
7.2.1 General
In the Call Routing->Automatic Route Selection->General menu, you enable the ARS -
Automatic Route Selection - function and select the desired route level.
The menu Call Routing->Automatic Route Selection->General consists of the following
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Select whether to enable the ARS performance feature
(Automatic Route Selection).
The function is activated by selecting
The function is disabled by default.
Routing Stage
Select whether additional routes shall be used if an entered
provider or bundle cannot be accessed.
Possible values:
# 50&
: If the entered provider or selected
bundle is (Call Routing->Automatic Route
Selection->Zones &Routing-> Edit/Add -> Mo-Su ->Rout-
ing Stage 1) not available, connection setup is terminated.
: If the entered provider or selected bundle ( Call
Routing->Automatic Route Selection->Zones &Routing->
Gigaset Communications GmbH
7 Call Routing
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition