User Guide
DEMO purpose
This demo includes the following functions of GD32 MCU:
Learn to use GPIO control the LED and the KEY
Learn to use EXTI to generate external interrupt
GD32VF103T-START board has one LED and Wakeup key. The LED1 is controlled by GPIO.
This demo will show how to use the EXTI interrupt line to control the LED1.When press down
the Wakeup Key, it will produce an interrupt. In the interrupt service function, the demo will
toggle LED1.
DEMO running result
Download the program < 03_EXTI_Key_Interrupt_mode > to the START board, the LED1 will
flash once for test, press down the Wakeup Key, LED1 will be turned on. Press down the
Wakeup Key again, LED1 will be turned off.
DEMO purpose
This demo includes the following functions of GD32 MCU:
Learn how to use the USBFS peripheral
Learn how to implement USB CDC device
Start board has one USBFS interface. In this demo, the startboard is enumerated as an USB
virtual COM port, which was shown in device manager of PC as below. This demo makes the
USB device look like a serial port, and loops back the contents of a text file over USB port. To
run the demo, input a message using the PC's keyboard. Any data that shows in
HyperTerminal is received from the device.
DEMO running result
Download the program <04_USBFS\Device\CDC_ACM> to the start board and run. When
you input message through computer keyboard, the HyperTerminal will receive and shown