Instructions for Use
Diffustik / Variant PFTstik
Serial no.: xx|8|401|yyy and 2401xxxxx
Version: 8 | Release date: 16. August 2021
Page 51
Technical Protection Measures
Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik have been designed and built
in accordance with the recognised state of technology and the
requirements of the applicable, safety-relevant regulations.
The technical safety condition is checked by the authorised
specialist retail partner of the manufacturers within the
framework of technical monitoring (see also chap. 3.3
“Operation / Servicing and Maintenance”).
For a detailed description of the option "CO Diffusion“, please
refer to the separate IFU:
Add-on CO Diffusion
The measurement device (Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik) is
supplied with BLUE CHERRY® software. This serves to manage
patient and examination data as well as carry out, depict,
process and record measurements with the devices of the
The communication between the BLUE CHERRY® software and
a practice computer system or hospital information system is
supported by standardised software interfaces (e.g. HL7, GDT).
Paid software options are necessary for this, if applicable.
A modular and flexible hardware and software concept makes it
possible to combine this with additional measurement options
and consequently allows the overall system to be configured
separately for individual customers.
For the identification of the current firmware version, this can be
read by the BLUE CHERRY® device management system.
For further information about the configuration and use of the
software BLUE CHERRY® see:
The separate IFU BLUE CHERRY®