Put the Setup disk (or CD) into the disk drive.
Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the software installation.
Factory Setting/ faceplates changng
Button Assignments
The Button Assignment feature lets you work in a more efficient way because you can assign the most
frequently used commands in Windows to the mouse buttons.
Press the “Magic -Roller” to surf the Internet and Windows documents
Left Button
Provides traditional mouse functions such as click, double click and drag.
Right Button
You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse functions in addition to features like
EasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
Roller Button
You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse functions in addition to features like
EasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
Side Buttons
You can assign certain functions to the upper or lower side button with the rolle r.
MouseMate Software Features
Browsing Speed
You can adjust the browsing speed when you surf the Internet or Windows documents.
Move the “Magic -Roller” forward and the screen will browse to the top of the document. Move it in
reverse and the document will go in the opposite direction
Button Find
Automatically positions the cursor on the default button, usually the OK button, when the dialog box
appears on your screen.
This option makes it easier to find the cursor when using an LCD monitor. This option cannot be used if
your monitor does not support it.
When you move the cursor to the top (or bottom) of the screen, it will automatically move the cursor to the
bottom (or top) of the screen.
Mouse Speed
This function lets you adjust the speed at which the pointer moves across the screen.
Double Click
Use this function to set the double click speed of the mouse.
Swap Left/Right
Select this option if you want to have the mouse operate with the right mouse button as the primary button.