Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
Page 12 of 122
When the PMDPro is first powered on, the LCD will briefly flash the following
initialization screen, which shows the model number and firmware version.
4.2.1 MONITOR:
After the initialization is finished, the PMDPro goes into monitor mode. The LCD
This screen displays the SOP (Stokes parameters) and DOP information of the light as
measured by the input (I) polarimeter. The up and down arrow keys can be used to toggle
through two more display screens:
The second screen displays the SOP (Stokes parameters) and DOP information of the
light as measured by the output (O) polarimeter.
The third display screen shows the power level at the output polarimeter in mW/µW and
dBm and the DGD and SOPMD values currently being generated by the PMDPro, in ps
and ps
, respectively.
If no light is detected, the PMDPro will display a “Power Low” message instead of the
information described above.
Pressing the MONITOR button from any other operation or setup mode will stop any
active polarization control or DGD scanning and return the display to this set of display
screens. The polarization controller and PMD element will be left in their most recently
set states.
Most of the function keys under the LCD display are used to access function menus to set
up the various functions of the PMDPro. The menus and screen sequences are as follows.
P: xxx uW
x.xx dBm
x.xx ps
DOP: xx.xx%
s1: x.xx
s2: x.xx
s3: x.xx
DOP: xx.xx%
s1: x.xx
s2: x.xx
s3: x.xx
PMD-Pro VER 2.0