Op era tion
Cali bra tion
con tin ued
Gen eral Moni tors rec om mends that the Model
S214 be cali brated within the first hour of op -
era tion af ter the ini tial ap pli ca tion of power
and that a sec ond cali bra tion be per formed 24
hours af ter this ini tial cali bra tion. These two
cali bra tion se quences should be per formed
with new units and with units that have been
off of power for more than a week. Use the
cali bra tion pro ce dure listed on page 11.
Fig ure 14 shows a flow dia gram of the codes
that will ap pear in the dis play win dow dur ing
the cali bra tion pro ce dure.
The Model S214 can be re -
turned to nor mal op era tion
if the mag net is re- applied
af ter ninety sec onds of ini -
ti at ing the cali bra tion se -
quence. If the Model S214
is placed in the cali bra tion
mode and no gas is ap plied
for twelve min utes, the unit
will re vert to a fault con di -
tion. Plac ing the mag net
over the GMI Logo again
will re turn the unit to the
cali bra tion mode.
Re- applying the mag net af ter ninety sec onds
will re turn the Model S214 to nor mal op era -
tion us ing the pre vious set of cali bra tion val -
If there is a prob lem and the Model S214 Hy -
dro gen Sul fide Smart Sen sor can not com plete
the cali bra tion se quence, the unit will dis play
a fault code and the ana log out put cur rent will
drop to zero.
The Model S214 will in di cate an “F1" if the
sen sor is too re spon sive, an ”F3" if the sen sor
is not sen si tive enough, an “F2" if the to tal
cali bra tion in ter val has been ex ceeded, or an
”F7" if the cali bra tion val ues were not prop -
erly stored in the NOVRAM. Other fault
codes are ex plained in sec tion 4.5 Fault Codes
& Their Reme dies.
If the unit fails to cali brate an “F”
code will be dis played. The cali bra tion gas
must be re moved from the sen sor, and the
sen sor must see “clean” air for at least five
min utes bef ore a sec ond cali bra tion is at -
tempted by re- applying the mag net. The
pos si ble rea sons for an un suc cess ful cali -
bra tion are cov ered in sec tion 4.5 Fault
Codes & Their Reme dies.
Cali bra tion Equip ment
Gen eral Moni tors of fers Breaker Bot tles &
Am poules as the method of in tro duc ing cali -
bra tion or test gas to the Model S214. It will
be nec es sary to place the am poule in a breaker
bot tle (see fig ure 15 on page 13). The am -
poule should be 50% of full scale. Place the
breaker bot tle over the sen sor and put the unit
in the cali bra tion mode (see “
4.1 Cali bra -
”, page 11).
When the dis play in di cates “
” break the
50% of full scale am poule. The dis play will
change to “
” in di cat ing that the sen sor is
see ing the gas. When the dis play in di cates
”, re move the breaker bot tle and al low
the sen sor to see clean air.
fig ure 14
Model S214