Digital Display Codes (
These codes appear on the display
during the calibration process. For
more information about these codes,
refer to Section 4.1 Calibration.
These codes will appear on the
display if a Fault condition occurs.
For more information about these
codes, refer to Section 4.3 Fault
Codes & Their Remedies.
Fault Codes & Their Remedies
The Model S104 has self-diagnostics incorpo-
rated into the microprocessor’s program. If a
Fault is detected, the output signal will drop to
0mA and a Fault code will be displayed. The
output signal will inform a remote display
module that the Model S104 is in the Fault
Mode. The display will indicate a Fault code
that can be viewed at the sensor site. There
are nine Fault conditions that are monitored by
the microprocessor.
When a Calibration Fault (F1, F2, F3) has oc-
curred and has been corrected, the unit will
automatically revert to the calibration process
and the unit must be re-calibrated.
If a Fault
other than a Calibration Fault occurs, after it is
corrected, the unit will return to the Start-Up
Mode (SU).
F1 = Failed to Zero during Calibration
Faulty Sensor - If both Catalytic Beads are
not closely matched. This may happen as a
sensor approaches the end of its useful life or
if the Beads have become corroded.
TION - Replace the sensor.
Gas Present - If the magnet was applied with
a high level of gas present, the Model S104
will not be able to obtain a valid ZERO. AC-
TION - Ensure the sensor is in clean air.
F2 = Failed to complete the Calibration
This Fault will occur if the unit is placed in the
calibration mode and no gas has been applied
within six minutes.
F3 = Failed to Span during Calibration
Low Gas - If the gas concentration applied to
the unit does not give sufficient response for a
valid SPAN parameter. ACTION - Use the
correct gas concentration, i.e. 50% LEL.
Bad Sensor - If the sensor response has gone
below an acceptable level. ACTION - Re-
place the sensor.
NOTE: If the unit fails to calibrate and an F1
or an F3 code is displayed, the calibr ation
gas must be r emoved fr om the sensor and
the sensor must see clean air for at least five
minutes befor e a second calibr ation is initi-
Model S104