4 English
Bass Roll-Off
Bass Roll-Off (switch 2) activates high-pass filter-
ing at 85 Hz to complement the low-pass filter on a
Genelec 7050 subwoofer. This switch should always
be set to “ON” when using the 8030B with a 7050
The factory setting for all tone controls is “OFF” to
give a flat anechoic response. Always start adjust-
ment by setting all switches to “OFF” position. Mea-
sure or listen systematically through the different
combinations of settings to find the best frequency
Mounting considerations
Align the loudspeakers correctly
Always place the loudspeakers so that their acous-
tic axes (see figure 1) are aimed towards the listen-
ing position. Vertical placement is preferable, as it
minimises acoustical cancellation problems around
the crossover frequency.
Maintain symmetry
Check that the loudspeakers are placed symmetri-
cally and at an equal distance from the listening
position. If possible, place the system so that the lis-
tening position is on the centerline of the room and
the loudspeakers are placed at an equal distance
from the centerline.
Minimise reflections
Acoustic reflections from objects close to the loud-
speakers like desks, cabinets, computer monitors
etc. can cause unwanted blurring of the sound
image. These can be minimised by placing the loud-
speaker clear of reflective surfaces. For instance,
putting the loudspeakers on stands behind and
above the mixing console usually gives a better
result than placing them on the meter bridge.
Minimum clearances
Sufficient cooling for the amplifier and function-
ing of the reflex port must be ensured if the loud-
speaker is installed in a restricted space such as a
cabinet or integrated into a wall structure. The sur-
roundings of the loudspeaker must always be open
to the listening room with a minimum clearance of 5
centimeters (2”) behind, above and on both sides of
the loudspeaker. The space adjacent to the ampli-
fier must either be ventilated or sufficiently large
to dissipate heat so that the ambient temperature
does not rise above 35 degrees Celsius (95°F).
Table 1: Suggested tone control settings for differing acoustical environments
Loudspeaker Mounting Position
Treble Tilt
Bass Tilt
Bass Roll-Off
Flat anechoic response
Free standing in a damped room
Free standing in a reverberant room
-2 dB
Near field or console bridge
-4 dB
Near to a wall
-6 dB
With a 7050 subwoofer
See above
See above