DTMF Code Strings
The ENC-3300 can send DTMF codes containing up to 128 characters.
In addition to the DTMF code itself, other instructions and actions can be embedded in the DTMF
string to further customize each transmission. The special characters and instructions are not
themselves transmitted, but they can change the operation of the encoder with pauses, relay actions,
alert tones and LCD screen messages.
When programming DTMF codes, the entire string must be enclosed in double quotes.
Note: The leading button command has been omitted in the following examples to make reading
easier. A command such as
has been shorted to
All sixteen DTMF characters are available. They are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D * #
Dtmf code examples:
Standard codes
Example: Send the code 12345
Example: Send the code 24680BDF;
Each capital letter
pauses the transmission for one second.
Each lower case letter
pauses the transmission for .5 seconds.
Example: Send the code 12345, pause for 2 seconds, then send code 6789, pause .5 sec then send
code 1357.
The internal speaker in the ENC-3300 can be used to prompt the operator or get their attention.
Each capital letter J produces 5 beeps.
Each lower case letter j produces 3 beeps.
Example: Send DTMF code 9876, produce 5 beeps followed by a 2 second pause and 3 more beeps.
Genave/NRC,Inc. 9000-0000-086 rev 4
Pg. 29