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The installer or client must ensure that
the flue system chosen complies with
local installation regulations.
For the installation of the combustion
product evacuation system, accesso-
ries or an authorized combustion prod-
uct system must be used and adapt to
the oil fired condensing boiler with a
sealed combustion system.
Whatever the type of connection :
To prevent any accidental leakage:
• Check that the air inlet and combus-
tion product extraction outlet tube
and bend joints are properly sealed
after mounting.
• ensure that tight sealing joints are
• use the fastening collars or flanged
components to attach the piping se-
curely to the wall with a least 1 collar
per female adapter of each section of
• exclude imperatively any use of oil or
To make assembly easier, apply liquid
soap over 5 cm (0.03 ft)of the section of
the tube to be fitted.
The tubing connections are arranged so
that no condensate is retained and to
ensure that they are transferred up to
evacuation (descending slop of 3%
between the base of the flue and the boi-
When the boiler must be placed as close as possible
to the rear wall, several configurations can be envi-
saged depending on the hydraulic connection - refer
to some examples below.
5.1.1 - Installation example
5.1 - Boiler placement according to the
combustion products outlet system
and to the hydraulic connection