Страница 1: ...Switch 5 Sl dws 7 Energ kwing Tips Stol age Drawers 8 FoodStorage lggestions 6 8 StabilizingBrakes 14 StOInKe rimes 6 Tenlperature Controls 5 lcenmlu w AccessoryKit Vacation ilk ving ip 11 hwTravs Wm antv Rick cover hmmtion 2 4 Water FilterAccessory 9 Adapkx Phlg 4 AcijustaldeRollers Clearances 2 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 4 GEhsw r Cel fer Location 4 ...
Страница 2: ...eive hei e arethree stepsto foiiowforfurtherheli3 FIIWT X Il t t th 3 pM C WhO serviced yourappliance Explain Why jell iU f2IIOt pietiSd Ill13N St cases thiswillsoivetheprob em NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased wril e allthe jetflils itlcludillg yourphonenumber to ManageI COnSUnm Relations G i Appliances AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write M r Appliance Cons...
Страница 3: ...affectedlessthanthatof many otherfoods Use rcfkozen I oods as soonaspossibleto saveas much oftheireatingqualityasyoucan A Bef orc m kingmy repairst Note Westronglyrecommend tht l myticrvicing btiperformed bya qualifiedindividual WBeforecleaning C Bcf mrtiph cing aI xmxl out lightMb therctligcratc r shoukl beunplugged inordertoavoid contwtwithi livewirefllmcnt Atmrned out lightbulbmy breakwhenking ...
Страница 4: ...move forcleaning water supply to If your refrigerator hasanicemaker orifyOLI planto addanicemaker later theicemakerwillhavetobe connectedto a COM waterline A watersLqq31y kitcontaining copper tubing shut offvalve fittingsand instructions isavailableatextracost fromyourdealer Thereshouldbe sufficienttubingfortheicemaker fromthecoldwatersLIpp y to a ow moving the refrigerator out from the wa l sever...
Страница 5: ... ttil 011 or 01 1 REDUCES EXTERIOR CABINET MOISTURE SAVES ENERGY I ENERGY SAVER J Thebottom positionturnsthe I mtcl s 0 1 1 01 nlaxinlLJnl Cml gy st vings Use this position dLlring periodsof lowhumidily Thetop positionisfor 3criodS of high humidity sLIch M dLlring the summer intheearlymorning hOLll S d iIl holl12S WithOLlt liI conditioning Thefl esh food OIltI 01 hassettings from 1 thewarmest to 9...
Страница 6: ...heirOl igilliil wmppiug NOI I j t i l ir 5l i t l lj i tl li it il Y KS 1 KMIPIS N qltippdd ldli it ltllll L iYL ll to Ih lllp l t ill t lilL M thy w Ivwl hwi q d tt ptww i e m W C i e L u eanl Finc quality ice ream wi h high crmn umtunt will normally require sligh ly k wcr lmpmturcs than more airy LII c l ly pLlcl tig L t brands wil hlow Cl canlcontent It will benecessary toexpcrinmrit to determi...
Страница 7: ...ocksintoposition Tap downon the backof the shelfnear he tracksuntilthe shelfis securely seated 1 0 repklcw lidc the Porta 13iIl into thegroovedarm untilthetabs lockintoIllw c he g i out wiw b ske bCIC Wthe shell arc rcaciily uvuihblewithout yol lt hWiIl k II1OVC paCka CS Stored on the LlpPM level Thelmskctglidesin timloutf r easyf ml selection Toremovethe b Sk t pullit OLlt Ll ltil it StOpS Thenti...
Страница 8: ...he left to W mums setting andthecoverstayspartially opento providea lesshumid storagearea Variable settingsbetween FRUITS and VEG can beselectedto fit yoLwspecial needs Drawer Drawersat the bottomof the fresh foodcompartmentstopbefore comingall the wayout to help preverilcontentsfromspillingonto the floor Drawerscanbe removed easilyby tiltingup slightlyand puHingpast stop location Toremovedrawersw...
Страница 9: ...ttheicemakcrto yOUl CO C WatC1 lillC iS ti SO availableatextracost The perfect to your icemaker i water ma optional atextra cost OLII icc cubes can ordy be as fresh tasting asthe w tcr hatproduces them That swhyit sa goodideato purifyyour waterwitha waterfilter Itsactivatedcharcoal removesmusty stale odorsandunpleasant medicinal metallic tastes A poroLls fiber cartridgecatchesdirt rustparticles sa...
Страница 10: ...esLllt in damage to yoLw floor covering or refrigerator Comhmsw Thecondenser is locatedbehind Cond6b3r To ulwmthe condcrmr first rcmmwthebitscgrille thensweep t way or vacLIum dustthatisrcadil y acccssiblco Usea refrigeratorcoil b14USh 811d L1 VLICLIUITl C Canel tO remove dust and lint from the coil 7 hc coil hrush is avaikhle at GE Aimliancc PartsMarts It is notnecessary to defrost the i rcezer o...
Страница 11: ...d froIn the wall outlet remove all food and ckan and dry the interior f muw aH limit items such as grille shelves storage pms and ice lrtlys t y taping hem securely in phwc to prevent dmiige Be sure the refrigerator sttiys in cl upri qllt pmi iw during actuul moving and in the van I he rci rigerator mustbe securedinthe vantopreventmovement Protect I1C outsideof therefrigeratorwith t II illll et J ...
Страница 12: ...Iicily onthefloorandi Ont rollerscrewsneedadjust ng orflooris weakm uneven Referto ROLL ERS Hdishesvibrateon shelves trymovingthem S1 ightvibrationis normal Defrostwaterpanrattling needstobtipositioned properly 9Thehighspeedcompressormotorrequiredto maintainnearzerotemperaturesin the M ge fl ee er compartmentmay pr dllce higher sound Ievek than your old refrigerator INormal fan air flow onefan blo...
Страница 13: ...yL o holdingdooropen PwiiagtblockingairdIwiin frcexcrcmq tirllnent oFootisnot covered wrapped or se lletlprq rly ISI DoormayhavebeenM tajm oTurnWnperaturcc ffreezercoll l ilt t llollt COkierr Oklcubes can become stale tasting Discord thcm and make new ice 0102 storage binneedsto bc cmptiedan iwt lshedt Unscalcci p ckages in refrigeratorand orfreezercompartments maybetransmitting odor ttistc to icc...
Страница 14: ...ly iJl place ag tinst the floor Ifter the brakes m securely in pliu c LlllSCI eW Ihe t k31ing vh12cls ad iLlst ing bolt cotlIltci cl13c 11 ise u ti the weight of the rcl rigerator is supported by the st lhilizing br kx This allows the weight tO be positioned on the leveling br kes Reverse the procedure to X OHthe refrigerator out Leveling wheel Stabilizing brake 1 t D not J J 7 loosen this p I whe...
Страница 15: ...enewal Parts arc fldly warranted VH5A iVlasterCarcl anclDiscover cardsareaccepted user IIRhltemmce illst 1 1 mtions COnltilled I l 3 booklet cOvel proce dures intendedtobeperfm medby anytwen other er vking generally shol lld beAm red toqualifiedser tice Jpel scmnelo cautionmustbe exel cisecg Sinceimproperservicing maycauseunsafeOpel atiml Uponrequest GE willprovideBraille controlsforavariety 01 CZ...
Страница 16: ...GENERAL ELECTRIC i OTP lNT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC A S oService trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Readyour L and Care materiai If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cent F 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation o R...