GE WWA9850M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA9850M

Страница 1: ...bber Cycle 5 10 11 21 Cycle Settings 5 Stains 21 Detergents Other Additives 16 20 Stain Removal Guide 22 Energy Saving Tips 7 Storage Vacation Tips 29 Fabric Softener Dispenser 6 810 User Maintenance Instructions 29 Filter Flo Pan 4 7 10 15 29 Warranty Back Cover Hard Water 19 Limestone Deposits 17 29 Loading 4 15 Mini Basketw Tub 8 11 Mini Quick Cycle 9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 GEAnswer C n ODe...

Страница 2: ...ial Number Jscthesenumbersinany corrcspondejlce orservicecalls concerningyourwasher ToobtainaSpanish language versionofthisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service Paraobtenerlaversi6n en espafiol deestemanual namea GEAnswerCenter serviciodeinformaci6n paraelconsumidor te16fono 800 626 2000 FORYOUR SARn IfYou Need service TO obtiinservice seethe ConsumerServices pageinthe ...

Страница 3: ...ppliances free fromtheaccumdation ofcombustibl materials suchaslint paper rags chemicals etc Keep fiefloor aroundyour appliances cleananddrytoreduce thepossibility ofslipping aTofinimize thepossibility ofelectricshock unplugthis appliance fromthepowersupply beforeattempting anymaintenance orcleaning except theremoval and cleaningofthelintfilter N E Turningtie CycleSelector knobtoanOFFpositiondoesN...

Страница 4: Do notuscMini Basket tubwhen washingregularloads You ll find con p ete de ails onhowandwhento usetheMini Baskettubonpages8 through11 QAddnlcasuredamountof detergent Scepages16through20 brinformationondetergentsand th r laundry3dditives Loadclothesintothewashbasket N E DonotusetheFilter Flo PositiontheFilter Flopanonthe Closethelid Washerwillnotfill agitator Lintwillcollectinthepan agitateorspin...

Страница 5: ...start thewasher Tochangesettingafter washerhasstarted pushCycle Selectorknobinto stopwasherand resettonewposition Settingcan bechanged atanytime Formostcottons linens washand Forpermanentpresslaodssuchas playclotheswithnormalsoiling shirts blouses dressesandsimilar 7 E rrq Rinse FF wearingapparelwithnormal Regular Cycles Cycl m w soiling Anextendedcool down Regular cycles Permanent messcycle mb cy...

Страница 6: bedispensedatthe propertime Donotstop the washerduring the first spin Thiswillcausethe dispensertoemptytoosoon DonotusetheFabricsoftener Dispenser with the Soak Cycle e Iftherinsedispensergets clogged soakitinasolutionof 1cupwaterand 1cupalcohol Howtousethe soakcycle PushanyFabricCareSelection buttonandturnCycleSelector knob to SOAK CLE1 Besure ExtraRinse controlis at OFF Foracoldsoak setOption...

Страница 7: ...nditions washinwaterabove80 F Z7 C Thisgenerally meansusingthe WarmWashtemperature setting onyourwasher temperatures approximately 90 to llO F or handcomfortable Ifyounotice thatsoilhasaccumulated after severalconsecutive washings use HotWashoccasionally ifsafe forfabrics Always rinseinColdWater The temper ture oftherinsedoesnot affectcleaning I Trytowashlessofien Save articlesofthesametypeoffabri...

Страница 8: ...bleachcan causefabricdamage andremovalof Mini Basket tub pL t detergentin t leb ttolnof t zc Mini BuslccttL bbef re o ldiilg C otllcs seej oge 18 4 LoadclothesinMini Basket tub Seepage14forsortingllelp Neverpour undiluted liquid bleach directly oEltoclothes or into the Mini Basket tub Ifyouprefertousepowdered bleach pour it in o the Mini Basket t b alongwithyour detergent Do notputpowdered bleachi...

Страница 9: ...Wash 3minutes Spin 2 minutes Rinse 2 minutes Spin 4 minutes TotalTime 171A minutes Totaltimeincludespauses betweeneachphaseofthecycle Totaltimedoesnotincludewater filltimes Filltimesvarydepending onhouseholdwaterpressure 2 PushtheCycleSelectorknobin andturn itclockwiseto theMINI QUICKCycle Whenwashingstockings p ntyhoseand thereasily tangleditems alwayshandle separately Tominimizetangling tl euseo...

Страница 10: ...l 1 2 laui2d efl N i 3i E s ei tub m fi llQvJ the rccommeild itioils in tile 1 Gtlide on g 1average sizetablecloth or 3 shirtsorblouses or 1shirtand1pairofslacks or I fullsizebedsheet or 3 5babygarments or 5 6undergarments 1 Remove Filter Flopan 2 PlaceMini Basket tubon agitator Pulltheagitatortoward thefrontofthemachineforeasier installation andremovalofMini Baskettub 3 fit detergentin the bottom...

Страница 11: eelyin the wate I whatbappem during the SPOTSCRUBBER cycle Mini Basket Only Whenagitation begins the SPOTSCRUBBERcontrolmoves counterclockwise forabouthalfa minute Asharpdistinctive sound willbeheardsoonafteragitation begins Thisisthesoundofthe waterrecirculation systemcutting offtokeepthe concentrated detergentsolutionintheMini Baskettub Whenagitationstops theSP SCRUBBER control movestheremain...

Страница 12: recommended Special Cycle Regular Cycle Normal or Light Soil Setting dependingon amount of soil BabyClothes Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate CottonsColorfast Spotscrubber Cycle Special Cycle Spotscrubber C lcle Set at Knits Knitsor Delicates Light Soil Setting Blankets Wool Part wool washableWoolens Regular Cycle Light soil s...

Страница 13: ...ent is dry Treat heavily soiled areas with liquid detergent or paste madeof water and granular detergent Close zippers Wash2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance GARMENT MUST BE TUMBLE DRIED Youmayprefer to use a mild type detergent Do babyclothes separately Pretreat spots Rinse diapers nightgowns pads and sheets after use Keep diapers in a coveredpail of cold water and conditioning agent likeB...

Страница 14: ...ethat sdesigned toremovestainsandstubbornsoil automatically seepage10 and refertotheStainRemoval charton page22whenyouelecttopre treat andscrubstainsbyhand TurnPolyfiits inside out to minimizefabricsurfacedamage soaking loosensdeepsoilsand shins Athoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingcanbe eithera completely separat...

Страница 15: ... washingprnlanent press if you do not nave a yer Ifyouaremachine washing Permanent Pressclothesthatyou plantohangordrip dry useextra caretominimize wrinklingin thewashprocess Becarefulnottooverload washer Permanent Pressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely AMediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould bewashed Jse morewaterthanyouwould foraregularload UseaMedium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad a...

Страница 16: ...enin coldwater Helpmakeclothesfluffyandsoft Reducestaticelectricity Performwellinsoftwater Arenotavailable insomeareas Generally donotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficult todissolve especidyincoldwater Should notbeusd incoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonate asaningredient may causeharmful limestone deposits onclothes andwasher when combined withhardwater Seepage17 Maynotperformaswellas powder...

Страница 17: ...watersoftener suchasCalgon brandwithphosphate md Wa w pmctica may delayMahne ti e b cloth Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 1500forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincooler...

Страница 18: ...e dissolve thedetergent in hotwaterthenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket Tousegranular or Bolvdered detergent in theMii Basket tub putdetergent inthebottom ofMini Baskettubbeforeloadingclothes Touseliquiddetergentinregular clothesbasketorMini Basket tub followpackagedirections Recommended amount ofdek ent for aveqe soilload Watertivel Setting Water RegularWash Basket Mini Basket b Hardness Extra Hand...

Страница 19: ... 5 grains above withdetergent 60 ml 120ml 160 ml 240 ml 30 240 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains When using Acup Zhcup cup 1cup 1 cups 1 cupsplus 1tablespoonfor every5 grainsabove wi hsoap 80 ml 160ml 180ml 240 ml 360 ml 30 300 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains ...

Страница 20: ...othes 2 Someof today swashablefabrics shouldnot be chlorine bleachedsuch as 100 cotton flame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach beforeusing on any fabric 3 Checkmanufacturer shangtags for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kindsof fabrics 2 Is mosteffective in hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluffy and soft 2 Reducesstatic electric...

Страница 21: ...erial Foiic w stain removal with a Ihoro gh rinsing QfVash with recommended amount of soap or detergent i Mix1 4cup 60ml chlorine bleach withonegallon 3 8liter ofcool water approximately 80 F C inasinkorpan Soakstainedarea for5minutesandlaunderinwasher Foodorcookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisible and whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If th...

Страница 22: ...fluid x thenlaunder Sameaswhite andbleachable fabrics Sameaswhite andbleachable fabrics Ink Ballpoint Fresh stains Placestainfacedownonan absorbenttoweland Sameas whiteandbleachablefabrics spongewithdrycleaningfluid orusespraycleaner Apply exceptlaunderusingoxygenbleach undilutedliquiddetergent Oldstains bleachperStainRemoval Hintonpage21 PaiHlt andvarnish soften withoil lardorpetroleumjelly thens...

Страница 23: ...erlevel Toomuchbleach Usecorrectamountofbleachaccordingto packagedirections Notenoughdetergenttoholdlintinsuspensionduringwashcycle Increaseamountofdetergent Seepage18 Incorrectuseoffabricsoftener If usedinwashcycle softeners mayreactwithdetergenttocreatea whitedeposit Usesofteners inrinsecycleonlyurdesspackagespecifiesaddingtowashcycle UseFabricSofiiener Dispenser Seepage6 Piliingusuallyonpolyest...

Страница 24: ...uallya 30 minutesoakis sufficient However whenusingextendedsoaksforheavilysoiledgarments youmayneedtousetwicetherecommendedamountofdetergent Useofsoapinhardwater Switchtoaphosphatedetergent or followsixsteps describedabove Washing toolongmayresultin increasedsoildeposition Useshorterwash timesforsmallerloads Detergentdissolvestooslowly Detergentmustbe presentinthe washsolution atthestartofagitatio...

Страница 25: ...pour fabricsoftener directlyon clothes alwaysdilutebeforeaddingto rinse water DilutesoftenerbeforeFilingyour Fabric SoftenerDispenser See page 6 Also do not lift lid during spin This may cause improperdispensing resultingin stains To removes ins washin Mini Baskettub usingSpotscrubberCycle See page 10 Or dampen stained area and rub with undilutedliquid detergent Re wash usingchlorinebleach if safe...

Страница 26: ...etergent avoidtheuseofhigh carbonate built detergent Failuretousefabricsoftener Properusewillminimizewrinkling Toremovemimes Retumbleon PermanentPress setting Rerinseanddryon PermanentPress setting Ifunsuccessfid retumbleonhighheatfor 10 12 minutesandhang immediately Ironcarefully SendtoDrycleanersforpressing Somewrinklesmayremainwhichcannotberemoved Pinsongarmentsor sharpobjectsIefiinpockets Chec...

Страница 27: ...atesFabricCarePrograms RefertoGarmentManufacturers CareLabels e ments we ened byage sun or atmosphere Thisisinevitable andisnotcausedbywasher Slowprocessbywashingonany FabricCareProgramwhichhasaGentleSpin Seepage4 Toolargeloads ortoolittlewater Loadwasherody with numberofitemsthatwillmovefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel UseSpotscrubber Cycle Seepage 10 Or pretreatwithliquid detergentandwashinRegular...

Страница 28: ... had soon r agitation begti s istie soundofthewatercirculation system cuttingofftokeeptie conmntrati detergent solution intheW Basket tub H vily nb d loadscm ca e thewashertovibratiexcessively dtig spin md maycauseittomovefromitsofigind sition k emme usMy urs whenwasm a single heavyitemora smallloadwhenwater leveIissethigherthann sary thespinbasketmaystriketheoutertub creatingaloudbutharmlessnoise...

Страница 29: ... months and removeanylintthat mayhaveaccumulated Notools areneeded simplygraspagitator withbothhandsandpullstraight upsharply Theslottedsectionat thetopofthemetalshafthasalight coatingoflubricanttopreventparts stickingtogether Ifthisarea appearstobedry applyalightcoat ofgreaseorpetroleum jellyaround theslottedsectionoftheshaft beforereplacingtheagitator Do notovergrease Whenreplacingtheagitator ca...

Страница 30: ... help Yourcall and yourquestion will be answeredprompdy and courteouslyAnd you can call any time GEAnswerCente serviceis open 24 hours a day 7daysa week Youcan have the secure feeling that GEConsumer Service will stillbe there r your warrantyexpires Pur chase a GE contractwhile your war rantyis still in effect and you llreceive a subs tial discount Witha multiple yearcontrac you re assuredoffiture...

Страница 31: ...ustomer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT ISNOTCOVERED service trips toyour home to teach you how to use the product Readyour Use and Cam maleria If you then have any questions about op...
