Страница 1: ...e 4 7 StainRemovalGuide 19 20 25 CycleSettings 5 Storage VacationTips 26 Detergents Other Additives 13 17 User MaintenanceInstructions 26 Energy SavingTips 10 Warranty Back Cover Filter Flo Pan 4 S 9 26 Hard Water 16 LimestoneDeoosits 14 26 Loading the Washer 4 12 Mini Basketm Tub 9 Mini QuickCycle 5 9 Model and SerialNumbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 5 G E b t w Pie treatiiig 7 11 17 m Um Model ...
Страница 2: ...iiol de este manual llamea GE Answer Centefl servicio de informaci6n paraelconsumidor teldfono800 626 2000 FOR YOURSAFETY I fyou smell gas 1 Open windows 2 Don t touch electrical switches 3 Extinguish any open flame 4 Immediately call your gas supplier Don t turnelectricswitches onoroff becausesparksmay ignitethegas FOR YOURSAFETY Donot store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids i...
Страница 3: ...on within your water heaterand the gascanaccumulateinthewater heaterand or water pipes if hot waterhasnot been usedfora periodoftwo weeks orlonger HYDROGENGASCANBE C I R C E S t o p r e v e n t thepossibilityofdamageorinjury ifyou have notusedhot water for two weeks ormore ormoveintoa residenceinwhichthehot water systemmaynot have been used for some time turnonaUhot water faucetsandallow them toru...
Страница 4: ...eing careful not to overload Clothes shouldbe below the retaining ring See page 12 for more loading information Position the Filter Flo pan on the agitator Lint will collect in the pan for easy removal when the wash is finished NOTE Do not use the Filter Flo pan as awash basket Do not put any items tobe washed in the Filter Flo pan Seepage 8 for informationon how to use Bleach Dispenser For inform...
Страница 5: ...htly soiled loads you need ina hurry Use with MINI BASKET tub only ExtraClean Cycle For modemfabrics with heavy or oily soil A second rinse is provided tohelp remove the additional detergent that is required forthese soils anaI n l a yer r 0 Mini PuickCycle PermanentPressand Knitscycles For polyesterknits delicates and permanent press An extended cooldown spray rinse is provided to minimizethe set...
Страница 6: ...g Hot Warm Set at S t a r t P Press or Knits Setting Synthetics Polyester Nylon Acrylic Knits and Woven Fabrics sturdy Delicates P P r e s s Setting Knits Setting Warm Warm Warm Knitssetting Silks Wools Blends of Silk and Wool Rayon and Acetate Knits Setting Dawn filled garments ifmachine washing is recommended Warm P PressSetting n s 3 Normal or Light Soil W i n g Baby Clothes Sturdy such as Diap...
Страница 7: ...etreat spots Rinse diapers nightgowns pads andsheets after use Keep diapers ina coveredpail of cold water and conditioning agent like Borateem brand Only non chlorine bleach when needed Fill washer add detergent allow to dissolve before adding blanket Do oneblanket at a time No bleach You mayprefer to use a mild type detergent Do hand knit garments by hand Pretreat heavily soiled spotswith liquid ...
Страница 8: ...ormal in the Regular Cycles Start thewasher After washerfills and begins to agitate push in the Cycle Selector Knob and turn to SOAK CYCLE Pull out the Cycle Selector Knob to complete the cycle For an extended soak allow the washer tofilland agitate for a few minutes to dissolve the soakingagent Then push in the Cycle Selector Knob to stop the washer keep lid closed and allowt osoak for aslongas d...
Страница 9: ...o thebleach dispenser See page8 for dispenser instructions 1 Specialinstructionsforuseof theMini Basket tub I The Mini Basket tubcan be Basket tub Therewill not be used with any cycle except the enough water in the regular basket SOAK cycle When using the and clothes damage could result I MINI QUICK cycle theMini Baskettubshouldbeused 4 u hose and other easilv tangled When washing stockings panty ...
Страница 10: ...on your washer temperatures approximately 90 to 110 F or hand comfortable If you notice that soil has accumulated after several consecutive washings use Hot Washoccasionally if safe for fabrics Try to washless often Save articlesof the same type of fabric until you have a full load If you must wash smaller loads adjust the amount of water Small loads should have lower water levels Wash in off peak...
Страница 11: ...ck and prepare clothes for washing Empty pockets brush out cuffs zip zippers snapsnaps hooks and buttons Do any necessary mending rips hems tears Check all items forareasof heavy soil or stain Remove stains For STAIN REMOVALGUIDE SEEPAGE 19 Turn Poly Knits inside out to minimizefabric surfacedamage Soaking and Pre treating a goodway to loosen deep soils andstains A thorough soaking with detergent ...
Страница 12: ...water level forthe sizeof the load See page 4 Special recommendations for washing permanent press if you do not have a dryer If youaremachine washing Permanent Pressclothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extra careto minimize wrinkling in the wash process Be careful not to overload washer PermanentPress clothes must have ample room to move freely A Medium sizePermanent Press loadis the l...
Страница 13: ... hard waterthanpowdered non phosphate types Cleans synthetics and fabric blends well Are excellent asconcentrates for removing spots Completely dissolve even in cold water Perform we11in softwater Generally do not clean well in hard water May bedifficulttodissolve especiallyin cold water Shouldnot be used in cold water Those containing sodium carbonateasan ingredient may cause harmful limestone de...
Страница 14: ...hosphate Goodwashingpractices may delay limestone damage toClOtJles The following recommendations will temporarily delaythe effects of limestone on your clothes These are generally good washing practices and will give better soil removal whetheror not you have hard wateror use carbonate detergent Use hotterwash water for example up to150 F for cottons Thisalsoimproves oily soil removal If you wash...
Страница 15: ...ergent granular or powdered For best results add detergent to the wash basket before loading clothes If you load your clothes first add detergent next to the agitator If your detergent doesn t dissolve well predissolve the detergent in hot water then pourdirectly into the wash basket ommended amountof detergentfor averagesoil load Water LevelSetting Water 10 20Gr VERY HARD Basket Small Medium Larg...
Страница 16: ...r If you have HARDwater less than 1 0grains and youuse phosphate detergent you alsohave noproblem But ifyou have more than 1 0 grains you will need to softenyour water witheither 1 An installed water softener in your home or 2 The use of apackaged water softener Forinformation on water softeners seeguidebelow Addthismuchwater softener withafullwaterlevel Grains of hardness 0 10 over 30 25 30 20 25...
Страница 17: ... washable fabrics should not be chlorine bleached such as 100 cotton flame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach before using on any fabric 3 Check Manufacturers Care Labels for special instructions I May be used on all kinds of fabrics 2 Is most effective in hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluffy and soft 2 Reduces static electricity 3 Use...
Страница 18: ...p 60ml chlorine bleach withonegallon 3 8liter of cool water approximately 80 F 27 C in a sinkorpan Soak stained area for 5 minutes and launderin washer The Caseof the Invisible Stain Food or cooking oilson your synthetic garmentsmay cause stains which are virtually invisible and which you may notnotice as you put your clothes into the washer If these stains are not completely removed inthe wash th...
Страница 19: ...h warm water Bleach remaining stain with non chlorine bleach Fresh Fruit FruitJuices Wine Vegetables or Food Coloring Apply undiluted liquid detergent Launder Treat mildew spots while theyare fresh before mold has a chance to weaken fabric If ither typestain remains bleach according to Stain RemovalHint m opposite page launder Severescorch cannot beremoved Spongewith warm water Apply undiluted Liq...
Страница 20: ...ith correctwater level Toomuch bleach Use correctamount of bleach ai ording to package directions Not enough detergent to hold lint in suspension during wash cycle Increase amount of detergent Seepage 15 Incorrectuse offabric softener If used in wash cycle softeners may react with detergent to create awhite deposit Use softenersin rinsecycle only unless package specifies adding to wash cycle Seepa...
Страница 21: ... use twice the recommended amount of detergent Use of soapin hard water Switch to a phosphate detergent or follow six steps described above Washing too long may result in increased soil deposition Use shorterwash times for smaller loads Detergent dissolves too slowly Detergent must be present in the wash solution at the startof agitation Seepage 15 To restore grayed clothes followoneof these proce...
Страница 22: ...asher use a plastic container Improper useof fabricsoftener Never pour fabric softener directly on clothes alwaysdilute before adding to rinsewater To removestains dampen stainedarea and rub with undiluted liquid detergent Re wash using chlorinebleach if safe forfabric Some fabrics will shrinkwhether washed in a washer or by hand othersmay be safely washed but will shrink in a dryer Follow Garment...
Страница 23: ...er Properuse will minimize wrinkling I bremovew r i n k l e s Retumble on Permanent Press setting Rerinse anddryon PermanentPress setting If unsuccessful retumbleonhigh heatfor 10 12 minutes and hang immediately Iron carefully Send to dry cleaners forpressing Some wrinklesmay remain which cannot be removed Pins on garmentsorsharpobjects left in pockets Check to make sureall such objects areremoved...
Страница 24: ...by age sunor atmosphere Thisis inevitable and is not caused bywasher Slowprocessby washingon Rrm Press KnitsCycle Gentle Speed Toolarge loads or toolittlewater Load washer only with number of itemsthat will movefreely Selectoomctwater level pretreatwith liquid detergent Makesurecord isplugged into outlet Makesurebothhot and cold faucets areturned on Makesurecontrolsareset andcycleselectorknobispul...
Страница 25: ...ps and the spin brake insidethetransmission locksin Thissound is normal Heavily unbalanced loads can causethe washertovibrateexcessively duringspin andmay cause itt omove fromitsoriginalposition Inextremecases usuallyoccurs when washinga single heavyitemorasmallloadwhen waterlevel isset higher than necessary the spin basketmay strike the outert u b creatingaloud butharmlessnoise Tocorrect open the...
Страница 26: ...ed Notools are needed simply grasp agitator with both hands and pull straight up sharply The slotted section at the top of the metal shaft has a light coating of lubricant to prevent parts sticking together If this area appearsto be dry applya light coat of grease or petroleumjelly around the slotted section ofthe shaft before replacing the agitator Do not overgrease When replacing the agitator ca...
Страница 27: ...fter your warranty expires Pur chase aGE contract while your war ranty is still in effectand you ll receive a substantialdiscount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service attoday s prices TelecommunicationDevice forthe Deaf P mandAccessories 800 626 2002 Individualsqualified to servicetheir own appliancescan haveneeded parts or accessoriessentdirectlyto their home free of shi...
Страница 28: ...ellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY HCKPOINTFACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSrOMER CARE SERVICE SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC WHAT mmm Servicetripsto your home to teach you how to use the product Readyour UseandCan matewial Ifyou then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office a...