GE WWA8620M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA8620M

Страница 1: ...g Guide 6 7 Sorting 4 9 CycleSettings 5 Stains 16 Detergents Other Additives 11 15 Stain RemovalGuide 17 Energy SavingTips 5 Storage VacationTips 22 Filter Flo Pan 4 10 22 User Maintenance Instructions 22 Hard Water 14 Warranty Back Cover Limestone Deposits 12 22 Loading the Washer 4 10 Modeland Serial Numbers 2 GEAmwerC Me Operating Instructions 4 5 88a62 280 Model WWM620M ...

Страница 2: ...odelNumber serial Nllmber Usetl esc numbersinany correspondence orservicecalls co cerning yourwasher ToobtainaSpanish language versionofthisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Para obtenerlaversionen espafiolde estemanual name a GE AnswerCenter serviciodeinformacibn para el consumidor telifono 800 626 2000 FOR YOUR SAFEW EYOU Need Setiee Toobtainservice seethe Consumer...

Страница 3: ...r pacMng materials properly Beforetiscardhg awasher9 or removing fromservice remove thewasherlid Keep aulaundryaids suchas detergents bleaches fabricsofteners etc outofthereachofchildren preferably inalockedcabinet Observe allwarnings oncontainerlabelsto avoidpersonalinjury Keeptheareaaroundand underneathyourappliances free fromtheaccumulation ofcornbustible materials suchaslint paper rags chemica...

Страница 4: ...r laundryadditives N E DonotusetheFilter Flo panasa washbasket Donotput anyitemstobewashedinthe Filter Flopan Seepage8 forinformation on howtouseBleachDispenser For informationonbleachesandfabric softeners seepage15 Closethelid Washerwillfill butnotagitateor spinwiththelid open setting the contro s UsetheControlsSettingGuideon pages6 and7 tohelpyoumakethe properse ections SelectWash Spin Speed Sel...

Страница 5: ...HSAW soakcycie Usewith mostsoakingaidsto Ioosenembeddedsoilsandstains on Yourwasher temperatures Etim cleancye es with Aub Etira Mme ap roximately90 F o1lO F or hand comfortable If you notice that soilhas accumulatedafter severalconsecutivewashings use Hot Washoccasionally if safe for fabrics Formodernfabricswithheavyor oilysoil A secondrinseisprovided tohelpremovetheadditional detergentthatisrequ...

Страница 6: ...nitsSetting entle Narm Permanent Press and Knits Cycles Knits Setting lentle Warm Permanent Press and Knits Cycles Gentle Warm Permanent Press and Knits Cycles P Press Setting BabyClothes Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Normal or Light Soil Setting dependingon amount of soil Normal iot Regular Cycles Permanent Press and Knits C...

Страница 7: ...ith liquid detergent or paste made of water and granular detergent Close zippers Wash2 or 3 at a time or add towelsto balance GARMENT MUST BE TUMBLE DRIED Youmayprefer to use a mild type detergent Do babyclothes separately Pretreat spots Rinse diapers nightgowns pads and sheets after use Keepdiapers in a coveredpail of cold water and conditioningagent like Borateem brand Youmayprefer to use a mild...

Страница 8: ...spensed at the proper time Do not stop thewasherduring thefirstspin This will cause the dispenser to empty too soon DonotusetheFabricsoftener Dispenserwiththesoak Cyclee If the rinse dispenser gets clogged soak it in a solution of 1cup water and 1cup alcohol NOTE Do notusetheFiber Flopan as a wash basket Do not put any itemsto be washedin the Filter Flo pan Do not place detergentpackets in the Fil...

Страница 9: ...nynecessary mending rips hems tears Check all itemsfor areas of heavy soilor stain s Removestains For STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE 17 Turn PolyKnits inside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage soaking and Pre treating a good wayto lmsen deepsoils and stiins Athorough soakingwith detergent or specialsoakingagentis another wayto removeheavysoils embedded dirt and even some stains Soakingcanbe either a ...

Страница 10: ... IRavea d er If youare machine washing PermanentPress cIothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extra care to minimizewrin ing in the wash process Be carefulnotto overload washer PermanentPress clothes must haveampleroom to move freely A Medium sizePermanent Press load isthe largestthat should be washed Use more water than you would for a regularload Use a Medium WaterLevelfor a SmallLoad a...

Страница 11: ...icsand fabric blends well Are excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completely dissolveevenin cold water nsoftwater Disadvanhges Arenotavailablein someareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hard water Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnot beusedin coldwater Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas an ingredientmay causeharmful limestonedeposits on clothesand washerwhen combinedwith hard...

Страница 12: ...i e h Clotia The followingrecommendations will temporarily delay the effects of limestone on yourclothes These are generally good washing practices and will give better soil removalwhether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent Use hotter wash water for example up to 150 F for cottons This also improvesoily soil removal If you wash in cooler water to saveenergy use more detergentto ...

Страница 13: ...beforeloading clothes If youload your clothes first add detergentnextto the agitator If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergentin hot water then pour directly into the washbasket Recommended mountofdetergent for aver e SOti Ioad wafer veI etti I 1 Use recommended amount of I I Water I Extra I 1 I I Hardness Large Large Medium Small VERY I HARD 2 cups 1 cups 1 cups 1Mcups High S...

Страница 14: ... youhave HARDwater less than 10grains and youusephosphatedetergent youalso haveno problem But if youhavemore than 10 grains youwillneedtosofienyour waterwitheither 1 An installedwater sofienerin yourhome or 2 The use of a packagedwater sofiener Forinformation onwater softeners seeguidebelow Addtws muchWakrso ner tith a m water level Grains of hardness I o lo I lo 15 I 15 20 I 20 25 I 25 30 Iover 3...

Страница 15: ...tbe chlorine bleachedsuch as 100 cottonflame retardantchildren s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach beforeusingonanyfabric 3 Check Manufacturers Care Labels for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kindsof fabrics 2 Is most effectivein hot water 1 Helps makeclothes fluffi and soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Use carefully Toomuchmaycause shining on so...

Страница 16: ...8liter of cool water approximately 80 F C in a sinkor pan Soak stainedarea for 5 minutesand launder in washer The Case of the 6 1nvisibIe95 Stain Food or cookingoilson your syntheticgarmentsmaycause stains which are vitiually invisibleand which you maynot noticeas you put your clothesintothe washer If these stainsare not completely removedin the wash the oily spots maypick up dirt from the wash wa...

Страница 17: ...ains bleach according to Stain RemovalHint on opposite page launder Severescorch cannot be removed Fresh stains Place stain face downon an absorbent toweland sponge with dry cleaning fluid or use spray cleaner Apply undiluted liquid detergent Old stains bleach according to Stain RemovalHint on opposite page Pilintilnd Varnish 1 Soften with oil lard or Vaseline then sponge with turpentine or banana...

Страница 18: ...age spwifies adding towash cycle Use Fabric SofienerDispenser Seepage 8 Pillingusuallyon polyester cottonblends is causedby norm alwear and maylook like lint Turningclothes inside outmayprovidesome help Staticelectricity caused byoverdryingwillcause attraction Use fabric sofienerin rinsecycle Thesearesometimescalled InvisibleStains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washing clothes However ifoilysoi...

Страница 19: ...e white and center is yellow it containsbody oil Restorewhiteness followingprocedures on Grayed Clothes above Chlorinebleach mayyellowsomefabricswith resin finishes Use non chlorinebleach suchas Clorox 2 brand Referto Garment Manufacturers Care Instructions Restore olor using color remover suchasRitor Tintexbrands followpackagedirections Ironor manganese inwatermaycauseoverallyellowing or yellowsp...

Страница 20: at a time Do not combineloads bproper loads Avoid laundering heavyPermanent Pressitems suchaswork clothes withlighterPermanentPressitemssuchasshirtsor blouses Donotwash PermanentPressitemswithregularlaundry Toomanyclothesinwasher PermanentPressloadsshouldalways be smallerthan regularloads nomorethanmediumloadsto giveclothesroomtomovefreely Incorrectwash and dry cycles Use Permanent Press Washcy...

Страница 21: ...swithPermanent Press Remove collarstays whenpossible Roughness orburrsonagitatormaycauseripsor tears Checkagitatorandfilerough spotsifnecessary MaybecausedbyuseofNormalWash Spin Speedfordelicatearticles UseGentle Wash Spin Speed RefertoGarmentManufacturers CareLabels Garmenfiweakened byage sunor atmosphere Thisisinevitable andisnotcaused bywasher Slowprocessbywashing onGentleWash Spin Speed Toolar...

Страница 22: ...nd restart Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps suchasbetweenwashandspinor betweenspinandrinse If you need more help caII toll free GE hswer center 800 626 2000 Consumer information service USERMAINTENANCE msTRucTIoNs The tub Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelidopenafter washingto U 1OW moisture o evaporate Do notuseharshor grittycleansers The exterior Wipeoffanyspillsof washingcompounds Wipeo...

Страница 23: ...availableto help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answeredpromptlyand courteouslyAnd youcan callany time GEAnswerCenteP serviceis open 24 hours a day 7 daysa week Youcan havethe securefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there after yourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcon ct whileyourwar ranty is stillin effectand you llreceive a substantialdiscount With a multiple yearcontract you reassuredof fi...

Страница 24: ...ustomer Care servicersduring normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HC TPOINTFACTORYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE w T m COVERED eservice triPs to YourhOMetO teach you how to usethe product Read yourUse and Cam material If you then have any questions about opera...
