GE WWA8616M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA8616M

Страница 1: ...ain RemovalGuide 17 CycleSettings 5 Storage Vacation Tips 22 Detergents Other Additives 11 15 User Maintenance Instructions 22 Energy SavingTips 8 Warranty Back Cover Filter F1o Pan 4 8 10 Hard Water 14 Limestone Deposits 12 22 Loading the Washer 4 10 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 5 Pre Treating 7 9 15 GfA1 Swt r GM P Problem Solver 18 22 Mc dek WWM616M ...

Страница 2: ...erCenter 800 626 2000 consumer information service I raobtenerlaversibnen espaiiol deestemanual Hame a GEAnswerCenter serviciodeinformacibn paraelconsumidor tek fono 800 626 2000 I Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourwasher AHwashinginstructiontermsin thisbookconformtothe CareLabeling u e establishedbytheFederalTradeCommission January 9 4 Toobtainservice seethe Consume...

Страница 3: ...vith combtibleorq i e b Suchaswax pint gasoline degreasers dry ckaningsohents kerosene etc whichn3ay ignite orexplode Donotaddthesesubsticesto the washwater anddonotusethese substances aroundyourwasher and ordryerduringoperation produced bythechemicaiaction withinyourwaterkater andthe gmcanaccunmhtei nt ewater heaterandlorwaterpip if ot waterhasnotbeenusedfora periodoftwoweeksorlonger q se is ifth...

Страница 4: ...heFilter Flopanon the agitator Lintwillcollectinthepan foreasyremovalwhenthewashis fiilished N E Do notusetheFilter FIo SelectWashandRinse panasa washbasket Donotput Temperature y itemstobe washedinthe Filter Flopan Seepage15forinformation PushCycleSelectorknobin andturnclockwise toyourselected washsetting Closethelid Washerwillfillbut notagitateor spinwiththe lidopen aut maticajly providesNormal ...

Страница 5: ...s r m START Soak CYCk l o LIGHT SOIL NORMAL e e HEAVY F 8 Oe OF STAR Extrack m fcyck Formodernfabricswithheavyor oilysoil A secondrinseisprovided tohelpremovetheadditional detergent thatisrequiredfor thesesoils P ARTWanen press o LIGHT SOIL NORMAL a m OFF HEAVY START OFF PreWash Cycle o 8 OFF A To XTRA isE e o START GEU C pub 49 9766 49 9673 wwa 3616 pg 5 add NOTE the pre wash the extxa ckan cycle...

Страница 6: is recommended SetatStart Permanent PressCycle Warm RegularCycles Hot Normalor LightSoilSetting BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate SetatStart Permanent PressCycle Warm 5 min soakthenLightSoilSetting 5 min soakthenLightSoilSetting Blankets Wool Part Wool Cotton Blankets Synthetic Electric Curtains DO NCWMACHINE WASH F...

Страница 7: ...owelstobalance GARMENT MUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersinacovered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand Youmayprefertouseamildtypedetergent Dohand knit garments byhand Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketat atime Pretreatheavilyso...

Страница 8: ...theCycle SelectorKnobtocomplete the itemstobe washedintheFilter Flo pan Donotplacedetergentpackets cycle intheF ilter Flo pan Ifyourclothesandhouseholditems don tlookcleanandfreshafter washing youwillprobablyre wash them and thatmeansyou llwaste energy Rememberto sortyour clothescarefully andloadthem properly selectcorrectcycles use enoughdetergentandchuosea watertemperature warmenough to release ...

Страница 9: ...mending rips hems tears Check all itemsfor areas of heavy soilor stain e Remove stains ForSTAIN REMOIVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE17 Tkn PolyKnitsinside out to minimize fabricsurfacedamage SoakingandPre treating a goodwaytoloosendeepsoik3 andstains Athoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingcanbe eitheracompletely separatewashingst...

Страница 10: ...water levelforthe sizeofthe load See page4 Special for wa hing pr ss if you do niit hm e a dry If youare machine washing PermanentPress clothesthat you plantolinedryordrip dry use extracaretominimize wrinkling inthewashprocess Becarefi d nottooverload washer PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely AMediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould bewashed Usemorewaterthanyouwould f...

Страница 11: ...cs andfabric blendswell Areexcellent asconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Dk Mhan es Are notavailablein someareas Generally donotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficultto dissolve especiallyin cold water Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonate asaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwith...

Страница 12: ...and with phosphate w washing pl ltiees my delayIirnesbnedamage thdothes Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleup to 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveene...

Страница 13: ...ngcup Howtouse detergent graa ar orpowdered Adddetergentnextto the agitator after the clotheshavebeen loaded If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethedetergentin hot water then pour directly into thewashbasket ofdetergentforaverage soil bad WaterLevel Setting Water l larclmss Large Medium Small VERY HARD 2cups 1 cups 11 4 cups High Sudsing 10 20 Gr Powder Type HARD 4 10 Gr 1 cups 1 cups ...

Страница 14: ...ll abouthard water If youhave FIAR13 water less than 10grains and youusephosphatedetergent you alsohaveno problem But if youhavemore than 10 grains you will need to softenyour water with either 1 Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofapackaged water softener For informationon water softeners see guidebelow Add this water a fiwwater kvd Grainsof hardness o lo lo 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over...

Страница 15: ...tionand Guardsagainstinfection bykillingmostbacteriaand wchas Cloroxbrand contagious disease viruses SeeunderBleachabove IVATER SOIWEI 4ER Jon precipitating Follow package directions Suspends hardness minerals insolution keeping uchasCalgon brand Addatstartofwash cycle water clear precipitating suchas Follow package directions Combines withwater hardness minerals toformpreciphate lorax brand Usewi...

Страница 16: ...cup 60ml chlorine bleachwithonegallon 3 8liter of coolwater approximately80 F 27 C in a sinkorpan Soak stainedareafor5minutesand launderin washer TheCaseofthe visible Stain Foodor cookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash...

Страница 17: ...chlorine bleach FreshFruit FruitJuices Wine Vegetables or Food Coloring Grass Foliage Fiowers Mildew Scorch Removal Hintonoppositepage launder Sponge withwarmwater Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Bleachremaining stain withnon chlorine bleach thenlaunder Oldmildewstainscanseldomberemoved Scorchcanseldomberemoved Applyundilutedliquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasa ...

Страница 18: ...fieners mayreactwith detergenttocreatea whitedeposit Use softenersin rinse cycleonly unlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle Seepage 15 e p g usu y onpolyester cottonblendsis causedby norm wear md may IOOk like lint Tlwning clothes inside out mayprovidesomehelp es tic elect citycausedby over ying wfll cause at ction Use fabric softenerin rinse cycle Thesearesometimes called Invisible Stains becau...

Страница 19: ...standuseofinsufficient detergent Check hemofT shirtor pillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenterisyeilow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowing procedureson GrayedClothes above Chlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresiniinishes Useoxygen bleach suchasClorox2 brand RefertoGarmentManui cturer s CareInstructions Restore olorusingcolorremover suchasRitor Tintexbrands followpackagedirections Ironor ma...

Страница 20: ...s no more than medium loads to giveclothes room to movefreely comect wash d d cy s Use Pel manetit Press IJlashcyclewhich prbvidesa cooldownrinse to minimize wrinkling Also use l ermanentPress IXj cycle e ncomectwater level Use Large water Level forM iumLoad I fediumLevel for Small Load 1 e epea was g too hot water Washin cold or warm water with plenty of detergent Accumulation of lime scale due t...

Страница 21: ...y MaybecausedbytheuseofRegularCycle NormalSpeed fordelicatearticles Use PermPress KnitsCycle GentleSpeed RefertoGarmentManufacturer s Care Labels Garmentsweakenedbyage sunor atmosphere Thisisinevitable andisnotcaused bywasher SlowprocessbywashingonPermPress KnitsCycle GentleSpeed Toolargeloads or toolittlewater Loadwasheronlywithnumberofitemsthatwill movefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwith...

Страница 22: ...elidopenafier washingto allow moisutre to evaporate Donotuseharshor grittycleansers The exterior Wipeoffanyspillsof washingcompounds Wipeor dust withdampcloth Trynottohit surfacewithsharpobjects lbstore washer Askservicetechniciantoremove waterfromdrainpumpandhoses topreventfreezing Do not storethewasherwhereit wi libe exposedtotheweather WOE long vacations Besure watersupplyis shutoffat fiucets m...

Страница 23: ... contract while your war ranty is still in effect and you llreceive a substantial discount With a multiple year contractj you re assured of fiture service at today sprices Telecommunication Device fortheDeaf lkdviduds ifkd to SC MCf3their own appliancescan haveneeded parts or accessoriessent directlyto their home free of shippingcharge The GEparts systemprovidesaccess to over47 000parts and allGE ...

Страница 24: ...working hours Lookin the White or YellowPages of yourtelephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORY SERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Is Ncn Servi tripstoyour h meto teach you how to usethe product Readyour L and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our ...
